Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students -3 Vols (H/B)
Easy Arabic Course (Durus al-Lughat al-Arabiyah) – For English-Speaking Students. As per the curricula and norms pescribed by the Islamic University of Madinah.
Combines Modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur’an and hadith. Assists in learning Arabic grammar and essential language skills Uses a conversational approach to help understand grammatical usages in its perfect form. Contains Multi-skil exercises to improve vocabulary and language
Astrophysics & The Holy Quran (H/B)
We are living now-a-days in the age of science. The intelligent human beings want to know where did they come from? Where did the universe come from? Will the universe come to an end, if so, how? Is the universe static or dynamic, if dynamic, is it expanding or contracting? What is time? When was it started? Will it come to an end? What are Black Holes? What are the forces of Nature? What is the smallest piece of matter? What is the status of man in the universe? Are there ultimate limits for human beings to know about something?
The majority of people especially in the third world are unable to answer these questions. When they are asked such questions, most of them answer with a shrug or with a vague and ambiguous knowledge. On the basis of Holy Qur’an as well as scientific knowledge, I have tried my level best to answer these questions in this book “Astrophysics and the Holy Quran”.
Atlas Of The Islamic Conquests (H/B)
History is a mirror of the past days and nights of nations and communities. Hence the History of Islam is not only a mirror of the fourteen centuries of the Muslim Ummah but it also signifies the best Human Civilization on the face of the earth. So a stark necessity arises to acquaint new generation of Muslim Ummah with great intellectual and political leaders and renowned personalities along with such men of achievements and valiant heroes who defeated false forces in the battle fields in order to propagate the true religion in those lands where darkness and ignorance prevailed.
“Atlas of the Islamic Conquests” has been prepared in view of the same lofty aim. In it are events of consecutive days, months & years of major Islamic Conquests, starting from the period of first Caliph Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) to the reign of Ottoman Caliph Murad 3, have been described, with full color maps and unique snaps, in such a manner that the reader goes along with them and comes across wonderful historical happenings and new secrets of History are disclosed.
Make thorough study of “Atlas of Islamic Conquests” yourself and motivate your children, kith and kins and friends to study it. This unique Atlas, having intrinsic and apparent beauty, is masterpiece of history and research and rich presentation for English readers.
Atlas of the prophets & Messengers (H/B)
Historical atlas of the Prophets & Messengers
Atlas of the Qur’an (Darussalam)
This Atlas is new in its subject, a subject that has not been touched before. It helps whoever recites the Qur’an or studies it to specify the locations mentioned by the Noble Verses, and to mark those places of ancient people mentioned in the Qur’Gn. This is besides locating areas where the incidents of the prophetic Seerah occurred.
Eventually the diligent reader will easily recognize those places, learn about them, and take heed of them while reciting.
Eventually the diligent reader will easily recognize those places, learn about them, and take heed of them while reciting. The Atlas has also revealed obscure places we used to pass through inattentively, like the site where Nuh’s Ark settled, the site of the curved Sand-hills {Al Ahqah}, the cave of the young faithful men, the houses of median, the site of Sodom and other places determined by the Atlas depending on reliable sources.
Thus the Atlas eliminates all the guessing and the fantasies we used to encounter when reciting the Noble Quran, and takes us to the specific place.
Atlas on the Prophet’s Biography Places, Nations, Landmarks
Seerah and Biographies
Atlas: Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
This book Atlas Abu Bakr As-Siddiq provides detailed and insightful glimpses into the extraordinary life of the first Caliph of the Muslims, Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (May Allah be pleased with him), and his massive contribution to all of humanity. As a principled and disciplined young person in Makkah; a successful businessman; embracing Islam under the tutelage of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and laying the groundwork for Islam`s spread across the globe. In a world currently needing moral and ethical leadership based on the divine revelations of Allah, the life of Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) offers a blueprint to a successful life to those Muslims, and non-Muslims, searching for the truth. He was truly a man for all ages, encompassing all aspects of a complete individual, as an intellectual, Companion of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and Caliph.
Bearing True Witness
Bearing True Witness (Or, “Now that I’ve Found Islam, What Do I Do With It?”)
Dr. Brown is a practicing ophthalmologist, a revert to Islam, and the author of several ground-breaking books of Islamic Dawa (i.e., invitation). His first book, The First and Final Commandment, is a comprehensive argument in support of the Islamic claim of continuity of revelation. This present book, Bearing True Witness, is designed to assist the new convert in navigating the more controversial issues of their new, chosen religion of Islam.
Bent Rib: A Journey Through Women’s Issues in Islam (H/B)
This book examines the role of women in Islam, their education and marriage, and several controversial topics such as domestic violence, female genital mutilation and polygyny. It addresses honestly the divergence between Islamic teaching and actual culturally-influenced practices.
Biography of The Prophet Muhammad SAW (P/B)
“We should understand that having a child is an immense blessing, and is a trust that has been given to his parents; Allah will ask them about that trust. The child’s heart is a precious jewel, hence parents must give thanks for this blessing so that it may be blessed further and protected from evils.”
Book of the End – Great Trials & Tribulations
Like everything, the present universe will also come to an end, and it is a part of our faith to believe in the Last Day. The signs of the Day of Judgment have been foretold by our Prophet (S). Ibn Kathir has collected all the prophesies of the Prophet (S) in his book Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah.
In this volume, we have presented from them the signs of the Hour and the events that are yet to take place, although mentioning very few examples of those prophesies that have already been realized.