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The International Jew and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (P/B)

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Much is known about Henry Ford (1863-1947), one of the greatest industrialists of our times, and his ‘Model T’.

What is not so well known is that Ford devoted years of his life and a substantial part of his fortune to awakening the American people to the enemies of the nation. Ford had become convinced that there was an organized, dangerous, largely secret, and incredibly powerful menace to America, almost completely Jewish at its highest levels, and he was determined to do something about it. Thus, 1920 marked the beginning of the publication of Ford’s research series in The Dearborn Independent, the Ford Motor Company’s weekly magazine. These articles were eventually collected in book form under the title The International Jew. When first published, more than 10 million copies were sold in the United States  alone. It was translated into sixteen LANGUAGEs and distributed by the millions in Europe, South America and the Middle East, making it one of the greatest bestsellers of all time.

Yet today this book is almost impossible to find. You will not be able to buy it in your local bookstore, nor check it out at your local library. The truth is that in the so called “democratic, pluralist” America this book has been nakedly suppressed.

The International Jew is relevant to all of us, even if Henry Ford addressed this question to the Americans. Its insights into the roots of today’s political situation is astounding and prophetic. The International Jew and the Zionist movement have assumed gigantic proportions affecting the peace of the world.

The Introduction of Ibn Khaldoun


This introduction was considered as a separate book, taking a form of an encyclopedia, talking about a field of knowledge of legalization, history, geography, economy, social, politic and medicine.

The Islamic Awakening (H/B)


The Muslim Nation today is experiencing a blessed awakening in all aspects of its affairs, one that has been aroused by the efforts of Muslims throughout the globe. This is despite the onslaught of the disbelievers against Islam whether that be military or through their powerful media apparatus. In these often difficult times, we find many Muslims returning to their Din and embracing it with vigour and enthusiasm. However the astute observer will find that there are many problems that hinder its progress, problems that have caused some of the scholars to lay down some guidelines that the youth of this blessed awakening should adhere to and follow. It should also be noted that if the Islamic guidelines are not strictly adhered to, and the youth are left to be driven by their emotions alone, then surely this awakening will result in destroying more than it will build!

The Islamic Concept of Justice


The Islamic Concept of Justice By Umar Ahmed Kassir

Praise Due to Allah, We praise him, seek his Aid, and ask for his forgiveness. we seek refuge with Allah from the evil of ourselves and from the evil of our actions. Whomsoever Allah Guides, none can guide. Glory be to Allah, The One, The Self-Sufficient Master, For there is no deity but Allah. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah.

This book, on the Islamic Concept of Justice, consists essentially of a review and analysis of the basic evidence taken from the Quran and Sunnah on the subject. It seeks to show, in particular, the Quranic aspect of universal justice, which transcends the particular boundaries of any rigid framework that might otherwise have restricted the progress of humanity, as well as the concept of justice within Islam. It explains the fact that the Messengers and Prophets were sent to tech the principle of justice, among other things.

The Islamic Law of Succession (H/B)


Islam has given guidance to us in all aspects of life including the law of succession so that each eligible person gets the due share.

Although the distribution of inheritance is an important topic for everyone of us but books on this subject are scarcely found.

We are presenting this book to provide the readers a comprehensive overview of the whole subject according to the four main schools of jurisprudence. The text is in clear and unambiguous terms with highlighted points to understand the issues easily.

The Islamic Ruling on Music and Singing (P/B)


The legality of music and singing in the Islamic shari’ah (the divinely-revealed law) is an issue which is hotly debated among individuals and scholars in Islamic societies of our present day. Arriving at the correct view requires unbiased, scholarly research of the available literature which must be supported by authentic, decisive proof.

