General Islamic Books

General Islamic Books

(Showing 145 – 156 products of 179 products)


The Inevitable Reflections on Death and Beyond (H/B) – IIPH


The Inevitable – Reflections on Death and Beyond, authored by Dr.  Aid al-Qarni is a timely reminder of death, for thinking of death deters one from persisting in sin and prompts one to do righteous deeds that may lead one to paradise, whereas forgetting about death may lead to one following whims and desires, and committing evil deeds that could lead one to hell.

The Islamic Worldview, Ethics and Civilization: Issues in Contemporary Interdisciplinary Discourse (P/B)



Part 1: Worldview and Civilization

1. Culture and civilization: A review of concepts (Suleiman M. H. Boayo)

2. The question of development in Islam: Revitalising the role of worldview & civilizational vision (Abdelaziz Berghout)

3. Urbanization & resources sustainability: lessons from Maqasid al-shariah (Abubakr Imam Ali-Agan & Muhammad Bello Ibrahim)

4. Defining moderation & extremism in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah (Jamal Ahmed Badi)

5. The Islamic Worldview on the preservation and restoration of mental health (Abdul Latif Abdul Razak)

Part 2: Ethics and Religion

1. The role of religion in shaping moral character: Islamic & catholic perspectives (Fatmir Mehdi Shehu)

2. Media audience ethics in Islam and Christianity (Abdul Kabir Hussain Solihu)

3. Voluntarism: An Islamic Perspective (Kabuye Uthman Sulaiman)

4. Servant leadership in Islam (Abdul Raufu Ambali, Ahmad Naqiyuddin Bakar, Jasmine Ahmad & Zahra Tariq)

5. Islamic Perspective of suicide attack: concepts, causes and effects (Md. Yousuf Ali)

6. Euthanasia: An Islamic Perspective (Mohammad Manzoor Malik)

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The Journey of the Strangers (P/B)


In this age of materialism, consumerism and extreme liberalism, the Muslim often finds himself at a loss, at odds to the ebb and flow of society, and holding of values, divinely revealed, that contrast starkly with the values held by many around him . He or she is looked at askance, accused of being backward, non-conformist and refusing to integrate. In the face of peer pressure, the resolve of some may weaken, the result being a watering-down of one’s adherence to Islam and the values it calls to.

The Prophet warned us that a time would come in which Islam and the Muslims would be beheld as strangers, not just by non-Muslims but by many Muslims as well! He informed us that days were coming in which trying to keep hold of one’s religion would be like holding red hot coals, and he stressed the paramount importance of holding fast to Islam in its pristine purity during that time, stating that this, and only this, was the path to success in this life and the next.

This book is a compilation of two tracts which explain the hadith, ”Islam began as something strange and it will return to being strange just as it began, sotuba for the strangers! ”It is hoped that it will be a source of comfort and inspiration for the Muslim who is striving to follow Islam at a time when the Muslim could well feel alienated and alone in the world. The first is a treatise penned by the great Imam, Al-Ajurri (d.330H), a scholar known for his deep knowledge and piety, his quality being recognised by all. The second is a monograph written by the Imam, Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (d.795H), a scholar praised extensively for his vast knowledge, ascetism and expertise in the Hanbali school of thought. An introduction has been added from the words of Shatibi and an appendix from ibn Al-Qayyim’s monumental Madarij al-Salikin.

The Light Within Islam


The religion of Islam in recent events has been misinterpreted. This book was created for those interested in the truth and not the myth. The Light within Islam is a simple book aimed to address the basic questions commonly misunderstood in Islam. The content of the book focuses on the Unity of God, the structure of the Islamic faith and the distinction between Islam and Christianity. By shedding light and insight into these issues, The Light within Islam hopes to bring closure and enlightenment to the topics responsible for the recent misconceptions is Islam.

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The Muslim Marriage Guide (P/B)


A much needed manual, this marvelous book that draws from Islamic sources to provide practical advice for a Muslim couple. Far from the sociological analysis or list of rules that fill other books about Islamic marriage, this book draws from the wisdom of the Sunnah to show how to love your partner in this life and prepare each other for the next. Written with plenty of real life experience (and even humor) from Muslims living in the West, the author balances the issues of male-female differences, respect for each others rights and needs and raising God-conscious children. A must read for anyone interested in marriage.

Modern life brings strains and pressures which can upset even the most compatible relationship. This means that nowadays, to protect the spirit of cooperation and happiness which is the sign of the true Islamic marriage, careful thought needs to be given to the mechanisms which help husband and wife to live together and respect each others rights.

This highly readable book takes the reader through the relevant passages in the Quran and Hadith (Islamic sources), and goes on to discuss the main social and economic problems that can afflict relationships, suggesting many practical ways in which these can be resolved.

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The Muslim Woman’s Handbook- TA-HA


This is a practical manual dealing with all aspects of a woman’s daily life. The author deals with such delicate subjects as personal hygiene, menstruation, hijab, marriage, divorce as well as the woman’s role in the family and in the community. This book is of immense value to Muslim Women and teenage girls, especially those are discovering or re-discovering the relevance of Islam in their lives.

The Neglected Sunan of Prayer


The Prophet said: “Whoever performed a good sunnah in Islam will have the reward of it and the reward of those who perform it after him.” (Narrated by Imam Muslim) and he said: “Pray as you have seen me praying.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Ahmad)

It is with such ahaadeeth in mind that Sameh Strauch, the author, has attempted to bring to the attention of the English-speaking Muslims some of the sunan relating to prayer which, regrettably, are rarely or never performed in our time, in the hope that it will inspire the readers to revive them.

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The New Muslim Guide (ENGLISH)


The New Muslim Guide (Illustrated Guide) Simple rule and important islamic Guidelines for New Muslims in all Aspects of Life.

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