Weight | 0.40 kg |
Dimensions | 20.00 × 13.5 × 1.7 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9780060859510 |
Pages | 266 |
Publisher | HarperOne |
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why
RM116.00 RM104.40
World-renowned biblical scholar Bart Ehrman reveals the truth behind the many mistakes and changes that can be found throughout the Bible, including the following: The King James Bible was based on inferior manuscripts that in many cases do not accurately represent the meaning of the original text.
The favorite story of Jesus forgiving the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11) does not belong in the Bible. • Scribal errors were so common in antiquity that the author of the Book of Revelation threatened damnation to anyone who “adds to or” takes away” words from the text.
Praise for Misquoting Jesus
“Chrman’s absorbing story, fresh and lively prose, and seasoned insights into the challenges of recreating the tests of the New Testament ensure that readers might never read the gospels or Paul’s letters the same way again.”-Publishers Weekly (starred review)
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Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why
World-renowned biblical scholar Bart Ehrman reveals the truth behind the many mistakes and changes that can be found throughout the Bible, including the following: The King James Bible was based on inferior manuscripts that in many cases do not accurately represent the meaning of the original text.
The favorite story of Jesus forgiving the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11) does not belong in the Bible. • Scribal errors were so common in antiquity that the author of the Book of Revelation threatened damnation to anyone who “adds to or” takes away” words from the text.
Praise for Misquoting Jesus
“Chrman’s absorbing story, fresh and lively prose, and seasoned insights into the challenges of recreating the tests of the New Testament ensure that readers might never read the gospels or Paul’s letters the same way again.”-Publishers Weekly (starred review)
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