The Islamic Worldview, Ethics and Civilization: Issues in Contemporary Interdisciplinary Discourse (P/B)



Part 1: Worldview and Civilization

1. Culture and civilization: A review of concepts (Suleiman M. H. Boayo)

2. The question of development in Islam: Revitalising the role of worldview & civilizational vision (Abdelaziz Berghout)

3. Urbanization & resources sustainability: lessons from Maqasid al-shariah (Abubakr Imam Ali-Agan & Muhammad Bello Ibrahim)

4. Defining moderation & extremism in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah (Jamal Ahmed Badi)

5. The Islamic Worldview on the preservation and restoration of mental health (Abdul Latif Abdul Razak)

Part 2: Ethics and Religion

1. The role of religion in shaping moral character: Islamic & catholic perspectives (Fatmir Mehdi Shehu)

2. Media audience ethics in Islam and Christianity (Abdul Kabir Hussain Solihu)

3. Voluntarism: An Islamic Perspective (Kabuye Uthman Sulaiman)

4. Servant leadership in Islam (Abdul Raufu Ambali, Ahmad Naqiyuddin Bakar, Jasmine Ahmad & Zahra Tariq)

5. Islamic Perspective of suicide attack: concepts, causes and effects (Md. Yousuf Ali)

6. Euthanasia: An Islamic Perspective (Mohammad Manzoor Malik)

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The Journey of the Strangers (P/B)


In this age of materialism, consumerism and extreme liberalism, the Muslim often finds himself at a loss, at odds to the ebb and flow of society, and holding of values, divinely revealed, that contrast starkly with the values held by many around him . He or she is looked at askance, accused of being backward, non-conformist and refusing to integrate. In the face of peer pressure, the resolve of some may weaken, the result being a watering-down of one’s adherence to Islam and the values it calls to.

The Prophet warned us that a time would come in which Islam and the Muslims would be beheld as strangers, not just by non-Muslims but by many Muslims as well! He informed us that days were coming in which trying to keep hold of one’s religion would be like holding red hot coals, and he stressed the paramount importance of holding fast to Islam in its pristine purity during that time, stating that this, and only this, was the path to success in this life and the next.

This book is a compilation of two tracts which explain the hadith, ”Islam began as something strange and it will return to being strange just as it began, sotuba for the strangers! ”It is hoped that it will be a source of comfort and inspiration for the Muslim who is striving to follow Islam at a time when the Muslim could well feel alienated and alone in the world. The first is a treatise penned by the great Imam, Al-Ajurri (d.330H), a scholar known for his deep knowledge and piety, his quality being recognised by all. The second is a monograph written by the Imam, Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (d.795H), a scholar praised extensively for his vast knowledge, ascetism and expertise in the Hanbali school of thought. An introduction has been added from the words of Shatibi and an appendix from ibn Al-Qayyim’s monumental Madarij al-Salikin.

The Journey to Allah (P/B)

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Bukhari records on the authority of abu Hurayrah (raiyAllahu ?anhu) that the Prophet said, ?Your actions alone will not save any of you.? They asked, ?Messenger of Allah, not even you?? He replied, ?not even me, unless Allah were to envelop me in His mercy.

Be firm; steadfast and balanced; and journey [to Allah] in the beginning of the day, the end of the day, and a portion of the latter part of the night. Moderation, moderation! Through this you will attain your goal!?

He also recorded this hadith in another place with the wording, ?This religion is easy, none makes it hard upon himself except that it overwhelms him; therefore be firm, steadfast, and balanced; upon which have glad tidings! Seek help in this by journeying [to Allah] at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, and a portion of the latter part of the night.?

He also records on the authority of ?A?ishah (raiyAllahu ?anhu) that the Prophet said, ?be firm, steadfast, and balanced upon which have glad tidings for indeed actions alone will not cause one to enter Paradise.? They asked, ?Messenger of allah, not even you?? He replied, ?not even me, unless Allah were to envelop me in His forgiveness and mercy.?

He also records on her authority that the Prophet said, ?be firm, steadfast, and balanced: know that your actions alone will not be a cause for your entry into Paradise and that the most beloved actions to allah are those that are done continuously and persistently, even if they be few.?

These noble ahadith detail a great and important principle from which stem many issues related to the journey to Allah while wayfaring along His Path.

Some of the Salaf said, ?The Hereafter consists either of allah?s forgiveness or the Fire; and this world is either a source of allah?s protection or a source of destruction.? On his deathbed, Muhammad ibn Wasi bid farewell to his companions saying, ?Peace be upon you, either to the Fire or to the forgiveness of allah.?

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