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Dialogue is the girdle of the intelligent and the habit of the wise. Dialogue has the greatest influence on humans during interactions and is the loftiest method of enlightenment and preaching. Dialogue is like engraving; it engraves on the souls and leaves lasting impressions on the character of the audience.
After the advent of prophethood, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhe Wassalam)stayed in Makkah for thirteen years without engaging in physical combat with the non-believers, he did not raise a spear nor unsheathe a sword. He was persistently dialoguing with the people of Makkah for thirteen years !
Dialogue was a well established signpost, clearly seen at every stage of the life of the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhe Wassalam) and at the different points of his call. The most beloved speech to the people and endearing to their hearts, the most easily accepted by them is that which comes in the form of a conversation in which the listener, the addressee, contributes in speech with his tongue and reasoning while employing his intellect.
Secrets Of Dialogue and Persuasion : The Loftiest Dialogues and Most Powerful Methods Of Persuasion From The Life Of The Best Men صلى الله عليه وسلم is a study of the dialogues of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhe Wassalam) while inviting to the path of Allah SWT.
Diese bahnbrechende Forschung eines muslimischen Experten (der christlichen Bibel) soll Muslimen und
Questa ricerca innovativa di un esperto studioso musulmano (délia Bibbia cristiana) mira ad aiutare i musulmani e i cristiani a comprendere la loro fede rispondendo a moite domande teologiche, amare verità, non dette e non rivelate, relative al cristianesimo, alla divinità di Gesü e alie Bibbie.
This book is the result of the author’s personal experiences and observation of the issues concerning muslim women of today. From the influences of society and culture, to the lack of understanding toward obligations and rights, women in general are under pressure to “look good.”
Cette recherche révolutionnaire menée par un expert musulman (de la Bible chrétienne) vise à aider les musulmans et les chrétiens à comprendre leur foi en répondant à de nombreuses questions théologiques, des vérités amères, inédites et non révélées, liées au christianisme, à la divinité de Jésus et aux Bibles.
John Fontain was raised as a ChrisƟan but always believed in the
concept of One God. In 2006 he started looking into Islam aŌer
coming in to contact with Muslims in West Africa. AŌer studying
the religion he finally embraced Islam in 2008, in Cairo, Egypt. Since
then he has been acƟvely involved in Da’wah work (inviƟng people
to Islam). John also runs his own charity organisaƟon “Volunteer
Sierra Leone” which helps support over 65 Muslim schools throughout Sierra Leone. AŌer researching extensively some of the oldest
scriptures of the Bible he discovered some key points that will
ulƟmately change the way Muslims and ChrisƟans view Jesus and
his Message. All of these points and more will be discussed further
in the book “Jesus & the Injeel…the Untold Story.
A complete, comprehensive book covering almost every aspect related to prayer (Salah) according to the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S). It is a must for every Muslim to learn and educate themselves about this basic and most important pillar of Islam that everyone is required to do 5 times every day.
Main chapters of this book: | |
Salah (or prayer, plural: Salawaat) has an exalted status in Islam that is unrivaled by any other act of worship. Salah is the Pillar of Islam, on which the religion is firmly established. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “The head of the matter (religion) is Islam, its pillar is the prayer and its highest peak is Jihad for Allah’s cause” Tirmidhi, Hadith 2616.
Salah constitutes the physical, mental and spiritual submission to Allah which starts by pronouncing “Allah is Great” and ends with the Salam (salutation of peace). It is the concrete proof of our submission to Allah. It fulfils our very purpose of creation. Allah makes it very clear in the Glorious Qur’an that the very purpose for which He has created us is to worship Him throughout our lives. He tells us: “And I have created not the jinn and men except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask that they should feed Me.” Adh-Dhariyat Surah 51, V.56-57
“So glorify the praises of your Rabb (Lord) and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him). And worship your Rabb (Lord) until there comes unto you the Hour that is certain.” Al-Hijr Surah 15, V98-99
Salah is an obligation to be fulfilled throughout one’s life and must be established even in times of fear. Allah said: “Guard strictly (the five obligatory) Salawaat, especially the middle Salah (‘Asr). And stand before Allah with submission and do not speak to others during the Salah. And if you fear (an enemy), perform Salah on foot or riding. And when you are safe, perform Salah in the manner He has taught you, which you knew not (before).” Al-Baqarah Surah 2, V.238-239
The Prophet said: “Order your children to be punctual in Salah when they attain the age of seven years and when they attain the age of ten years hit them for abandoning Salah and provide them with separate beds.” Abu Dau’d, Hadith 495
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