Zakah According to the Quran & Sunnah (Darussalam)
Zakah, the third Pillar of Islam, is probably the first Pillar of its economic system. It represents the first and most important mechanism to implement economic justice and to provide sustenance to the economically unfortunate, two issues for which Islam is especially sensitive. These two issues are the essence of this book. This book consists of all the main issues of Zakat (i-e, Zakah on Gold, Silver, Paper Money, Livestock, Fruits, Grains, Rented Land, Buried treasures, Minerals, Trade, Shares, Stocks, and Exploited Assets etc). The main objective of this work is to serve an easy and authentic reference to the reader.
Zakariya’s Umrah
Zakariya’s Umrah by Fatima B. Hart is about a young boy on a trip to perform Umrah with his dad. Using repetition, rhyme, and rhythm, it describes what he observes at each vital stage of the trip and outlines the basic rituals of Umrah in a fun and engaging way. This book is recommended for children aged 0-5.
Zakat and Poverty Alleviation (P/B)
This edited book aims to raise issues pertaining to the topic of zakat and its primary goal of poverty alleviation. It portrays the dynamism of zakat by highlighting pertinent issues on the management of zakat institutions and innovative programmes that are designed as effective distribution mechanisms. Discussions include zakat payment motives, ways to measure the efficiency of zakat disbursement, economic development initiatives, housing programme, microfinancing, and actual impact on poverty alleviation. The discussions raised put emphasis on policy-orientation with dedicated sections on policy implications and recommendations. This approach is deemed necessary since it could guide the thought process of interested parties towards the creation of new ideas to actualize zakat as a very reliable tool in addressing the massive problem of poverty among Muslim communities. This special feature also significantly adds to the much-needed reference materials in courses on zakat at the intermediate level of undergraduate studies and introductory level of postgraduate programmes.
Zayd: The Rose that Bloomed in Captivity (Leading Companions of the Prophet)
Zayd ibn Haritha, an emancipated slave of the Prophet Muhammad, was a sincere friend and a loyal servant. He was also one of the first to embrace the Islamic faith immediately after the revelations began. Under the guidance of the Prophet, he became fully equipped to undertake various significant roles in the community and rose up to become a commander of the army. This book tells us the exemplary life story of this distinguished personality, a role model before everyone to realize their human potential.
Zikir Pagi, Petang & Selepas Solat (Saiz Poket)
Zikr Morning, Evening & After Obligatory Prayers (Pocket Size) (REVISED)
Ziyad & Tiger : Millipede Hunt
Ziyad and Tiger went out exploring at their backyard. They learnt a lot on the food chains and how natures live and were amazed on the wonderful creations of Allah SWT.
Ziyad & Tiger Adventures “Animals from The Quran”
Ziyad and his backpack tiger had an adventurous night meeting the animals mentioned in the Quran. Indeed, these animals have their own uniqueness. Definitely, Allah created these animals with purposes.
Ziyad & Tiger Light Bulb!
Ziyad and Tiger were amazed with the power of their brains.
They then realized that the Creator of the brains, Allah SWT is more powerful.
وقف مصاحف في المسجد الحرام
مشروع وقف مصاحف في المسجد الحرام
لا شك أن الحسنات تتضاعف أجرها في الزمان الفاضل والمكان الفاضل حسب الأدلة الشرعية الثابتة ومنها على سبيل المثال مضاعفة الأجر في رمضان وعشرذي الحجة وفي المسجد الحرام .
انطلاقا من هذا المبدأ، لاحظنا اهتمام المسلمين قديما وحديثا من معتمرين وحجاج وزوار مكة التحري في مضاعفة الحسنات والأجر طوال فترة مكثهم في بلاد الحرمين من قراءة القرآن وتدبره والصدقات والطواف بالبيت والنوافل وغير ذلك من العبادات تقربا بها الى الله عزوجل ,
وأيضا من الأعمال التي يقوم بها المسلمون وقف المصاحف الشريفة والمصاحف المترجمة في المسجد الحرام مستغلا انشغال المسلمين بكتاب الله في مهبطه و الانتفاع من تدبره وفهمه ؛ طلبا رضا خالقهم في أطهر بقعة علي الكرة الارضية ,
ففرع مكتبة ركن الدعوة بمكة المكرمة (شركة مكة ) تعلن خدمة تيسيروقف المصاحف الشريفة في المسجد الحرام آليا عبرالموقع وفق الضوابط المقررة من رئاسة شئون الحرمين ألا وهي :
1- أن يكون المصحف مطبوعة من مجمع الملك فهد بالمدينة
2- وأن يوضع في الأماكن المخصصة للمصاحف .
3- مع وضع ختم ( وقف لله تعالى ) واضح .
والآن مع هذه الخدمة الالكترونية يمكن للجميع وقف المصاحف في المسجد الحرام وغيرهما من المساجد متى ما أرادوا ذلك و اينما كانوا .
وبهذا تتشرف فرع مكتبة ركن الدعوة القيام بذلك نيابة عنكم وتزويدكم بالصور والمستندات حسب احتياجاتكم للحفظ والضبط ,
ويمكنكم اختيار نوع المصحف وعدده وحجمه مع العلم بأن قيمة المصحف سيتم اعتماده على نفس قيمة السوق في ذلك الوقت ,
(This is the Chinese version of ‘The Prophet of Islam Muhammad SAW: Biography & Pictorial Guide’.)