The Life of The Last Prophet (Darussalam)
The influence of Muhammad’s prophet hood is visible in everything that the world now contains: beliefs and patterns of thought, culture and civilization, morals and modes of living, knowledge and learning. In short, all spheres of human endeavor. Strange indeed, therefore, that so many people on the face of the earth today have little or no knowledge of the life and mission of this last great Prophet of God and his historical impact on the world we live in.
The Life of The Last Prophet , is a concise and authentic account of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (S) written by Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens. This book is the printed version of the spoken word album of the same name and also includes a selection of prophetic sayings and detailed references.
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Made Simple (Pocket Size)
This is an easy-to-understand pocket reference book on the life of the Prophet Muhammad.Most importantly, it explains the significance of the Prophet?s life, withthe special focus on his teachings and its relevance in the present world.
The Life, Teachings And Influence Of Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab (H/B)
From Chapter 1 – This book is not one with a political agenda. It is meant neither to support nor to critique any contemporary regimes or polices. Indeed, the driving force behind this work is much greater and more important than that. It has to do with, first, the religion of Islam as preached by the Prophet and second, with the honor and right of an individual Muslim, Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab. An attempt has been made to resent a fair and accurate presentation of the life and teachings of him. Conclusions were derived based only on the most historically and logically reliable, accurate, substantiated and proven-based sources – be they from Muslims or non-Muslims.
The Light Within Islam
The religion of Islam in recent events has been misinterpreted. This book was created for those interested in the truth and not the myth. The Light within Islam is a simple book aimed to address the basic questions commonly misunderstood in Islam. The content of the book focuses on the Unity of God, the structure of the Islamic faith and the distinction between Islam and Christianity. By shedding light and insight into these issues, The Light within Islam hopes to bring closure and enlightenment to the topics responsible for the recent misconceptions is Islam.
The Longing Heart : Story of Abu Dhar (P/B)
This is the story of a young man who longed to meet the new Prophet who had announced God’s message to the people of Makkah.
The Lost Kingdom (P/B)
The Lost Kingdom is the story of wild lions who long ago adopted a very different way of life – that of domestic cats. Many of them forgot their history and their great past, until one day… Meet Layth, an intelligent and courageous cub seeking truth and adventure. He and his friends decide to dig up the past and begin to question why their fellow lions behave the way they do. They begin to address the problems that have been buried deeply for too long. Soon, Layth and his friends have a mystery on their paws – will they be able to solve it before they are caught, or will they be stopped before they can even begin? Generating enthusiasm and providing food for thought for young minds, The Lost Kingdom is an interesting fable of adventure, courage, and chivalry in the face of severe hardships.
For ages 7-12
The Magnificence of the Qur’an
The Magnificence of the Quran is a book that relates to us the countless miracles and benefits of the Holy Book of Islam. It expands on numerous aspects of the Quran, all of which point to its magnificence, as signified by the apt title. The author discusses everything from the methodology of studying the Quran to its characteristics, qualities, and the manners with which one should approach it.
It is much like a user`s manual that opens up a world of knowledge and facts about the Quran. For all audiences, this book is an invaluable companion to the Quran and one which serves to remind us of its eminence and its superiority to all other books. By discussing a series of seemingly miscellaneous topics, the author manages to create a whole picture of the Quran which surpasses any other guide of this academic nature.
The Martyrdom of Al-Husayn: In Light of The Authentic Traditions
This book provides a historical rendition of the events which culminated within Karbala. It is made distinct due to the fact that the rendition provided is based strictly upon narrations deemed authentic according to the conditions of the hadith scholars. The chains of narration and references have been provided for every narration.
The Meaning of The Holy Qur’an -Pocket Size (P/B) (IBT)
This very handy pocket-sized edition contains the complete meaning of the Holy Qur’an, without the Arabic text and the commentaries. Weighing just under 170 grammes, sized 9.5 cm X 13 cm and with a thickness of 1.5cm, it is intended as a handy travel companion as well as a gift to friends and colleagues.
The Meaning of The Holy Qur’an: Text, Translation and Commentary (IBT)
Of all the existing translation and commentaries of the Qur’an in English, Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s version is perhaps the most popular and widely read. Its chaste English prose and scholarly notes and appendices, have made it a major landmark in the Qur’anic interpretations. It has enjoyed such authority that both scholars and students have widely used this as their reference ever since it was first published in 1934. This new edition, in modern English, printed on thin paper, comes in a new readable format, beautifully typeset in large font sizes both Arabic and English, with footnotes and commentaries.
The Light of The Qur’an
The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, passed by a person reciting Surah Al – Kafirun and remarked, “He has been saved from shirk”. He passed by another reciting Surah Al – Ikhlas and remarked. Paradise has become obligatory for him. Reported by Muslim.
These two chapters have both been given the title Al-Ikhlas, or purity of faith, because they deal with the topic of Tawhid in all its various aspects. Al – Ikhlas concentrates on the pure, essential faith in Allah that all mankind is required to have. Al – Kafirun deals with purity of deed and disavowal of disbelief and paganism. Both chapters lay out the parameters of mans relationship with his/her lord and creator, as well as his/her relationship those around him/her.
Pure, unblemished monotheism combined with sincerity in belief and deed defines the relationship with Allah. Hi is one and only true God, unique, without peer, equal or opposite, and nothing is like on to him. He is the one who stands in need of nothing whereas everything is in dire need of him.
Maintaining the essential Muslim identity and character defines the relationship between the Muslim and his fellow man. The Muslim is unambiguous about his religion, truthful and upright in speech, deed and his dealings with those around him. Hi is proud of his faith and has unshakable conviction in it. He loves his lord, his Messenger and the Muslims and is loyal to them. Because of this, the dearest thing to him is his religion and he will not compromise it, pleasing Allah comes before pleasing the people.
The prophet would frequently recite these two chapters in prayer because of the commonality of their theme and to stress that success is achieved, in this life and the next, by internalising their message and living by it.