Aisha The Wife, The Companion, The Scholar (P/B)
1. Mecca Years and the Migration
2. A Home Full of Peace and Virtue
3. Aisha the Immaculate
4. After the Prophet
5. Aisha and Knowledge
Khadija and Aisha had a special position among the wives of God’s Messenger; while the former was like the royal vizier in Mecca for fifteen years before the revelation, the latter fulfilled the same duty during the Medina years and later on. When they are considered in terms of the mission that they performed, each of them had the proper qualifications. God Almighty provided the Messenger of God with a strong character: in Mecca where belief, self-sacrifice and bravery were so necessary, He gave him Khadija; in Medina where the requirements of knowledge, intelligence and reasoning were felt, He bestowed him Aisha.
Zayd: The Rose that Bloomed in Captivity (Leading Companions of the Prophet)
Zayd ibn Haritha, an emancipated slave of the Prophet Muhammad, was a sincere friend and a loyal servant. He was also one of the first to embrace the Islamic faith immediately after the revelations began. Under the guidance of the Prophet, he became fully equipped to undertake various significant roles in the community and rose up to become a commander of the army. This book tells us the exemplary life story of this distinguished personality, a role model before everyone to realize their human potential.