The Daughters Of The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
The complete compilation of ‘Daughter(s) of the Prophet’ Series: Zainab, Ruqayyah & Umm Kulthum, Zainab.
RM31.50 – RM36.00
The Decisive Criterion Between The Friends of Allah & The Friends of Shaytan (P/B)
The Decisive Criterion between the Awliyaa of The Most Merciful and the Awliyaa of Shaytaan Indeed the enmity between man and Shaytaan is old, commencing from the time that Adam (alayhi as-salaam) was created � from the time he was ordered to prostrate to him. Shaytaan refused, become arrogant and hence disobeyed his Lord. His arrogance and pride let him to commit a whole host of sins, it made him expend every effort in misleading the children of Adam and made him beautify and embellish sins such that they accepted them and eagerly committed them. Books sent the Messenger and enjoined His servants to various injunctions and admonitions in order to secure them from the evil of Shaytaan.
In the light of His advice, profound injunctions and admonitions in order to secure them from the evil of Shaytaan. In the light of His advice, profound injunctions and sever warnings, mankind becomes separated into two groups: a group who were guided and a group who deserved to be misguided. The groups who were guided are the inhabitants of Paradise and the groups who were misguided are the denizens of the Fire. The inhabitants of Paradise are the Awliyaa of the Most Merciful and the denizens of the Fire are the Awliyaa of Shaytaan
The Devil’s Deceptions
Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi It is from enmity and hopelessness of the devil that his endeavour to misguide mankind from the Path of Allah will persist. This misguidance takes many shades and forms; be it from planting seeds of doubt, or giving rise to deviant ideas antithetical to the sacred teachings of Islam, and essentially becoming entangled within regressive intellectual and rhetorical discourses.
The Ummah has suffered varying levels of deviation, some of which remain prevalent today, while more continue to be uncovered – and such is the impact of delusive plottings of the devil and his allies. This book is the sixth instalment from Dar as-Sunnah of the illustrious Imam, Abu’l-Faraj Ibn Jawzi. Being a complete translation of his well-known and prized work, Ibn Jawzi enumerates within it, many of the mechanisms and modus operandi used by the devil in deceiving and leading mankind away from the Straight Path.
It is of particular value and importance because only by unearthing and accentuating some of the traps of the devil, can mankind avoid them as well as navigate others away from falling prey to his harm. Speaking about the devil and his plotting, the author wrote that, “he was only able to do so while creeping during the night of ignorance. Had the dawn of knowledge shone on him, he would have been exposed.
Thus I decided to warn from his plots… for identifying evil is a form of warning from it.” This translation of Tablees Iblees will provide important analysis in developing self-awareness and critical thinking to ward off many deceptions of the devil, which have plagued mankind from the time of Adam. For such reasons alone, this work is a valuable addition to the scholarly discourse it presents to the English speaking world.
The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists (P/B) (IBT)
Psychology, with all its by-products and off shoots, has assumed in the West the status of religion, and for many people has replaced it. As in other areas of social sciences, some Muslim thinkers and scholars have developed an amazing skill for the unthinking repetition and blind copying of Western, non-Islamic ideas and practices. “In the Lizard’s Hole” is a Prophetic epitaph that describes this activity very well. Some Muslim psychologists insist dogmatically on prying even into lizard’s holes that have been partly or totally abandoned by their Western counterparts. But do Muslims really need modern psychology at all? Is modern psychology wholly Western? Is there a way in which it could be reconciled with Islam? These burning questions lie lurking behind the dilemma of Muslim psychologists.
The Dreamer’s Handbook (H/B)
This book starts by presenting a spiritual understanding of sleep from the Islamic viewpoint, which is followed by guidelines for recommended evening, pre-sleep, night, and morning acts of worship. The conceptual understanding of dreams is laid out next, followed by an analytical study of dreams in the Quran, and of dreams seen by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and by his companions (R). The rest of the book deals with dream interpretation, its correct rules and procedures, drills to help understand these rules, and a large glossary of interpreted dream symbols. This, we hope, fulfills two important goals regarding sleep and dreams: It establishes their understanding upon the strong foundation of the Quran and Sunnah, and it eliminates a great deal of superstition that surrounds them. Indeed, from Allah (SWT) alone we seek help and acceptance.
The Easy Qur’an (Revised Edition)