Farid al-Bahraini

Farid al-Bahraini

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The Martyrdom of Al-Husayn: In Light of The Authentic Traditions


This book provides a historical rendition of the events which culminated within Karbala. It is made distinct due to the fact that the rendition provided is based strictly upon narrations deemed authentic according to the conditions of the hadith scholars. The chains of narration and references have been provided for every narration.

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The Necessity of Hadith


Imagine a religion in which its adherents openly reject every saying, action, and event surrounding their Prophet &$. It is a Qur’anist’s reality. What exactly would lead to this stance, this scepticism, towards haduh? What would cause a Muslim to reject the teachings of the Prophet ¿E that he adores?! Everything about Islam is questionable without hadiths. What exactly do we know about the Prophet of Islam 2 without hadiths? Never mind his biography, we can’t even ascertain his identity. The Qur’än only identifies him as Muhammad (Q. 3:144). Couldn’t this be referring to Muhammad bin Maslama d. 43 AH) instead of Muhammad bin ‘Abdilläh (d. 11 AH)? This book is directed to hadith-rejecters, to Muslims in general that are on the fence, as well as to conservative Muslims that seek to reaffirm their stance in regards to the authority of hadiths.

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