Ibn Taymiyyah

Taqī ad-Dīn ʾAḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥalīm ibn ʿAbd al-Salām al-Numayrī al-Ḥarrānī

Ibn Taymiyyah

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Distinctive Guides on Pursuing the Straight Path and Defying the Path of the People of Hellfire


“Iqtidā’ as-Sirat al-Mustaqīm” stands as an exceptional and
comprehensive study of the most crucial topic in the lives of Muslims.

[Booklet] Are You Hurt: 20 Formulas for a Forbearing Heart ? by Ibn Taimiyyah

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The Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

“If the Muslim relates with the people and forbears when they hurt him, he is better than the Muslim who would not relate with the people nor forbear over hurt they direct to him. ” (At-Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah)

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah رحمه الله mentioned the virtues of returning forbearance and kindness when envy and hurt were directed toward us. He summarized 20 formulas that will help us how to exercise patience in this invaluable book.

Al-‘Ubudiyyah: Being a True Slave of Allah

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Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah defines the concept of worship in Islam and explains that to be a true “slave of Allah” is a status of both virtue and nobility. The title “slave of Allaah” is one of great honor which Allah bestowed upon the best of creation, Muhammad (SAW). Ibn Taymiyyah  highlights the prevalent traps which people fall into, when becoming enslaved by, or allowing their hearts to become attached to worldly objects. The emphasis is on servitude to Allah which is adorned with the true love we hold for Him in our hearts — a matter of central importance for every Muslim.
Highly Recommended for the young blooded  who   Want to Run before they can Walk and even  the Old timers  ‘Who sometimes are  so comfortable Walking that  they have forgotten that there is sometimes a need to run’ in the Path Towards Allah.

Diseases Of The Hearts & Their Cures (Dar as Sunnah)

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Translated by Abu Rumaysah “Know O beloved reader that it is most important to spend one’s time and energy in treating the heart, and hastening to correct and purify it from sickness and all sins. This is due to the heart occupying a great and lofty position in Islaam, for it is the place to which the Lord looks and the storehouse for tawheed, faith, and sincerity. Actions are distinguished, one from the other, with respect to their excellence in the Sight of Allah in accordance with the condition of the heart, not by their number or form, but rather due to the strength of the caller, his or her truthfulness, his or her sincerity and the extent to which he or she prefers Allah over himself or herself … Al-Haafidh ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee, may Allah have mercy upon him and provide us with his knowledge, said: “The heart has been singled out for this because it is the leader of the body, and through the purification of the leader the subjects become purified, and with his corruption they become corrupted. So if you, O servant of Allah, with to cure your heart then it is upon you to be truthful with regards to seeking refuge with Allah and putting your trust in Him, to pray a great deal of superogatory prayers, to perform the actions of obedience to Allah frequently, to pray the night prayer while the people are sleeping, and to treat your heart by making it continuously stick to the remembrances and by befriending only the righteous … and to frequently recite the Qur’an. And Allah will indeed allow all of this to be preserved by him.”

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Ibn Taymiyyah’s Essay on Servitude

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“An enlightening book written by one of the most famous scholars of Islaam on the important subject of servitude. In this book, Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah defines the concept of worship in Islaam and explains that to be a true “slave of Allaah” is a status of both virtue and nobility. The author proves that the title “slave of Allaah” is one of great honor which Allaah bestowed upon the best of creation, Muhammad (pbuh). While elaborating on the issue of servitude, the author highlights the prevalent traps which people fall into, when becoming enslaved by, or allowing their hearts to become attached to worldly objects. The emphasis is on servitude to Allaah which is adorned with the true love we hold for Him in our hearts — a matter of central importance for every Muslim.

