Eksklusif Wanita bersaiz A5 yang mempunyai designnya yang cantik, kemas dan eksklusif untuk wanita.
Cirinya yang bertagging membantu pembaca bersemangat membaca Al-Quran, dilengkapi terjemahan dan tajwid dengan muka surat warna pelangi. 🌈
Setiap juzuk dalam satu warna yang sesuai sebagai kegunaan harian juga cantik sebagai naskah hadiah 🎁
Al-Quran istimewa ini adalah mempunyai ciri-ciri ‘tagging’ yang lengkap untuk setiap juzuk, terjemahan dan juga kisah disebalik penurunan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran.
3 keistimewaan Al-Quran ini:
~199 tags bercetak pada ayat-ayat penting, doa-doa & kisah para Nabi. Termasuk 30 juzuk.
~Muka surat berwarna per juzuk. Menarik minat untuk selalu baca quran. Tag 30 Juzuk
~Kod warna untuk tajwid dan tanda waqaf. Mudah nak baca quran dengan tajwid yang betul.
…dan paling penting, Quran ini telah disemak dan diluluskan KDN.
Nota: Warna mungkin sedikit berbeza disebabkan pencahayaan.
Weight | 1.100 kg |
Dimensions | 24 × 17.5 × 3 cm |
Tags | 199 |
Publisher | Maghfirah |
Translation | Bahasa Melayu |
Color | Gold, Purple, Pink, Turquoise |
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A modern-phrased interpretation in English (Arabic-English Parallel Edition)
This contemporary, authoritative translation interprets the Quran’s meaning for the English reader with unprecedented access to the Book that is the foundational source of Islam, its civilization and its peoples, who now comprise nearly one-fourth of humanity across the breadth of all the Earth’s continents and who form a crucial, contiguous community at the middle of the world.
Twenty years in the making, The Gracious Quran: A Modern-Phrased Interpretation of Its Meanings in English is both highly reliable and powerfully expressed. Where the Arabic of the Quran swells with important implication, that intent is conveyed in this rendering with a light hand in unobtrusive brackets, every effort having been expended to make its reading August, clear, accessible, and consistent while at the same time free of poetic pretension, philosophical complication, and lifeless literalisms. Its graceful layout and design augment the profound simplicity of the Quran’s message and give some semblance of resonance to its almost hypnotic power of literary expression.
The interpretation of The Gracious Quran is thoroughly guided by wide and deep experience with the civilizations of both luminous Islam and the enlightened west, while not unmindful of the light that infuses the world’s brilliant traditions. Fully four decades of scholarly expertise in Quranic studies and related disciplines are in its service, and the latest advances in the art of translation conspicuously benefit it.
About the translator:
Dr. Ahmad Zaki Hammad is an internationally known authority on Quran and Islamic Studies. He teaches Islamic Civilization and the Primary Disciplines of Quran Commentary, the Prophetic Traditions, and the Principles of Islamic Law at the foremost center of Islamic and Arabic learning in the Muslim world, AL-Azhar University (Faculty of Languages and Translations, Department of English). He is also a member of the Faculty of Shari’ah, Department of Juristic Studies.
He received his early Islamic and Arabic training at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, and was awarded the graduate degree of Alamiyyah from the Faculty of Theology. He holds a Ph.D., in Islamic Studies from the University of Chicago and is the author of a study of translation of Abu Hamid al-Ghazalis’s Al-Mustasfa min Ilm al-Usul, The Quintessence of the Science of the Principles of Islamic Law; and also Islamic Law: Understanding Juristic Differences, a Primer on the Science of al-Khulaf al Fiqhi in Light of the Shariah Sources.
He lived for many years in the United States, where he founded and served in numerous national and community Islamic institutions for American Muslims.
This very handy pocket-sized edition contains the complete meaning of the Holy Qur’an, without the Arabic text and the commentaries. Weighing just under 170 grammes, sized 9.5 cm X 13 cm and with a thickness of 1.5cm, it is intended as a handy travel companion as well as a gift to friends and colleagues.
An immense wealth of profound understanding of the Qur’an is here, a vast treasure of knowledge and deep insight, and a valuable exposition of some social, political, economic, and legal teachings of the Qur’an.
