Golden Rays of Prophethood (H/B)
Knowledge of the Prophetic Seerah is incumbent upon every Muslim, whether young or old, male or female. This current book adds to those that have already been published on this great subject. It lays out the Prophetic biography in a clear and concise manner, relying on well-documented and authentic sources. The author paints a narrative of the important events during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad, the patience demonstrated by the Prophet and his Companions through difficult times, without losing their faith in their Lord. These events touch the heart of the reader and draws them in.
Golden Seerah (H/B)
Golden Seerah: For the Young Generation by Darussalam written by Abdul Malik Mujahid
How He Treated Them? (H/B)
Prophet Muhammad is beyond all doubt one of the most influential figures in world history, who brought the message of Islam, a religion with over one billion followers across the globe. The Prophet was a supremely successful man, but he was not just a great hero and leader. He preached a religion, founded a State, built a nation, laid down a moral code, initiated numerous social and political reforms, established a powerful and dynamic society to practice and represent his teachings and completely revolutionized the worlds of human thought and behavior for all times to come.
Image of the Prophet Muhammad in the West: A Study of Muir, Margoliouth and Watt
This is an outline of the main contours of Wstern scholarshop on the life and achievements of the Prophet Muhammad. It aim to highlight a perceived lack of objectivity and to focus on the need to study Islam from a scholarly and objective angle.
Mohammed alsof je hem kunt zien (Dutch)
In dit boek worden gebeurtenissen uit het leven van de Profeet Mohammed (vrede zij met hem) aangegrepen om een gedetailleerd en zeer persoonlijk portret te schilderen van de man die de wereld wakker schudde met zijn boodschap van Allah. Dit boek beschrijft de geliefde Profeet (vzmh) van de islam zo intiem dat het werkelijk is alsof je hem voor je ziet.
(This is the Dutch version of ‘Muhammad: As If You Can See Him’)
Translator by Noureddine Steenvoorden
Muhammad – The Man, The Leader, The Messenger Of God
Muhammad The Man, The Leader, The Messenger of God, Biography and Summary, His eachings and Main Events in His Life
Muhammad (SAW) Noble Life Of The Last Prophet And Messenger Of Allah Religion & State
I fully acknowledge that there are many books about the Prophet’s life, written by tireless researchers and exceptional authors over the generations. These books have covered every aspect of the seerah, extracting lessons from it as well as Islamic rulings and many other benefits. It has been a centuries-long group effort, written in various languages for every type of audience.
Muhammad As If You Can See Him (H/B)
How many times have you heard the phrase, ‘Would you do that if the prophet was watching?’
This book challenges readers to think closely about this phrase, and describes the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the first page of the book’s first chapter.
In fact, the book is a message of love from a mere human being.. to the best of human beings.
Written by the best-selling author of Don’t be Sad and You can be the Happiest Woman in the World, Muhammad as if you can see Him is promised to have the same effect on readers as did ‘Aid Al-Qarni’s previous writings.
What makes the book so special??
It is written by a skilled and award-winning author.
It describes the Prophet’s physical features as well as his inner traits.
The book leads the reader to understanding Muhammad from his beginning to his end.
The text and words are easy to understand, and the stories allow readers to keep up with their pace.
Muhammad His Character and Conduct
Seerah and Biographies