(E-Book) The Modernist Menace to Islam

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Modernism is the religion of the colonizer. Modernism is the religion of the imperialists who bomb and occupy the Muslim world. Modernism is the religion of secularists subjugating Muslims around the world. Modernism is the religion of those who publish cartoons insulting the Prophet . Modernism is the religion of the governments that ban hijab and halal meat. Modernism is the religion of the anti-Muslim bigots who want to see Islam wiped off the face of the Earth. Modernism is the religion that is being forced onto Muslims, pressuring them to abondon Islam and the Islamic tradition. This book is a response to the Modernism menace.



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    faisal83344 (verified owner)

    This book is highly informative, and I would recommend to all young Muslims and parents who want to raise pious children. This book aims to direct Muslims to practice Sharia and be firm and unapologetic about the issues which clash with Modernity and Islam even after being surrounded by the status quo which enables all kind of fitnas.
    This book shows in detail the harm caused by the baatil Western ideologies of Nationalism, Liberalism, Secularism, Feminism, Homosexuality LGBTQ which have been pushed upon the Ummah by mainstream Compassionate Imams and Celebrity Social Media Scholars trying to mix these things with the deen in order to reform it. The liberal secular ideologies have corrupted our Ummah since the abolishment of the Khilafat and the making of nation state boundaries with the spread of democracy around the Muslim world. This divided the Muslim Ummah furthermore and failed to realize the problem with influence of Liberal Secularism had on our Ummah. Women have become less Feminine with the increase in women adopting Feminism and getting Secular Education having a mindset of becoming strong and independent which led them to delay marriage and only chase career. These women who when married would compete with their husband, disregard the husband’s authority over her, disregard Islamic gender roles, disregard earlier Islamic Scholars labelling them as patriarchal, misogynistic men and not caring for the nurturing of the child, always ranting about patriarchy and how its backwards. All these led to an increase in failed marriage cases, destruction of family, increase in divorce cases, single motherhood associated with deteriorating a child’s mental health. The men have become Emasculated and have less Gheerah which results unstable marriages and not wanting to take up the Islamic responsibility to provide and protect the family. All these are a result of submitting to the status quo of modernity and progressivism and regarding western baatil ideologies as something superior to the only truth Islam. The Feminism and LGBTQ lobby has gained more ground in almost all Secular Government funded schools and colleges indoctrinating young Muslims to rally for “My Body My Choice”, “Hijab is a Choice”, “LGBTQ should be given equal rights”, “Patriarchy is Evil” etc. Lastly these ideologies are so dangerous that they could lead our youth to go astray or ultimately become an Atheist. We Muslims should focus on raising children in an Islamic environment where they are surrounded with other like-minded Muslims. Teaching the children from very early about Islam, Islamic gender roles and responsibilities and a norm for early marriage should be ensured by us to make sure our children do not get involved in zina or mstrbtn once they hit puberty.
    All in all this book will blow your mind as to how less we were aware of all the problems around us. I am thankful to Ustadh Daniel Haqiqatjou, Umm Khalid and the entire Muslim Skeptic Team for making this possible and any thanking would just not be enough for the work you have done for the Ummah. May Allah reward you and your entire team Ameen. May Allah reward your family Ameen.
    Lastly I would thank Dakwah Corner Bookstore for publishing this E-Book and making it available to us for at an affordable amount. May Allah reward your entire team Ameen.

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    khaled0703 (verified owner)

    Great book. An eye opener about what is going on in the world around us today. May Allah bless Daniel Haqiqatjou for his hard work.

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