In Defence of the Four Imams

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Sharh Al-Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah (H/B)


Sheikh-ul-Islam’s book Al-Aqeedah-il-Wasitiyah deals with the perfect and undefiled Islamic Faith and Creed of the As-Salaf-As-Salih (the pious predecessors) particularly in regards to Allah’s names and attributes, with solid arguments in brief words and terminology. The book is highly appreciated by the scholars for its brevity as well as comprehensiveness; and for its contents produced perfectly in line with the Qur’an and Sunnah in an appealing and manifest manner.

The eminent scholar of Islam, Sheikh-ul-Islam Imam Ibn Taimiyah, discusses the real & original faith of Islam according to the Qur’an & Sunnah. The real faith in Allah and his religion Islam is to follow the Qur’an and Sunnah strictly. Any scholar who adds or attributes or alters any basic fundamental of Islam is wrong & deviates from the teachings of Islam. Every Muslim must read this book to get the real light of Faith.

The Decisive Criterion Between The Friends of Allah & The Friends of Shaytan (P/B)


The Decisive Criterion between the Awliyaa of The Most Merciful and the Awliyaa of Shaytaan Indeed the enmity between man and Shaytaan is old, commencing from the time that Adam (alayhi as-salaam) was created � from the time he was ordered to prostrate to him. Shaytaan refused, become arrogant and hence disobeyed his Lord. His arrogance and pride let him to commit a whole host of sins, it made him expend every effort in misleading the children of Adam and made him beautify and embellish sins such that they accepted them and eagerly committed them. Books sent the Messenger and enjoined His servants to various injunctions and admonitions in order to secure them from the evil of Shaytaan.

In the light of His advice, profound injunctions and admonitions in order to secure them from the evil of Shaytaan. In the light of His advice, profound injunctions and sever warnings, mankind becomes separated into two groups: a group who were guided and a group who deserved to be misguided. The groups who were guided are the inhabitants of Paradise and the groups who were misguided are the denizens of the Fire. The inhabitants of Paradise are the Awliyaa of the Most Merciful and the denizens of the Fire are the Awliyaa of Shaytaan

The Nature of Fasting

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This book will help the reader better understand the fine points about fasting. What is the nature of the things that break the fast? What are the rules by which one can know the difference between what breaks the fast and what does not?

These question are more answered by Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his discussion of the Nature of Fasting.

Publishers Note All praise is due to Allah, and may He grant peace and blessings upon His Last Messenger Muhammad.

This is a translation one of the smaller publications from the works of Shaykh Al-Islam Taqiuddin Ahmad bin ‘Abdul-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah. It has been published in this form a variety of times with a number of minor additions to the text under the title, “Hagigatus-Siyam,” or, “The Nature of Fasting.” We have revised our version to meet the source section of Majmu’ AI-Fatawa (25:219) from where it appears that the original booklet – with the exception of the questions, of which most appear on earlier pages – has been taken. We have inserted brackets to signify the additions, which earlier publishers probably took from other sections of his writings. We have also added brief references to the text for the Hadiths. I would like to express gratitude to brother Ebrahim Aly Ma’rouf for the original translation of this booklet, and the Darussalam staff for their editing and layout work.

The Noble Words by Ibn Taymiyah by UK Islamic Academy


THE NOBLE WORDS is a translation of the ahadith on supplications compiled by Imam Ibn Taymiyah in his book (al-Kalim at-Tayyib)

THE NOBLE WORDS is recognised as one of the best books on the subject of supplication and remembrance of Allah. It is comprehensive in its coverage which encompasses day to day human needs and provides protection from afflictions. This translation consists of the Arabic text together with its English translation making it accessible to both readers Sunok and adults alike. A valuable addition to every Muslim home.

The Political Shariyah on Reforming the Ruler and the Ruled


In this book the Shaykh explains the obligations
of the Ruler and the Ummah’s responsibilities towards the Ruler. The Shaykh explains the principles by which to select the best Ruler according to the Shari’ah.The whole of the book is based on and an extensive commentary of the two verses of surah an-Nisa.
This volume is the first of a series of important Islamic texts from our dar al-Islam Series.

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