(E-Book) Commentary on the Forty Hadith of Imam Al-Nawawi (DCB)


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The fully revised edition is now available!
Commentary on the Forty Hadith of Imam Al-Nawawi Timeless Prophetic Gems of Guidance and Wisdom.


The collection of the Forty Ahadith by Al-Imam Al-Nawawi has been known, accepted, and appreciated by Muslim scholars over the last seven centuries. Its significance lay in the fact that these selected forty-two Ahadith constitute Islam’s most essential and fundamental concepts. And these prophetic gems also reflect the minimum level of knowledge needed for each and every Muslim. This work provides the reader with a simple and practical exegesis of each Hadith through the Qur’an, other Ahadith, and commentary of various classical scholars. This work also presents discussions on many contemporary issues: connecting the Prophetic advices relatable to real-life situations and practical implications in current times. This commentary aims to lead oneself to better understand and practice these indispensable Ahadith in their lives.

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1 Item RM68.00
1 Add-Ons RM85.00
Total RM153.00

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