Fahd Ibn Abdir Rahman Ash-Shuwayb

Fahd Ibn Abdir Rahman Ash-Shuwayb

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Wudoo’: The Prophet’s Ablution


Wudoo’: The Prophet’s Ablution is a small yet comprehensive book aimed at conveying authentic knowledge of the manner in which the Prophet purified himself for prayer. The attributes of the Prophet’s ablutions are detailed fully, such that the reader is given a clear mental picture, as if we were witnessing the Prophet actually making wudoo’. This book is based on sound narrations from the Messenger of Allah, and the author takes care to include differing opinions and their evidence. From leading us through the wudoo’ step by step, to addressing the things which nullify the wudoo’, the Prophet’s Ablution offers necessary guidance, so that by perfecting our ablution, this purification can truly “wipe away our sins.”

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