The Meaning of The Holy Qur’an -Pocket Size (P/B) (IBT)
This very handy pocket-sized edition contains the complete meaning of the Holy Qur’an, without the Arabic text and the commentaries. Weighing just under 170 grammes, sized 9.5 cm X 13 cm and with a thickness of 1.5cm, it is intended as a handy travel companion as well as a gift to friends and colleagues.
The Meaning of The Holy Qur’an: Text, Translation and Commentary (IBT)
Of all the existing translation and commentaries of the Qur’an in English, Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s version is perhaps the most popular and widely read. Its chaste English prose and scholarly notes and appendices, have made it a major landmark in the Qur’anic interpretations. It has enjoyed such authority that both scholars and students have widely used this as their reference ever since it was first published in 1934. This new edition, in modern English, printed on thin paper, comes in a new readable format, beautifully typeset in large font sizes both Arabic and English, with footnotes and commentaries.
The Message of the Qur’an (IBT)
The Message of the Qur’an is widely recognized as among the best English translations and commentaries of the Qur’an and comparable to the famous works of Pickthall, Yusuf Ali, and Daryabadi. Asad’s rendering is simple and straightforward. Although widely known as a proponent of conservative Islam, his translation departs from the traditional exegetic approaches and reflects his deep knowledge of Jewish and Christian scriptures. This edition boasts of a comprehensive index and uses the standard Uthmani Qur’anic script.
The Miraculous Language of the Qur’an (IIIT)
This study illustrates why the language of the Qur’an is miraculous, unique, and evidence of divine authority. The author compares the language of the Qur’an with the language of pre-Islamic poetry, the Prophet’s words (hadith), and the language of the Arabs both past and present, to demonstrate that although the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic it was at the same time an Arabic which was entirely new. Original and early Muslim audiences viewed this as miraculous and responded to the Qur’an’s words, sounds, rhythms, etc. in a manner consistent with a deeper appreciation of its beauty and majesty which modern ears, trained by familiarity, and despite being surrounded by all manner of dictionaries and studies, are at a loss to capture. The author attempts to remove this veil and present the Qur’an to readers as if hearing it for the first time, to bring to life some of this wonder. In doing so he guides readers to appreciate the beauty of the Qur’an, to become more immersed in it, and to have a clearer understanding of its structure and flow. Devoting special attention to Surah Al Muddaththir, to underpin his analysis, Saeh thus brings the Revelation to life, to demonstrate that each surah has distinct features and characteristics that make it stand out uniquely within the design and sweep of the whole.
The Noble Qur’an (Pocket Size)
The Noble Qur’an (English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary)
The Noble Qur’an pocket size H/B (Arabic/English)
The Noble Qur’an is a widely popular translation by Islamic University – Madina scholars Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali. It features frequent footnotes gleaned by the translators from Tafsir At-Tabari, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, and Sahih-al-Bukhari. Arabic-English format with detailed index.
Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an with Arabic text in the modern English language. A summarized version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari.
This summarized 1 volume version offers brief commentary and Ahadith wherever necessary. This unique combination of commentary and relevant Ahadith makes this a very useful study reference tool. The Arabic text is taken from Mushaf al Madinah.
The Noble Qur’an pocket size P/B (Arabic/English)
The Noble Qur’an is a widely popular translation by Islamic University – Madina scholars Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Hilali. It features frequent footnotes gleaned by the translators from Tafsir At-Tabari, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, and Sahih-al-Bukhari. Arabic-English format with detailed index.
Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an with Arabic text in the modern English language. A summarized version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari.
This summarized 1 volume version offers brief commentary and Ahadith wherever necessary. This unique combination of commentary and relevant Ahadith makes this a very useful study reference tool. The Arabic text is taken from Mushaf al Madinah.
The Noble Quran (9 Volumes)
It is unique, remarkable and distinguished for its crystal clear, precise and pristine meanings. The meanings are fully elaborated and explained by Tafsir At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir and Ahadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari & Muslim. The work is recognized, approved and widely attributed throughout the world as the most accurate, exact, authentic, real and original interpretation of the Noble Qur’an.
This 9 volume version offers commentary and complete hadith in Arabic and English related to the verse. This unique combination of commentary and relevant Ahadith makes this a very useful study reference tool. The Arabic text is taken from Mushaf al Madinah.
The Noble Quran (Tall Version English Text Only) (RANDOM COLOR)
Interpretion of the meanings of The Noble Quran in the English Language.
The Noble Quran Word-By-Word Translation & Color Coded Tajweed A4 (Arabic-English) – RANDOM COLOR
The Noble Quran (Al-Quran Al-Kareem Maqdis) is a translation learning method of word-by-word Al-Quran with every word and sentence is colored differently, in Arabic and English.
Every word in the Quran was translated literally so that the reader could understand the meaning of every single word. It needs to be remembered that not all literal translation represents the exact meaning of the word since the Quran uses varied Arabic language style and sometimes metaphor.
Accordingly, to understand the full or intended meaning of the word or the verse, Muhsin Khan’s the Holy Quran Translation had been included in this edition. However, to comprehend more of the meaning of the Quran, reading the commentary of the Quran from trusted scholars would be necessary.
Approved by the Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) and Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN).
● Rasm Uthmani script in English
● Word-by-word translation Arabic-English
● Color coded tajweed
● Asbab al-Nuzul
● Authentic Hadiths
● Riyad-us-Saliheen
● Al-Quran Language Dictionary (Mu’jam)
Size A4 Large
The Noble Quran Word-By-Word Translation & Color Coded Tajweed A4 (Arabic-English) (TAGGING)
The Noble Quran (Al-Quran Al-Kareem Maqdis) is a translation learning method of word-by-word Al-Quran with every word and sentence is colored differently, in Arabic and English.
Every word in the Quran was translated literally so that the reader could understand the meaning of every single word. It needs to be remembered that not all literal translation represents the exact meaning of the word since the Quran uses varied Arabic language style and sometimes metaphor.
Accordingly, to understand the full or intended meaning of the word or the verse, Muhsin Khan’s the Holy Quran Translation had been included in this edition. However, to comprehend more of the meaning of the Quran, reading the commentary of the Quran from trusted scholars would be necessary.
Approved by the Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) and Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN).
● Rasm Uthmani script in English
● Word-by-word translation Arabic-English
● Color coded tajweed
● Asbab al-Nuzul
● Authentic Hadiths
● Riyad-us-Saliheen
● Al-Quran Language Dictionary (Mu’jam)
Size A4 Large