(Showing 13 – 24 products of 138 products)


2IN1 Combo P01


1. CivilIzation of faith (266 pages)
2. The Art Of Islamic Living : The Sixth Fitness (185 pages)

2IN1 Combo P02


1. Man Made Laws Vs. Shari‘ah (384 pages)
2. Traversing the Highs and Lows of Muslim Marriage (195 pages)

2IN1 Combo P03


1. Mohammad’s Prophethood Reality or Myth (225 pages)
2. An Inspired Life: A Biography of Prophet Muhammad (310 pages)

2IN1 Combo P04


1. Bent Rib: A Journey Through Women’s Issues In Islam (176 pages)
2. Which Way to Paradise? (256 pages)

2IN1 Combo P05


1. Muharramat Forbidden Matters Some People Take Lightly (127 pages)
2. Women around the Messenger (364 pages)

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33 Ways of Developing Al-Khushoo`: Humility and Devotion in Prayer

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Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid’s little book is perhaps one of the most widely-circulated among Muslims today. This is because the topic touches worshippers where it hurts—we know that we often lapse into an automatic sort of prayer when we lose concentration. The Shaykh points out that this loss of concentration really stems from a lack of humility and devotion—in Arabic, khushoo‘. His aim in writing this book is to help us to get back that khushoo‘. His step-by-step approach makes it simple. He gives practical advice and uses the excellent example of the prayer of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) to guide us, so that as worshippers, we can truly return to a state of humility and devotion before the Lord.

44 Ways to Manhood

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What does it mean for a Muslim man to have a personality that is in accordance with the Islamic guidelines? In this informative and enlightening book, based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, Taymullah Abdur-Rahman presents 44 principles that Muslim men need to implement in their lives. This book will be a useful resource for Muslim men of all ages, as well as in study circles and family discussions.

A Mercy to Humanity


A Mercy to Humanity is a truly unique study of the Prophet’s (SAW) biography in which Dr. Aid al-Qarni paints a vivid picture of his noble character, delivering a personal insight into the events of his life. It is an emotional and engaging commentary that includes the author’s thoughts and reflections on the subject.

A Taste of Patience

3 ★
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The writer is a survivor of an accident that altered his life. He is a man who managed to overcome adversity and transform bitterness into personal success, as his literary gains outweighed his physical restrictions. Where his physical condition limited his movements, his creative writing opened up a new horizon that enabled him to freely interact with his readers.

This is a real-life account of how a human being can overcome obstacles, giving effect to the epithet: ‘What does not kill me makes me stronger.’ The autobiography defines patience in two ways: first, as a bitter experience and then second, as the ability to tolerate and turn one’s misfortune into investment. The accident that the writer suffered has paralysed his body, but at the same time it has unleashed his writing talents. (Yousef el-Sharoni, Egypt)

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Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq His Life And Times (IIPH)


The life of the first Rightly-Guided Caliph, Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (may Allah be pleased with him) is a valuable roadmap for the Muslims of today. One of the first people to believe and embrace the Prophet’s Message of Islam, Abu Bakr remained a close companion of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) throughout the Prophet’s life. Appointed as the Prophet’s successor on the basis of consultation, Abu Bakr proved to be a great leader who, with Allah’s help, steered the Ummah through difficult times. He faced numerous challenges within Arabia: some people apostatized, others refused to pay zakâh, and quite a few individuals emerged as false prophets, attracting many followers. Outside Arabia, the Persians and Byzantines keenly observed these developments, looking for an opportunity to crush the new state. Abu Bakr employed effective strategies to deal with these challenges and had remarkable success in doing so. Thus, he paved way for the Islamic conquests that toppled tyrants and carried the message of Islam to the entire world. His leadership should be a great source of inspiration for the Muslims today.

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