Sharia, Fiqh and Jurisprudence

Sharia, Fiqh and Jurisprudence

(Showing 133 – 144 products of 159 products)


The Music Made Me Do It (H/B)


By Dr. Gohar Mushtaq

Is the issue of music a controversial one in Islam? With the prevalence of computers and various electronic devices today, music and singing seem to be everywhere, and contemporary Muslims may be confused about their status in Islamic teachings. The Music Made Me Do It: An In-Depth Study of Music through Islam and Science examines this topic in light of authentic Islamic sources, in order to clarify the prohibitions and allowances regarding music and singing. In addition, the author describes the social, psychological and physical effects of music on individuals, citing well-documented contemporary research in the fields of medical and behavioural sciences.

The interweaving of the two perspectives makes this book a valuable asset for anyone interested in exploring this pertinent Islamic issue.

The Mut’ah Marriage is Forbidden in Islam (H/B) Pocket Size


A rumor has recently been circulated, inviting people to practice Mut‘ah marriage. The Mut‘ah marriage is not a permanent marriage. In other words, the Mut‘ah contract states the duration of marriage and stipulates that marriage will be valid for a specific period of time.

As an established fact, the Mut‘ah marriage is forbidden according to Muslim scholars of all generations. Only a few scholars keenly believe in its lawfulness.

The Nature of Fasting

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This book will help the reader better understand the fine points about fasting. What is the nature of the things that break the fast? What are the rules by which one can know the difference between what breaks the fast and what does not?

These question are more answered by Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his discussion of the Nature of Fasting.

Publishers Note All praise is due to Allah, and may He grant peace and blessings upon His Last Messenger Muhammad.

This is a translation one of the smaller publications from the works of Shaykh Al-Islam Taqiuddin Ahmad bin ‘Abdul-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah. It has been published in this form a variety of times with a number of minor additions to the text under the title, “Hagigatus-Siyam,” or, “The Nature of Fasting.” We have revised our version to meet the source section of Majmu’ AI-Fatawa (25:219) from where it appears that the original booklet – with the exception of the questions, of which most appear on earlier pages – has been taken. We have inserted brackets to signify the additions, which earlier publishers probably took from other sections of his writings. We have also added brief references to the text for the Hadiths. I would like to express gratitude to brother Ebrahim Aly Ma’rouf for the original translation of this booklet, and the Darussalam staff for their editing and layout work.

The Path of the Wayfarer (Minhaj Al-salikin)


Path of the Wayfarer, is the English translation of the Arabic book, Minhaj al-Salikeen, a book on Hanbali jurisprudence, by the great scholar Qasimi Shaykh Abd al-Rahman b. Nasir al-Sa’di.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy – II Salah & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


Salah is one of the five pillars on which the edifice of Islam rests. Most of us feel that we already know all there is about salah – the formal prayers of a Muslim. However, very few individuals actually do justice to it or derive any worldly or spiritual benefits from it.

Salah & Its Essential Conditions is an effort to detail the essential prerequiires of salah. Moreever, it takes a detailed look at its importance along with the different types of obligatory and voluntary prayers. It alsa presents an illustrated guide to help those who wish to learn or correct the performance of their prayers.

Inshallah, all those who wish to improve their salah will find plenty of help in this book whether they are looking for information on cleanliness and purify, locating the direction of qibla, improving their congregation during salah, making up for the missed salah, or joining acongregation when the imam has already sarted the salah, or joining a congregation when the imam has already started the salah. All in all, it is a relevant handbook on what the Prophet (saw) has described as the coolness of his eyes.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy I- Shahadah (Testimony of Faith) & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


For a Muslim, the testimony of faith is the affirmation that there is no god other than Allah and that Prophet Muhammad (saw) is His servant and messenger. This testimony is second nature to most Muslims; yet it is disappointing to note that many of them are not aware of the seven conditions attached to it.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy III – Zakah & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


Zakah & Its Essential Conditions covers the details of obligatory charity, including its importance, its effects, the dangers of not giving zakah, and all the conditions that must be met in discharging this obligation. Each prerequisite is thoroughly explained with evidence from the Qur’an, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence, making it a comprehensive guidebook for all.

The Political Shariyah on Reforming the Ruler and the Ruled


In this book the Shaykh explains the obligations
of the Ruler and the Ummah’s responsibilities towards the Ruler. The Shaykh explains the principles by which to select the best Ruler according to the Shari’ah.The whole of the book is based on and an extensive commentary of the two verses of surah an-Nisa.
This volume is the first of a series of important Islamic texts from our dar al-Islam Series.

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The Problems of the Illegitimate Child (P/B)


This book addresses the views of the Sunni scholars regarding the importance of genealogical relationship (nasab) in Islamic family law and examines the role of legitimacy on the basis of the legal maxim “al-walad li al-firash”, evidence (al-bayyinah), and doubtful intercourse (wat’ shubhah). It also elucidates the views of the Sunni schools of law on how to establish illegitimacy. For the Sunni jurists, there are several situations that determine the illegitimacy of the child.  A child is considered illegitimate if its birth is the outcome of adultery (zina) or the result of legitimate union but accompanied with imprecation (li‘an). Other circumstances include the birth of the child taking place in less than six lunar months, the father of the child being categorized as one who is incapable of begetting, or the birth as a result of marital relationship considered unlawful because of consanguinity. The book also deals comprehensively with the moral, religious, legal and other aspects of the illegitimate child and the foundling in the works of the Sunni jurists. The status and rights of the illegitimate child and the foundling in the Islamic family law of Malaysia and Brunei are also discussed by referring to some provisions from Federal Territory Act 1984 (Act 303) and Brunei law.

The Right to Education, Work and Welfare in Islam (P/B)


In The Right to Education, Work and Welfare in Islam Professor M.H. Kamali develops an Islamic perspective on three connected and complementary areas of rights and liberties. He urges that education is often a necessary ingredient of professional work even more so now than in earlier times when the range and variety of specialised knowledge were relatively limited. A person who acquires education, whether generally or at advanced levels of specialisation, is more likely to stand in a better position to enter the workforce and thus to contribute to the welfare of the community.

The author commences his discussions on education, work and welfare in Islam by focusing on how each is treated in the Qur’an; and follows this by the example of the Prophet and, after him, the Pious Caliphs who gave prominence to the education and welfare needs of people at times both of scarcity and affluence. Professor Kamali then moves forward to our time and discusses the right to education, the education of children, institutionalisation of learning, academic freedom and the debate between science and religion.

The section on work elaborates on the value of work, work ethics, workers’ and employers’ rights and responsibilities, and the role and responsibility of governments.
Finally, the section on welfare focuses on the importance in Islam of caring for those who are in need and the different forms of provision that can be made available by individuals, the state and charities.

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