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The Search for the Truth (P/B)


Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • The Beginning
  • A Different Religion?
  • The Interest Arises
  • The Opposition
  • The Way Out
  • This is it, But!
  • The Urge is Strong
  • Another Move
  • One More Move
  • The Big Move
  • The Slavery to Allah Alone
  • But They will Come!
  • References

The Second Caliph of Islam: ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (P/B)


Uthman bin Affan (R) was one of the early men who accepted Islam in Makkah. From the first moment he became a Muslim, he put all his wealth under the service of Islam. He spent most of his resources to satisfy the needs of poor Muslims. Recognizing his generosity and devotion to Islam, the Prophet (S) told him that his place would be in Paradise on the Hereafter. He married Ruqayah (R),the Prophet’s daughter. After she died, he married her sister Um Kulthum ;for that, the people at that time called him Dhun Nurain, “The Man with the Two Lights.”

The Sevens


A concise guide for lecturers and trainers. It includes 70 Sevens which are among the strongest assistant to you in life. They are the extract of the experiments and experiences of successful scholars, within intensified points and concentrated pivots

The Silver Lining (P/B)


The theme of this book is relief after hardship, or as the old proverb has it, ‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’ The author, Sameh Strauch, explains this concept, describing, with evidence from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, why we are subject to trials and tribulations, and how, when adversity is at its worst, relief is near. He uses as examples the stories of the prophets and the trials they endured. Strauch then proposes measures to be undertaken to attain relief from difficulty, and explains the importance of tawakkul (depending upon Allah), the benefits and wisdom derived from the concept of hardship and relief, and much more. If you have ever been stricken by calamity and wondered why it happens, this book has the answer.

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The Simplified Encyclopedia of Islamic History (2 Vols.)


Notes: FYI, the cover is not in good condition from the Supplier. – see images

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The Soul of the Quran (P/B)


This book is a unique collection of prayers and verses distilled from the Sacred Book. It contains one hundred and fifty four passages of exquisite beauty, majestic prose and breadth of vision. Lucid in style and rich in spiritual wisdom, they have been judiciously selected to inspire and uplift the soul.

The Sources of the Qur’an


“Who is the author of the Qur’an?” On this subject scholars have flagrantly contradicted each other. This work attempts to make a critical review of the major ‘authorship’ theories by pressing into service logical arguments, historical evidence, textual analysis and scientific data. Probably, the only point of agreement about the Qur’an is that it was uttered for the first time by a man who was born in Makkah (Mecca), a city of Arabia, in the sixth century—a man by the name of Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). As to the source of the Qur’an, scholars are divided into three main groups: those who believe that Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) himself was the author; those who believe that he was not the author himself but learned it from another human author or authors; and those who believe that the Qur’an has no human author but is rather a word-for-word revelation from God. Hamza Njozi examines the three theories and comes to a firm and logical conclusion.

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