Weight | .900 kg |
Dimensions | 17 × 12.5 × 5.2 cm |
Author | Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-din al-Hilali |
Pages | 1183 |
Product Type | Book |
Publisher | Darussalam |

Interpretation Of The Meanings Of The Noble Qur’An In The English Language (A6) (17X12cm)
RM80.00 RM68.00
Interpretation of the Meanings of The Noble Qur’an in the English Language
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Interpretation of the Meanings of The Noble Qur'an (Full Page Arabic/English)
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New type of Noble Quran with Arabic Mushaf Uthmani 15 lines/page print on the right side and English translation on the left side of every page. It also includes tafsir footnotes on the bottom of the English page.
Interpretation of the meanings of The Noble Quran with Arabic text in the modern English language.
The Magnificence of the Qur’an is a book that relates to us the countless miracles and benefits of the Holy Book of Islam. It expands on numerous aspects of the Quran, all of which point to its magnificence, as signified by the apt title. The author discusses everything from the methodology of studying the Qur’an to its characteristics, qualities and the manners with which one should approach it. It is much like a user’s manual that opens up a world of knowledge and facts about the Qur’an. For all audiences, this book is an invaluable companion to the Qur’an and one which serves to remind us of its eminence and its superiority to all other books. By discussing a series of seemingly miscellaneous topics, the author manages to create a whole picture of the Qur’an which surpasses any other guide of this academic nature.
The Easy Qur’an (Revised Edition)
The Meaning of The Holy Qur’an -Pocket Size (P/B) (IBT)
This very handy pocket-sized edition contains the complete meaning of the Holy Qur’an, without the Arabic text and the commentaries. Weighing just under 170 grammes, sized 9.5 cm X 13 cm and with a thickness of 1.5cm, it is intended as a handy travel companion as well as a gift to friends and colleagues.
The Noble Quran Word-By-Word Translation & Color Coded Tajweed B5 Size (Arabic-English)
Al-Quran Al-Kareem is a translation learning method of word-by-word Al-Quran with every word and sentence is colored differently, in Arabic and English.
Every word in the Quran was translated literally so that the reader could understand the meaning of every single word. It needs to be remembered that not all literal translation represents the exact meaning of the word since the Quran uses varied Arabic language style and sometimes metaphor.
Accordingly, to understand the full or intended meaning of the word or the verse, Muhsin Khan’s the Holy Quran Translation had been included in this edition. However, to comprehend more of the meaning of the Quran, reading the commentary of the Quran from trusted scholars would be necessary.
Approved by the Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) and Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN).
● Rasm Uthmani script in English
● Word-by-word translation Arabic-English
● Color coded tajweed
● Thematic Index
Al-Quran Al-Karim Al-Hafiz
Anda yang tercari-cari cara cepat dan mudah menghafal al-Quran, al-Quran al-Hafiz adalah jawapannya. Al-Quran terbaharu terbitan Karya Bestari, disusun berdasarkan pengalaman para penghafal al-Quran. Tampil menggunakan tiga blok warna di dalam setiap halaman, setiap blok mampu dihafal selama satu jam. Hanya tiga jam masa diperlukan menghafal satu halaman al-Quran kerana setiap ayat yang dihafal dibantu dengan panduan kotak muraja’ah (diulang-ulang).
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About the Author: Dr. Philips was born in 1947 in Jamaica, but grew up in Canada, where he converted to Islam in 1972. He completed a diploma in Arabic language and a B.A. degree in 1979 from the College of Islamic Disciplines at the Islamic University of Madinah, an Islamic university in Saudi Arabia. At the University of Riyadh College of Education he completed his M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985, and in 1994 he completed his Ph.D in Islamic Theology in the department of Islamic studies at the University of Wales. He later taught Islamic education and Arabic language in private schools in Riyadh for over ten years. Because of his opposition to Saudi Arabia’s position in the Gulf War, he had to leave the country and for three years he lectured M.Ed. students in the Islamic Studies department of Shariff Kabunsuan College (SKC) in Cotabato City, Mindanao, the Philippines. Islamic Information Center Since 1994, he has founded and directed the Islamic Information Center (which is now known as Discover Islam) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and is known as a prolific speaker and author on topics relating to Islam, including audio lectures and books. Presently, he is a lecturer of Arabic language and Islamic Studies at the American University in Dubai and ‘Ajman University in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. He frequently appears at the Islamic Research Foundation in Mumbai, India, on lecture tours. He has also founded the Distance Learning Program called Islamic Online University, which offers a four year degree in Islamic Studies plus a variety of short courses. Dr. Philips is something of a pioneer as a person of Western origin achieving the status of a scholar of Islam inside the tradition.
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Tafseer Soorah Al-Hujurat (H/B)
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Dr. Bilal Philips has based his tafseer (exegesis) on the methodology used in the classical works of tafseer. He has relied first of all on the explanations found within the Qur’an itself, then on explanations found in the Sunnah and related incidents which occurred at the time of the revelation of the verses in question. Beyond these primary sources, Dr. Philips has relied on the interpretations made by the Prophet’s Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) who were noted for their ability to interpret and comment on the Qur’an. ‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Abbâs, for example, was called ‘The interpreter of the Qur’an’ by Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Finally, the author has made use of the grammatical explanations given in the classical tafseer works. Wherever possible, Dr. Philips has tried to apply the derived meanings of the verses to the problems of contemporary society.
Divine Speech
The Quran, the sacred scripture of Islam, is revered as the spoken word of God by approximately one-fifth of the world’s population. Since its inception, the power of the Quran has derived not only from its message, but also from the inimitable literary style and rhetorical impact that the Arabic scripture has on its audiences. Divine Speech: Exploring the Quran as Literature attempts to make some of the most recent Arabic and European-language scholarship on its literary features accessible to a wider, English-speaking audience. These features include its language and word choice, its use of figures of speech and other rhetorical devices, its manner of narrating parables and stories, and the structure, coherence, and the order of its “chapters”-aspects that typically remain mysterious to readers of English translations of the text. Divine Speech furnishes its readers with a better appreciation of the Quran from a literary perspective, and in the process stimulates interest in, and provides tools and resources for, further study of the scripture.
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