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Ibn Yunus – The Father of Astronomy (The Muslim Scientists Series)


The Muslim Scientists series introduces children to great scientist, scholars & adventurers from the Golden Age of Islam.

Ibn Al Baitar was an amazing man, he discovered over 300 plants that could be turned into medicine.

He is so respected in his field they called him “Doctor of Natural Medicine”.

Full Colour

24 pages


Ibrahim A Nation in One Man (P/B)


Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was known to be the friend of Allah. There was a reason why this was true. His Love for the Lord was unparalleled and so were his trials.However, through his life history one can learn a lot about life as well as the attributes of being a great human being. Includes the Life and times of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), explained in detail by the author. Every story of the prophet is linked to a moralistic and educational value. All stories provided in the book are authentic; they are taken from the Quran and the authentic Sunnah. Each story is supported by further research and commentaries from Muslim Scholars. The language level is easy to understand and it targets the students of Elementary school. Although everyone else is free to read it. The prophets were all Allah’s messengers, and they were the perfect example of what had to be offered in order to maximize the message of Allah. So why not learn from them, and make our world a better place?

Ideal Muslim Society


From the translator, Nasiruddin al-Khattab: In a world plagued with wars, racism, political turmoil, economic downturns and social anguish, many people are looking for an alternative in which justice, freedom, decency and common sense will prevail. Such societies have existed in the past, in the golden eras of Islamic civilization, and we have the hope that, if Allah wills, such a society may appear again. In The Ideal Muslim Society, Dr. Muhammad ‘Ali al-Hashimi gives us a detailed picture of what this society would look like. Drawing on his extensive research of Islamic history and contrasting the ideal with the sorry state of affairs in human societies today, he explores the religious, political, economic, social and other facets of this ideal society, illustrating everything from the responsibilities of those in authority to the interactions between individuals on the humblest levels. For those who are longing to see a better world, this book offers practical ideas and hope.

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Ifta’ & Fatwa In the Muslim World and the West


During the formative classical period of Islamic jurisprudence, well-known scholars possessed not only the intellectual skills required for analytic reasoning but also a broad general knowledge of the fields relevant to the cultural contexts in which they issued their edicts. A viable fatwa requires knowledge of the Shariah as well as local customs, cultural realities, individual and communal implications, and related matters. The original juristic tradition was formulated and fixed during the first three Islamic centuries, a time of widespread sociopolitical turmoil. Of course, the jurists’ legal outlooks and thinking processes could not have escaped this reality. While Muslims of the prophetic and r shid n periods adhered closely to the authentic texts due to their sincerity, piety, prophetic training, and proximity to the revelation, the changing environment in which their descendants functioned gradually started to impact how the authentic texts were understood, interpreted, paraphrased, and implemented. Both the Muslim and the non-Muslim worlds have drastically changed since that time. The new geopolitical and scientific realities of our rapidly changing world demand a fresh look at some aspects of the established juristic tradition. The way forward involves a systematic fresh look at and reevaluation of the old fatwas, as well as the issuance of new ones with a maq sid outlook that can deal successfully with today s ever-changing global realities. In this edited volume, papers on fatwa and ift point to an approach that is both rooted in the Islamic legacy and committed to meeting the challenges of the modern world.

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Image of the Prophet Muhammad in the West: A Study of Muir, Margoliouth and Watt


This is an outline of the main contours of Wstern scholarshop on the life and achievements of the Prophet Muhammad. It aim to highlight a perceived lack of objectivity and to focus on the need to study Islam from a scholarly and objective angle.

Imam Bukhari – Imam Al-Muhadditheen (IIPH)


This book, authored by Luqman Nagy, introduces the reader to the life and times of Muhammad ibn Ismâ‘eel, the greatest of all Hadith scholars. In later life, he became known as Imam Bukhari. This Muslim spent his entire life in the service of his Lord and the Muslim community. His gift to the Ummah (nation) was the collection of hadiths in Saheeh al-Bukhâri, which Muslims cherish and read with confidence today. The story behind this remarkable achievement is certainly one worth telling and worth knowing.

Iman Kepada Allah ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 1

4.3 ★
4.3 ★
3 Ratings
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Iman Kepada Allah: menurut al-Qurán dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 1/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Iman kepada Allah merupakan salah satu pilar utama rukun iman dan juga menjadi pijakan bagi seluruh jenis ritual ibadah lainnya. Ketaatan dan ibadah apapun tak akan diterima oleh Allah bila tidak dilandasi aqidah ini.

Important Lessons for Muslim Women (H/B)


Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim, male or female. The type of knowledge that each individual must learn varies according to the needs.

Women also need knowledge to fulfil their duties in accordance with the teachings of Islam, but they find it difficult to seek the knowledge because of moral conditions and modesty restrictions.

This book is published for the same purpose of providing knowledge to women as regards matters of faith, acts of worship, details about purification, problems of marriage and divorce, and other important issues that relate to women.

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