Weight | 0.23 kg |
Product Type | Book |
Author | |
Publisher | Al-Kitaab & as-Sunnah Publishing |
Pages | 109 |
ISBN | 9781891229084 |
Knowing Allaah’s Prophets and Messengers (P/B) (Eeman Made Easy Series)
RM45.00 RM40.50
This is a simplified series of books dealing with the fundamental Islaamic beliefs. The material is well-founded on authentic proofs from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. The books are written in easy language, making them accessible to individuals with limited vocabulary.
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Knowing Allaah’s Prophets and Messengers (P/B) (Eeman Made Easy Series)
This is a simplified series of books dealing with the fundamental Islaamic beliefs. The material is well-founded on authentic proofs from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. The books are written in easy language, making them accessible to individuals with limited vocabulary.
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