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The Personality of Allah’s Last Messenger (P/B)


The world has not lacked for heroes or great personalities, yet most of them distinguished themselves in one field or another, unlike the unlettered Prophet, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah (blessings and peace be upon him). This man was a towering personality who excelled in many diverse fields; as statesman, general, teacher, lawmaker, social reformer, exemplary father and husband. His honesty and integrity were known and respected by all, even his enemies. In spite of all this, it must be said that the truth is often obscured about the one whom George Bernard Shaw described as “that wonderful man who is unknown to many outside the Muslim world”. In this book, ‘Abdul Waheed Khan focuses on the true personality of the last Messenger of Allah, in order to demolish all the distortions and misconceptions which have been propagated by biased or ignorant writers and hopefully, to induce in the reader a sense of reverence and respect for this greatest man in the history of the world. If you do not yet know the truth about this giant of history, you owe it to yourself to find out about him.

The Pillars of Islam & Iman (H/B)


A pillar of Islam and Iman book that covers the fundamental constituents of Islam – Salat, Saum, Hajj, Zakat etc. The complete guide on the basic teachings and foundations of Islam.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy – II Salah & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


Salah is one of the five pillars on which the edifice of Islam rests. Most of us feel that we already know all there is about salah – the formal prayers of a Muslim. However, very few individuals actually do justice to it or derive any worldly or spiritual benefits from it.

Salah & Its Essential Conditions is an effort to detail the essential prerequiires of salah. Moreever, it takes a detailed look at its importance along with the different types of obligatory and voluntary prayers. It alsa presents an illustrated guide to help those who wish to learn or correct the performance of their prayers.

Inshallah, all those who wish to improve their salah will find plenty of help in this book whether they are looking for information on cleanliness and purify, locating the direction of qibla, improving their congregation during salah, making up for the missed salah, or joining acongregation when the imam has already sarted the salah, or joining a congregation when the imam has already started the salah. All in all, it is a relevant handbook on what the Prophet (saw) has described as the coolness of his eyes.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy I- Shahadah (Testimony of Faith) & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


For a Muslim, the testimony of faith is the affirmation that there is no god other than Allah and that Prophet Muhammad (saw) is His servant and messenger. This testimony is second nature to most Muslims; yet it is disappointing to note that many of them are not aware of the seven conditions attached to it.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy III – Zakah & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


Zakah & Its Essential Conditions covers the details of obligatory charity, including its importance, its effects, the dangers of not giving zakah, and all the conditions that must be met in discharging this obligation. Each prerequisite is thoroughly explained with evidence from the Qur’an, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence, making it a comprehensive guidebook for all.

The Political Shariyah on Reforming the Ruler and the Ruled


In this book the Shaykh explains the obligations
of the Ruler and the Ummah’s responsibilities towards the Ruler. The Shaykh explains the principles by which to select the best Ruler according to the Shari’ah.The whole of the book is based on and an extensive commentary of the two verses of surah an-Nisa.
This volume is the first of a series of important Islamic texts from our dar al-Islam Series.

The Precious Pearls (H/B)


Strong Muslims are capable of malting a choice of personality to mimic and remain steadfast on it, while the weak and ignorant are prone to get mislead. So, more than ever, it is incumbent upon us to talk to our youth, and even we adults should reflect on the greatness of our great Muslim heroes from our Islamic past, who built the most glorious and powerful civilization of all, who took a crass society of measly people and gave them Islam that dramatically improved their lives. Darussalam is presenting this book to our youth hoping that they will find in it great examples, persons and models to follow and develop their own personalities accordingly.

The Prick Of A Thorn (H/B)


The book’s title was inspired by a saying of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):

“Every fatigue, illness, distress, worry, grief, or harm that befalls the Muslim, including the prick of a thorn, will be accepted by Allah as expiation for some of his or her sins.’ (Bukhari)

The Principle of Leadership (H/B)


In this work entitled The Rudiments of Leadership: The American Attempt in the Light of Islamic Heritage, Dr Yusuf bin Uthman al Huzaim offfers and insightful awareness of the many theories and practices of leadership deriving from Islamic heritage and the modern American experienc

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