Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq His Life And Times (IIPH)
The life of the first Rightly-Guided Caliph, Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (may Allah be pleased with him) is a valuable roadmap for the Muslims of today. One of the first people to believe and embrace the Prophet’s Message of Islam, Abu Bakr remained a close companion of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) throughout the Prophet’s life. Appointed as the Prophet’s successor on the basis of consultation, Abu Bakr proved to be a great leader who, with Allah’s help, steered the Ummah through difficult times. He faced numerous challenges within Arabia: some people apostatized, others refused to pay zakâh, and quite a few individuals emerged as false prophets, attracting many followers. Outside Arabia, the Persians and Byzantines keenly observed these developments, looking for an opportunity to crush the new state. Abu Bakr employed effective strategies to deal with these challenges and had remarkable success in doing so. Thus, he paved way for the Islamic conquests that toppled tyrants and carried the message of Islam to the entire world. His leadership should be a great source of inspiration for the Muslims today.
Abu Bakr Siddiq: The First Caliph of Islam
This book is about the life and teachings of Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with Him)-The First Caliph of Islam.
Abu Zayd al-Bakhi’s Sustenance of the Soul
Al-Balki explains symptoms and treatments giving advice on preventive measures and how to return the body and soul to their natural healthy state. In doing so he displays a keen understanding of the human condition and the medical nature of the human emotional state. An astonishing feat given that many of the conditions he discusses were left largely unknown and untreated for centuries before being clinically defined as such, only as relatively recently as the 20th century. A genius, his insights on human psychopathology as well as diagnoses of psychological ailments including stress, depression, fear and anxiety, phobic and obsessive-compulsive disorders, together with their treatment by cognitive behavior therapy, relate to us in every way and are in sync with modern psychology. Importantly, they also incorporate a greater dimension to include the soul and the worship of God.
Ad-Daa’ Wa Ad-Dawaa’ (H/B)
Buku Ad-Daa’ wa ad-Dawaa’ adalah sebuah karya besar dan fenomenal di bidang akhlak, tarbiyah, dan tazkiyatunnufus. Penulisnya, Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, adalah seorang ulama tersohor dan penulis buku berbobot yang hidup pada abad ke-8 H. Buku ini berbicara panjang lebar serta sempurna di berbagai masalah tarbiyah dan tazkiyatun-nufus, mulai dari pentingnya do’a bagi seorang hamba serta hubungan do’a dengan takdir.
Berbicara tentang macam-macam maksiat dan bahayanya bagi pelakunya, juga dosa-dosa dan pengaruh negatifnya secara langsung di dunia.
Berbicara pula tentang hukuman Allah terhadap hamba-Nya baik itu hukuman syar’i maupun qadari, qalbi maupun badani, duniawi maupun ukhrawi. Berbicara mengenai syirik dan macam-macamnya dalam ibadah, perbuatan, perkataan, kehendak, dan niat, serta syiriknya agama Nasrani, juga syirik dalam wasilah dan syafaat.
Berbicara seputar dosa-dosa besar, seperti kezhaliman, pembunuhan, dan zina beserta dampak-dampak negatifnya. Berbicara seputar pintu-pintu pembuka maksiat, diantaranya bisikan hati, pandangan mata, dan langkah kaki. Berbicara mengenai liwath (homoseks) dan menyetubuhi binatang; serta tentang cinta, tingkatan-tingkatannya, soal mabuk asmara dan masalah yang lain.
Anda akan dibuat terpesona oleh uraian-uraian penulis yang sangat dalam dan kuat, halaman demi halaman. Anda pun akan terpuaskan dari dahaga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Maka janganlah Anda lewatkan untuk segera memiliki buku ini dan menelaahnya.
Advice on Establishing an Islamic Home
An excellent book discussing the foundation of an Islämic household. The author addresses issues that are relevant to the majority of Muslim households, such as the importance of choosing a righteous spouse, making your home a place for the remembrance of Alläh, spreading kindness in the home, teaching good manners, discussing some of the evils present in the home, learning the Islämic rulings with regard to how a Muslim home should be, creating an atmosphere of faith, resisting bad manners, choosing a good location and design, how to discipline children which may be more effective than physical punishment and the books that one should read and much more.
Advice Regarding The Book of Allah (Authentic Statements)
Various important topics are covered in this book; such as the miracle of the Qur’an, unclear verses in the Qur’an, healing from the Qur’an, contemplation of the Qur’an, the jinn who heard the Qur’an, the failure of those who tried to emulate the Qur’an, and many more. Hasan al-Basri said, “A person will say: ‘By Allah, I have recited the entire Qur’an and I have not neglected a single letter’; while in reality he has neglected the entire Qur’an. The Qur’an cannot be seen in his manners or his actions.”
Ahmad Climbs A Mountain: A Parable About Achieving Your Goals
Aisha Siddiqa
“The life of Aisha (ra) is proof that a woman can be very learned and that she can be the teacher of scholars and experts…”
Aisha The Wife, The Companion, The Scholar (P/B)
1. Mecca Years and the Migration
2. A Home Full of Peace and Virtue
3. Aisha the Immaculate
4. After the Prophet
5. Aisha and Knowledge
Khadija and Aisha had a special position among the wives of God’s Messenger; while the former was like the royal vizier in Mecca for fifteen years before the revelation, the latter fulfilled the same duty during the Medina years and later on. When they are considered in terms of the mission that they performed, each of them had the proper qualifications. God Almighty provided the Messenger of God with a strong character: in Mecca where belief, self-sacrifice and bravery were so necessary, He gave him Khadija; in Medina where the requirements of knowledge, intelligence and reasoning were felt, He bestowed him Aisha.