Sciences Of Hadith

Sciences Of Hadith

(Showing 1 – 12 products of 25 products)


Daily Wisdom : Sayings of the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ


Sayings of the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ is a selection of 365 profound and pithy observations made by the Prophet’s illustrious Companions. The sayings supplement and complement the life-giving message of the Qur’an and Sunnah that these Companions experienced first-hand by being in close companionship with the Prophet.

Umdatul-Ahkami min Kalami Khairil-Anam (Principle Islamic Rulings, Taken From The Hadith Of The Prophet SAW)


The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (ص) is the practical implementation of the Noble Qur’an, it was taught to the Prophet along with the Scripture, side by side. Neither the Noble Qur’an nor the honourable Sunnah can be understood correctly without recourse to the other.

A Commentary on Introduction to The Principles of Tafseer (Abridged)


This is a summary of Shaykh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah’s Muqaddamah Fi Usool Tafseer (Introduction to the Principles of Tafsir). It discusses the principles of Tafseer that one should know before studying the Tafseer of the Quran.

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A Commentary On Nuzhatun Nazar Fi Tawheedi Nukhbatil Fikr ( 2 Vols)


About Hafiz Ibn Hajar Asqalani Imam Ahmad ibn Ali al-Asqalani (d. 852/1448); famously known as Ibn Hajar after one of his ancestors is arguably the best hadith scholar of the Mamluk period. The Dhahabi of his time and the amir al-muminin of the hadith scholars. Imam Suyuti says that he drank from the well of zamzam and prayed to Allah to give him more knowledge than Shams ad-Din adh-Dhahabi. He is the author of over 300 books some going into lengthy volumes. He died on Friday 28 Dhi al-Hijja 852 hijri and was buried in al-Qarrafa; Cairo; now famously known as the City of the Dead (madinat al-mawta)

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A Commentary On The Poem Al-Bayquniyyah


By Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymeen

A commentary on the famous poem in the field of hadith sciences entitled al-Manzumah al-Bayquniyyah by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen (rahimullah).


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A Commentary on The Three Questions of the Grave


This is a summarised translation of Shaikh Abdul Muhsin Al Qasim’s (The Imam and the Khateeb of the Prophet’s Masjid in Madinah) book titled ‘Tayseerul Wusool’ which is a commentary on the book of Shaikh Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab’s Thalathatul Usool (The Three Questions of the Grave). It is a commentary on the three questions of the grave which every human being will be asked in his grave.

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Approaching the Sunnah: Comprehension & Controversy (P/B)


The Sunnah still provides the stable moral framework – the grammar – that enables Muslims, by formal rules and inward sense, to know right from wrong. However, separation from the mainstream of life puts the Sunnah in danger of becoming rigid – an archaism. Addressing that danger, this book explains how the Sunnah can function as the grammar of a living, adaptive language, capable of guiding (and not shying from) the mainstream.

The first chapter sets out the qualities that characterize authentic application of the Sunnah: universality, coherence (so that different spheres of human responsibility are not split), compassionate realism, moderation, and humility. The second explains standards and procedures for determining the Sunnah in the fields of jurisprudence and moral instruction. The third chapter illustrates through detailed examples common errors in understanding the Sunnah – reading hadiths singly without sufficient context, confusing legal and moral injunctions, means and ends, figurative and literal meanings…–and it proposes remedies for these errors.

YUSUF AL-QARADAWI is one of the Islamic world’s most widely respected and prolific scholars. His works have remained popular over many decades. Among the best known of his books to appear in English is The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam (first edition 1994).

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Authentication of Hadith: Redefining the Criteria (IIIT)

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In today’s complex and volatile world the consequences of relying on fraudulent and counterfeit Hadith to legitimise extremist behaviour, issue violent fatwas, and justify blatant abuse, particularly of women, is not only far too easy but in fact dangerous. Israr Khan addresses the sensitive topic of Hadith authentication, focusing on the criteria adopted by classical scholars to maintain that concentration on the continuity and accuracy of the chain of narrators, rather than the textual content of Hadith, has led to particular Hadith being included which either contradict other Hadith directly, project the Prophet (SAAS) in an uncharacteristic light, or do not reflect and/or conflict with the teachings of the Qur an. The study traces in careful detail the historical development of the oral and written traditions, as well as the many targeted attempts at fabrication that took place, critiquing in methodical detail certain Hadith which have come to be widely accepted as authentic. The prominent collections we have today, were made possible by the development of the science of Hadith criticism, and Muslim scholars deserve deep appreciation for their painstaking work, as well as their invaluable contribution towards preserving the Hadith literature to the best of their ability. However, insists the author, the process is ongoing, and the closed door policy which currently surrounds Hadith authentication needs to be carefully reexamined.

Authority of The Sunnah the Key to Paradise


Allah Most High Said, “And whatever the Messenger has given you, take it; and what he has forbidden you, refrain from it.” [Al-Hashr (59):7]

The Prophet said, “I have not left out anything of which Allah, The Most High has Commanded you with except I have apprised you of it. Likewise, I have not left out anything of which Allah has Prohibited you from it, except I have apprised you of it…” [Al Bayhaqi, 7/76 & others]

Together with the Qur’an, the Sunnah is the pivotal foundation and primary source of the Islamic faith. Following both of them is mandated by Allah Himself and obligated upon Muslims to adhere and live accordingly. Muslim theology is established upon them and remains defective and incomplete should either be forsaken for they both explain and interpret each other.

During his time, Imam al-Suyuṭi felt a genuine need to pen this compelling book in confuting those who either rejected the Sunnah altogether or did not grant it the status and respect it deserves in the religion. He primarily compiled from the works of Imam Al-Bayhaqi elucidating the position of Imam Shafi’i, and firmly laid out the arguments supporting the Sunnah of the Prophet by outlining its critical importance, its authority, and implication to one’s life.

Salvation, therefore, lies in embracing the Sunnah fully, for indeed it is the key to facilitating our worldly lives and thereafter, unlocking the doors of Paradise, as Shadh ibn Yaḥya said perfectly, “There is no better way to Paradise than the way of those who have followed the Sunnah.”

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