

(Showing 2701 – 2712 products of 2847 products)


The True Message Of Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ represents the common link between the two major religions of Christianity and Islam. This book brings together the writings of Christian and Muslims scholars on the topic of the man and the message of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). It aims to present an objective view of Jesus Christ and the importance of his message.

The True Secret


As Human Beings, We all desire happiness, success, health, and peace of mind.

The True Secret offers practical step-by-step program that you could use to evaluate your situation and begin to make changes in beliefs and actions, working towards success in this life and the next. The examples, tools, and explanations are in accordance with authentic Islamic teachings and yet, still, not surprisingly, in accordance with the latest scientific researches and recommendations.

We know that every thing happens with God’s will, and this gives us security and peace of mind, but still we know that we are accountable for our actions:

“Verily, God will never change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves” (Qur’an, 13: 11)

The Twins’ Space Mission


3, 2, 1… bismillāh! Follow Adam and Noah in their journey through space – right from their own bedroom.

Board book.

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The Ultimate Conspectus


A translation of Abu Shuja’ al-Asfahani’s introduction to classical Islamic law, Matn al-Ghayat wa al-Taqrib. This enduring classic covers the full range of basic topics within the Shafi’i school of law. It includes the full Arabic text and notes to point out where later Shafi’i jurists have differed from the author, Imam al-Nawawi’s preferences, and minor clarifications and explanations.


The Ultimate Guide to Umrah by Darussalam

Based on the famous book ‘Getting the Best out of Hajj’ With special chapters on Umrah in Ramadaan & Visiting Madinah After Hajj, a Muslim considers Umrah to be the most significant worship that brings the opportunity of rewards and the blessings of visiting Ka’bah and the Prophet’s Mosque along with other sacred places one wishes to visit and try to feel the atmosphere present at the time of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) and the hardships he had to bear while preaching Islam. During such a visit, a newcomer has to face many difficulties because of a lack of knowledge about the rites and places. To provide complete details about everything, a pilgrim wants to know, the first time this book has been compiled with the utmost care and research so as to make it useful in every respect.


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The Unchallengeable Miracles Of The Qur’an (H/B)


The Qur’an is a book of guidance for all of humanity, and Allah has promised that He will preserve it in its original pristine form until the Day of Judgment. The inimitable style of the Qur’aan and the superior wisdom in it are definitive evidences that it is the Word of God. Besides, the Qur’an has many miraculous verses proving that it is undoubtedly a revelation from God and not the work of a human.

Although the Qur’an is not just a book of science, it clearly states a number of scientific truths that were uncovered only with the help of modern technology in the 20th century. How can we explain the numerous scientific facts mentioned in its verses over 1400 years ago?

Time after time, respected scientists and renowned experts from all over the world, upon studying the verses of the Qur’an (Quraan) have had no other choice but to acknowledge that there were no means of knowing these scientific facts 1400 years ago. The only way they could have reached us is through revelation: proving that the Qur’an is the word of God.

Just as scientists and researchers are fascinated by the wealth of knowledge and depth of meaning carried in the verses of the Qur’an (Koran/Coran), modern readers too will find a great deal of benefit in the amazing information and insight offered by this book.

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The Valley Came Alive (H/B)


Darussalam is proud to present the abridged English translation of the classic work: Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, focusing exclusively on the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This volume contains a detail account of the life and times of the Messenger of Allah taken from a number of historical and traditional sources. The book reports the events of his blessed life, his battles, military campaigns, the delegations that met him, and sheds light upon the unique exemplary qualities, virtues and signs of his Messengership that make him a guide and role-model for all of humanity until the end of time.

A1-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End) by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida ‘Imad ad-Deen lsma’eel bin ‘Umar ibn Katheer, is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history.

The Way to Allah (swt) is Through Rasul Allah (saw) – Book 8 (Stairway to Heaven)


Manal Shehab’s Stairway to Heaven series and Zeynep Haydan’s colourful illustrations make perfect picture books for your Islamic library.

A collection of 8 cleverly written and stunningly illustrated board books. Each book with its own unique Islamic concept, guaranteed to engage and stimulate children of all ages.

The simple, yet concise rhyming text, coupled with beautiful glossy illustrations, highlight simple Islamic concepts. I encourage you to use these concepts as a platform to spend quality time with your children where you can open and expand their young, imaginative minds and hearts to the beauty of our deen – Islam

The Way to Salvation (P/B)



This book can use for da’wah with the topic Salvation.

Salvation is the aim of human life, according to the religious ideologies. What is salvation? Is there an existence after this life? Are the religious scriptures in controversy on dealing with the topic ‘salvation”? Or are there any common points between them? An extensive study on the basis of Hindu, Christian, and Islamic scriptures.

The Wise Counsel of Luqman


Al-Hikmah is a divine prerogative. It is a gift from Allah granted to whomever He Wills from among His servants. Some define it as ‘beneficial knowledge that corroborates with good righteous deeds’; others say it is ‘doing an appropriate act at the most appropriate time and place’; and yet others deem it to be foresightedness, comprehension, felicitous conduct and good opinion. All of these definition are in fact befitting and apt. Allah, The Most High bestowed Luqman (upon him be peace) with much foresight, intelligence and profound judgement – injecting it deep into his heart whereby his words, deeds and manners were grounded in wisdom. Allah Revealed: “And indeed we bestowed upon Luqman Al- Hikmah…” [Luqman (31): 12] The instructions and advices found in the story of Luqman Al-Ḥakim comprise noble guidance and contain perfect conduct in inviting people towards Allah, and nurturing of children. It speaks of proper upbringing of a generation, describing ways to success and teaching people holistic goodness. Making it incumbent upon every mentor, father and teacher to pay attention to the prescriptions found therein; providing contemplation and deriving exemplary lesson plans in the field of propagating and education. These lessons can tangibly facilitate in drawing hearts and enriching minds. Consisting of elementary details that appeal to one’s good conscience; for indeed putting across Allah’s Message to mankind requires proper planning and tact that is plentiful within the story. One who advises to such a degree is indeed blessed with prudence – a blessing from Allah, not just for Luqman but for anyone who takes him as a role-model.

The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad (H/B)


Within this book, The Wives of Prophet Muhammad, is a wealth of captivating information about the distinguished wives of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them). Their lives are represented through vivid stories encompassing their lineage, history, and marriages to the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). From their hardships to their triumphs, their lives were filled with honesty, sincerity, and devotion to Allah. Their lives exemplify an ideal for which Muslims may strive. Each wife is honoured as an individual, with her life and her love of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) directing her story. The author has compiled the statements of several scholars on this topic and added to this her own impassioned arguments, with which she dispels criticism by orientalists of the Prophet’s practice of polygyny. From a historical perspective, his life, along with those of his wives, authenticates his mission. His practice of polygyny, when investigated, reveals a deep wisdom behind his marriages that supported his efforts of teaching and spreading Islam. This edition is new and completely revised. It has been reorganized to make it easy to read while drawing out the most inspiring aspects of the lives of the honourable wives of the Prophet Muhammad.

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