The 8 Gates of Jannah (P/B)
Jannah is the calling of every Muslim: eternal bliss in the company of the prophets, truthful, martyrs, and righteous.
The Ailment And The Cure (P/B)
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
Also known as: “An Adequate Response for Whoever has Enquired About an Effective Medicine”
The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has said, “Allah has not sent an ailment without sending a cure.” He also said, “There is a cure for every ailment, so if a medicine is effective, one will recover with the permission of Allah The Magnificent.”
This book collects all the medicines of the heart and soul that can make the Muslim better or a true Muslim, and Ibn Qayyim gathered in this book the different diseases of the hearts and their cures.
The Aphorisms of Ibn Ata Allah H/B
This collection of aphorisms is not only one of the most famous and celebrated throughout the Muslim world, like so many aphorisms before it, they are a gift, not just to Muslims, but to humanity and deserve to be shared, studied, memorised, and ultimately passed on. While there are many, many beautiful commentaries on the Aphorisms, the true commentary is your deep reading and re-reading of them and the process of internalisation of these wisdoms over time. Let the commentary, therefore, be a lifelong journey with the text as its meanings unfold themselves to you day by day.
The Beauty of Time Management in Islam
Are you ready to make the most of your days and accomplish your goals in ways that are pleasing to Allah, thus winning His Barakah?
The Best in Islam
A groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind, compilation of authentic prophetic statements and Qur’anic verses that describe people, places and things using the terms of praise: “Good”, “Better” and “Best” or their equivalents like “beloved”, “more beloved” and “most beloved.” The 182 Hadeeth and Quranic verses are alphabetically grouped according to their various subject matters.
This truly unique work, originally compiled in the beginning of the 1990s, was aimed at enlightening English readers with issues which Islam considers to be the best and most pleasing to the Almighty God. Hence, readers can appreciate the higher objectives and goals of Islamic teachings, rites and rituals.
The Biography of Prophet Muhammad
Throughout the history of mankind, people always tend to look for a “Role Model” to follow in order to fulfill the meaning of their existance, so they can live in peace and happiness… The most suitable person for being that model is Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him .. This book targets children so that they car learn from the biography of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
The Challenge of the Qur’an: Timeless Wisdom for All
as I moved into life. So many
questions that needed answers.
Then, I discovered the Qur’an. I buried myself
into the Qur’an, each time bewildered and amazed,
of the beauty so depicted and the Truth so elaborate.
I came out clear of life as I have never been.
Clear of death as to have no more questions.
The Cherished Queens The Beauty of Polygamy in Islam and the Wisdom Behind It
I am not an expert on Islam, nor am I an expert on marriage. I am not a psychologist nor a marriage couselor. I am simply a Muslim woman who has learned a few things along this long and bumpy road of life. Consider me an older sister, who cares about you and only wishes to give you the best advise that she knows. It is my hope and prayer, firstly, that this book pleases Allah, the Almighty. Secondly, that it may help someone going through what can be a truly tremoulchious time in their life, or even open a dialogue about a subject that can be very difficult to talk about. Thirdly, I pray that this book is Adjar for me when I am gone. I want to thank Allah, the Almighty, for guiding me to Islam; for bringing me from the darkness into the Light! Alhumdulillah!
The Complete Forty Hadith of Imam an-Nawawi
Imam an-Nawawi assembled his collection of forty-two ahadith together with the absolute minimum of fiqh and commentary necessary for people not to misunderstand their import.