The Spiritual Strength In Our Scars
We often pretend to be happy and put on a brave face for the world despite carrying the pain of enduring a personal struggle or adversity.
When we are alone, that is when we fall into despair — for failing to overcome the struggles that we carry silently in our hearts.
Are we considered strong if we do not fall when life pushes us to the ground? Do our faith and belief tell us that we cannot let our misery affect us because as the saying goes, “we must bear patience”?
In this book, author Liyana Musfirah takes readers on a reflective journey of discovering the strength that emerges from each of our painful and scarring episodes.
This is the book that celebrates what God has given women — the resilience to withstand emotional, spiritual, or even physical hardships.
The Story Of A Priest Who Embraced Islam
The Story of a Priest Who Embraced Islam and the Means of Goodness and Happiness in the Dunya and the Hereafter
“Imam Ibn Baz said: ‘If Islam and its beautiful characteristics were to be explained to the disbelievers they would enter into it in large crowds. One of the Indian callers mentioned to me that 1000 people had embraced Islam at his hands and he said: ‘My method is that I would sit and speak with them and I would not go beyond 15 minutes speaking about the beautiful characteristics of the religion; or a half an hour at the most and these (1000 people) had each embraced Islam.’” Ref. Explanation of the Fundamentals of Tafsir which no Exegete of the Qur’an Can Do Without
The Story of Adam
This book is one of a series titled Stories of the Prophets. Each book is beautifully illustrated in full color and the story of each Prophet is summarized in order to allow the child to easily grasp the concept while staying fully entertained by the visual beauty of this work.
The Story of Ibrahim AS
A new amazing serious of childrens illustrated books, the book is easy to read and follow with pictures for little children to enjoy and learn about they beloved prophet. This boo is about the prophet Adam, looking through it makes me want to read it too. lol….
It looks fun. Masha’Allah
This is getting too much now i think i need to buy some of these for myself.
The Story of Maryam Board Book (Delightful Series)
“Allah heard her, and she gave birth to a baby girl, Maryam or Mary…”
The Story of Muhammad S.A.W in Madinah
The Story of Muhammad (SAW) in Madina By Abu Zahir (Stories Of The Prophets) A new amazing serious of childrens illustrated books, the book is easy to read and follow with pictures for little children to enjoy and learn about they beloved prophet.
The Story of Muhammad S.A.W in Makkah
The Story of Muhammad (SAW) in Makkah By Abu Zahir (Stories Of The Prophets) A new amazing serious of childrens illustrated books, the book is easy to read and follow with pictures for little children to enjoy and learn about they beloved prophet.
The Story of Prophet Adam (AS) Board Book (Delightful Series)
“Long ago Allah decided to make man….”
The Story of Prophet Hud Board Book (Delightful Series)
This delightful board book is a perfect gift for little children. The Quran story of Prophet Ayyub comes with charming illustrations and engaging text. The story has a moral in the end.
The Story of Prophet Salih Board Book (Delightful Series)
This delightful board book is a perfect gift for little children. The Quran story of Prophet Ayyub comes with charming illustrations and engaging text. The story has a moral in the end.
The Story of Prophet Sulayman Board Book (Delightful Series)
This delightful board book is a perfect gift for little children. The Quran story of Prophet Ayyub comes with charming illustrations and engaging text. The story has a moral in the end.
The Spiritual Cure An Explanation to Surah al-Fatihah (P/B)
Surah al Fatiha is the greatest chapter of the Qur’an, its like is not found in the rest of the Book or in the previous scriptures. It is a
Light that was granted to Prophet Muhammad (S) which had not been granted to any other Prophet or Messenger before him; indeed
some of the Salaf stated that when this chapter was revealed, Shaytãn l let out a great cry of lament.
It holds a central position in the daily Prayer hence the daily life of the Muslim.
The underlying theme, of al-Fatiha is one of contemplation and serenity; pondering the Names and Attributes of Allah, pondering the creation , and acknowledging that He Alone deserves praise and Worship, that He Alone should be asked for help, that He Alone Should be feared and hoped in, that He Alone should be invoked, that there is indeed a Day of Judgment, and that guidance has come to us and we are required to follow it.
It calls us to carefully scrutinise our relationship with our Lord: are we living according to the dictates of ‘none has the right to be worshipped save of Allah’ or not? This opening chapter, despite its brevity, calls man to fulfil the rights of Tawhid, the right that Allah has over us to worship Him Alone without any partner
A Summary of numerous Classical Commentaries of the Qur’an
at-Tabari, al-Baghawi, Az-Zamakhshari, ibn Atityyah, Ibn Jawzi, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Qayyim, Ibn Kathir, as-Suyuti, Alusi, ash-Shawkani, as-Sa’di, ash-Shaqiti and many Others