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Ramadan Excellent Merits And Virtuous Deeds


Ramadan Excellent Merits and Virtuous Deeds by Darussalam is an important booklet written by Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yusuf. The book details all the virtuous deed that should be carried out in the holy month of Ramadan and is a good guide for people aiming to achieve the maximum benefits of this holy month. It explains how we should welcome Ramadan, matters related to Itekaf, the night prayer, giving charity, and searching for the Night of Decree.   

Ramadan Therapy


For every situation, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. has prescribed various Du’a that can be read throughout Ramadan and even after it, as a form of therapy. It is with hope and faith that positive changes can come out of this beloved month of Ramadan to those who seek it.

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Ranks of the Divine Seekers: A Parallel English-Arabic Text (2 Volumes)


Winner of the 2021 Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding (category: translation from Arabic into English)

Ranks of the Fearful (P/B)


Ranks of The Fearful by Shaykh Al Islam Muwaffaq Al Din Ibn Qudamah Al Maqdisi (Died 620 Hijri) Allah, the Most High, has praised those who possess the attribute of a heightened sense of fear Saying, “And such (are the believers) who are humbled by the fear of their Lord…” (Al Muminun, 57) And He also Said: “… fear Me alone, if you are believers.” (Ali’ Imran, 175) The element of fear exists within mankind in varying degrees. When the fear of Allah is established in the hearts, it eliminates wrongdoing and attachment to worldly desires. It is alight that navigates a person through sin and temptation, and when this fear is removed, it easily leads them astray – for surely true and praiseworthy fear is being vigilant from transgressing the limits of Allah. Yet when fear exceeds its proper boundary, it gives rise to hopelessness and despair, which is equally blameworthy. The attribute of fear therefore, is not the end goal itself, but a means towards a successful end. ‘Al-Khawf ‘ is from the smaller works of Imam Ibn Qudamah, who is better known for authoring major authoritative treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine. In this short book, he brings disquieting realities of fearing Allah in a unique perspective; elucidating some profound insight into the topic, its reality and merits, types and levels and cures that bring about fear. It also discusses causes that lead to a bad ending for people on this earth, while taking rooted examples from the lives of the fearful ones from among the Angels,Prophets and our righteous predecessors.

Rasul dan Risalah ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 4


Rasul Dan Risalah: menurut al-Qurán dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 4/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Di era kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan sekarang ini, banyak orang yang mengandalkan ilmu dan kemampuannya bahkan sampai menuhankan akal fikirannya. Mereka merasa tidak perlu lagi kepada ajaran dan petunjuk para nabi dan rasul, bahkan ada yang mengatakan bahawa rasul pun perlu dikritisi. Benarkah demikian? Mungkinkah manusia sampai kepada kebenaran hakiki dengan kemampuan akalnya. Jawabnya tentu tidak, sepandai apapun akal manusia tetap terbatas, ia tidak bisa mencapai kebenaran hakik kecuali dengan tuntunan wahyu yang dibawa oleh para rasul, ia tidak bisa mengetahui kebaikan dan keburukan secara benar dan mendetail tanpa petunjuk para rasul. Oleh karena itu, orang yang hanya mengandalkan akalnya saja tanpa memperdulikan petunjuk yang dibawa oleh para rasul akan tersesat jalan. Buku ini mengupas tuntas tentang nabi dan rasul serta ajaran mereka dengan rinci dan mendetail, baik yang berkaitan dengan definisi nabi dan rasul, perbedaan antara keduanya, urgensi diutusnya mereka, jumlah mereka, sifat-sifat dan tugas-tugas mereka. Oleh karena itu, buku ini pantas dimilikioleh setiap muslim yang ingin mengenal para rasul dan mengetahui ajaran mereka, dan juga siapa saja yang ingin mencari kebenaran.

Ratiocination In Islamic Legal Theory


The book is all about rationality, logicism, coherency and to a large extent, the algorithm of predictability of Islamic law. Islamic law was never an illogical and haphazard law making process and will never be one.

The challenge lies within both Islamic and non Islamic communities focussing too much on the literature of fiqh (islamic jurisprudence) neglecting the dimensions of fatwa and qada’ (opinions by mufti and judgement by judge). Rationality and coherency tend to manifest more in those dimensions relative to academic writings of the jurists (fuqaha).The good thing about the book – i reckon – is that it is comparative to Common Law and Civil Law systems respectively. As much as you will be exposed to Islamic law making process, in the process, you will be equally exposed to UK Common Law (judge law) and the Civil Law of the Continent (jurist law).The not-so-good point about the book is that it is very technical and heavy loaded. I have put special effort however to make the book readable even to ordinary man. My word of comfort though is that, if you like rationalism, the book is perfect for you irrespective of your background.

I am extremely happy to be able to come back to look at my core competency which is Islamic legal theory. I really hope the book is a good contribution to both Islamic libraries and legal studies libraries of the world.

Rays of Truth : Poems on Islam


This collection of inspirational poems is written for young people. It is decorated with Islamic calligraphy and patterns in pastel colours.

Reach the Sweetness of Prayer (Tertib)

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In this book, you will find advice that will help you pray in a state of presence and connection.

A way that will help you rhyme with the universal symphony of devotion and connection to the Almighty that everything in the universe sings in unison.

The content of this book is based on talks and lectures that Shaykh Moutasem Al-Hameedy shared online over many years of his own quest to find meaning and depth in his prayer.

Read And Rise The Fun And Firm Way To Fluent Quran Recitation!


Read and Rise is the fun, fast and firm way to fluent Quran recitation. Is your child taking forever to finish the Qaida? Does your child find their current Qaida too boring? Do they get easily distracted during madrasah lessons or revision at home? If so, you re probably worried this experience will associate bad memories with their Quran learning, which might even lead to them not reciting the Quran often when they are older, and then they ll miss out on so much reward in this world and the hereafter, leaving you to feel frustrated, sad and regretful.

Read, Then Write Your Will


This book deals with the importance of having an Islamic will. Author Hisham Ibn Fahmi Ibn Moussa Al-Aref explains what a will is and how important it is in Islam.
Islam highly encourages, if not obligates, writing a will as soon as possible, since one does not know when Allah will take the Muslim’s soul back to Him. Many man-made laws also recognize the importance of a will and the difficulties that the absence of one can cause. The will can include both financial and religious matters and can be a document for reference and application without disputes.

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