Although it is incorrect to call this surah “the Heart of the Quran,” its primary themes revolve around the Qur’an and those whose hearts are continually negligent of its messages. It contains lessons and consequences of heedlessness from history and nature; stories to warn the stubborn and the blind; clarifications regarding the Oneness of Allah and the unique Prophethood of Muhammad SAW; the inevitability of retribution on the Day of Judgement; the absolute dominance of Allah SWT over everything.
Interwoven throughout this surah are strong arguments involving various themes such as condemnation, blame, and disapproval. It also contains warnings presented repeatedly in an unrelenting forceful manner to shake the readers’ heedless hearts. Eminently, even those who accepted the truth, even a minuscule amount in their empty hearts, would not remain unmoved. It is an in-depth understanding of the said chapter, drawn from several prominent classical and contemporary Quranic commentaries.
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