Weight | 0.155 kg |
Dimensions | 15.5 × 10.5 × 1.4 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Hardcover Velvet |
ISBN | 9789675699801 |
Pages | 207 |
Year of publication | 2022 |
Color | Blue, Brown, Maroon |
Publisher | Dakwah Corner Bookstore |
Fortress of the Muslim (Leather Edition & Medium Size)
This is an enlarged version of the widespread and well-known pocket sized book FORTRESS OF THE MUSLIM by SA’ID ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ.
An encyclopedia of authentic remembrances and Supplications that is needed by every Muslim on daily basis, this book is highly regarded and has achieved top recommendations from all eminent scholars across the Muslim world and has been translated into over 75 languages so far.
InshaAllah this special edition by Dakwah Corner Bookstore will be a great help for our elderlies, young children and also for those who prefer larger front size to benefit from this beautiful yet extremely important book.
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Fortress of the Muslim (Pocket Size)
A Pocket size version of the widespread and well-known book FORTRESS OF THE MUSLIM by SA’ID ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ.
An encyclopedia of authentic remembrances and Supplications that is needed by every Muslim on daily basis, this book is highly regarded and has achieved top recommendations from all eminent scholars across the Muslim world and has been translated into over 75 languages so far.
New and improved edition by Dakwah Corner Bookstore.
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An encyclopedia of authentic remembrances and Supplications that is needed by every Muslim on daily basis, this book is highly regarded and has achieved top recommendations from all eminent scholars across the Muslim world and has been translated into over 75 languages so far.
InshaAllah this special edition by Dakwah Corner Bookstore will be a great help for our elderlies, young children and also for those who prefer larger front size to benefit from this beautiful yet extremely important book.
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So the Book of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, begins with Du’aa and ends with it. The Du’aa, which is within Al-Faatihah, is the greatest of supplications hands down. (It contains) asking Allaah, the Blessed and High, for guidance to the straight path and that the servant avoids the paths of those who are astray and those upon whom is the Anger of Allaah. The last of the Book of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, contains the Du’aa of seeking refuge with Him, Glorified and Exalted be He, from the evil of the one who whispers and withdraws; the one who whispers into the hearts of mankind; from the Jinn as well as men, in order to make them deviate from the straight path of Allaah and the upright way.
Allaah informs us that Shaytaan says:
Then I will come to them from before them, and behind them, from their right and their left, and You will not find most of them as thankful ones (i.e., they will not be dutiful to You).[1]
So there is no firmness upon the straight path of Allaah, nor safety from the accursed Shaytaan-who calls mankind to deviation from the straight path-except by way of Du’aa and seeking refuge with Allaah, the Majestic and High; and a good manner of taking refuge with Him. This beginning and ending contain an indication of the importance of Du’aa from different perspectives; and the need of mankind for Du’aa to be firm upon the straight path of Allaah. When you reflect upon the other verses of the Qur’aan, you find the great status of Du’aa and lofty station of it within the Qur’aan.
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