Al-Quran Perkata Warna Al-Andalus ini adalah sebuah metod atau Panduan Belajar Terjemahan Perkata dengan kaedah diberi warna pada setiap patah perkataan ayat-ayat al-Quran di dalam Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Malaysia pula tepat dibawah tanpa khat tanpa dipisah atau dipotong pada khat dan tulisan Arabnya.
Dengan pengukuhan kata dan tiadanya dipisah khat itu maka ia dapat memberikan kelebihan dan ketenangan dalam membaca kalimah Arab yang lebih besar berbanding yang kebiasanya terpisah.
Ditambah pula dengan kandungan Asbabunnuzul, Hadis Sahih, Riyad al-Salihin, dan kosakata bahasa al-Quran yang disebut dengan Mu’jam (kamus), semakin menambah nilai produk ini.
Al-Quran Perkata ini dilulusan oleh Lajnah Tashih al-Quran, Kementrian Dalam Negeri Malaysia.
The Quran Arabic Text with English Meanings ” Saheeh International” Meaning and Notes by Noor International
Of all the existing translation and commentaries of the Qur’an in English, Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s version is perhaps the most popular and widely read. Its chaste English prose and scholarly notes and appendices, have made it a major landmark in the Qur’anic interpretations. It has enjoyed such authority that both scholars and students have widely used this as their reference ever since it was first published in 1934. This new edition, in modern English, printed on thin paper, comes in a new readable format, beautifully typeset in large font sizes both Arabic and English, with footnotes and commentaries.
Al-Quran istimewa yang bukan saja buatkan anda lebih bersemangat untuk membaca, bahkan membantu anda untuk menghayati setiap bait ayat didalamnya.
Dengan ciri-ciri ‘tagging’ yang lengkap untuk setiap juzuk, terjemahan dan juga kisah disebalik penurunan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran.
Ciri-ciri menarik Al-Quran Tagging Humaira
Nota: Warna mungkin sedikit berbeza disebabkan pencahayaan.
Interpretion of the meanings of The Noble Quran in the English Language.
The Message of the Qur’an is widely recognized as among the best English translations and commentaries of the Qur’an and comparable to the famous works of Pickthall, Yusuf Ali, and Daryabadi. Asad’s rendering is simple and straightforward. Although widely known as a proponent of conservative Islam, his translation departs from the traditional exegetic approaches and reflects his deep knowledge of Jewish and Christian scriptures. This edition boasts of a comprehensive index and uses the standard Uthmani Qur’anic script.
Translation: meanings of the Quranic versus are translated into English and placed on the margins around the Arabic text.
Transliteration: Arabic letters are presented by English letters with added symbols in order to give the same sound of Arabic letters.
English transliteration makes it easier for the speakers of the English language to read the Tajweed Quran in Arabic pronunciation using the English alphabet letters.
Considering that this Part contains small suras; it is a perfect start for kids, beginners and students.
This Amma Part comes in the standard portrait form, with a nice glossy soft cover. Each page contains 15 lines as any standard Quran.
Meanings tranlated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Alla (sw) ordered us in his holy book to recite the Quran with Tajweed … “Quran recitation modulating”. System of Tajweed serves as a guide for improving the recitation of Quranic style. It was in this way that the Qur’an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as the manner in which he recited it. Therefore, the readers of the Quran are eager to realize the promise of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): “whoever recites the Quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet – Al lauh Al Mahfuz”.
Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy Quran. This enabled us to classify these letters into three possible categories to enhance the reader’s knowledge and remembering of Tajweed rules:
– The letters which requires expanded vocalization. We used red color to highlight these letters.
– The letters which are nasalized these letters are green in color.
– The dark blue color indicates the emphasis of the letter (R), the blue color indicates the unrest letters-echoing sound- (qualquala)
– While the letters which are written but are not vocalized. These letters are gray in color.
The reader will get used to reciting the Quran by using colors very easily. By engaging the eye, the reader will find him/herself applying 24 rules of Tajweed with ease and precision while his/her mind is left un-enganged to comprehend and understand the meaning of the holy Quran. For more details click here
This Tajweed Quran is in Hafs narration.
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