Sickness Regulations & Exhortations
This book is the first in the series. It deals with sickness, which continues to afflict human beings from birth until death. Sickness strikes as light as a simple cold or allergy, and as hard as a plague or cancer. It keeps the human being under check, reminding him of his weakness and giving him a chance to turn to the One who possesses to afflict and cure. This book deals with sickness, its regulations, and lessons associated with it. It presents the Islamic stand toward a number of modern medical issues, and also discusses important regulations relating to those with disabilities.
Signature of a Muslim (P/B)
This book is a journey into the art of influencing people positively towards Islam.
The answer to some often asked questions are inside this book:
Can I still propagate Islam if my knowledge is weak? What potential do I have as an advocate of Islam? How do others perceive me? How can I influence someone I ve never met before?
Signature of a Muslim introduces many techniques and concepts that have not previously been associated with the science of advocating Islam. The book uses evidences from the Holy Quran and Hadith to prove that many modern concepts that look at the psychology of influence such as Neuro Linguistic Programming and the Law of Attraction are in many ways in accordance with Islamic Shariah and can even be proven from both sources.
This book has something for everyone and could be the decisive factor that helps someone you know got to Paradise.
Sincere Counsel To The Students Of Sacred Knowledge
This second masterpiece in the series deals with the splendid admonishment of an Imam whose name is well known to all.
Singing and Music In Islamic Perspective (H/B)
This compelling and beautifully researched book clarifies the rulings on singing and music and the harm they inflict on the heart, the individual, the family, and the ummah. It warns Muslims about the danger of these matters, which causes corruption and immorality. These things turn people away from the Qur’an, worship, and obedience – the keys to the beautification and serenity of the heart; the removal of all worries and distress; and happiness in this world and the next.
Sister The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.
Example Quotes from GiftBook:
He who likes that his sustenance should be expanded and his age may be lengthened should join the tie of kinship. (Muslim)
Recounting each childhood pleasure And sorrow in varying measure A special theme links the two: Al-Hamdulillah I shared them with you. Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.
Sketches of Fools and Simpletons by Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi
Lack of sense leads to acts of foolishness, allowing them to mothball into comical gags. Ibrahim Al-Nazzam was once asked, “What are the limits of foolishness?” To which he replied, “You asked about that which has no limits.”
Slavery & Islam
“A thorough exploration of slavery from the perspective of Islam’s authoritative texts as well as moral and philosophical debates on the subject”
Slippery Stone : An Inquiry into Islam’s Stance on Music
What does Islam say about poetry, singing, musical instruments, musicians, and the business of music? How have Muslim societies historically looked at these questions and how have their attitudes changed in the media age? Why have mosques remained music-free while churches have not? What is the truth about the much-publicized €œmusic controversy€ in Islam? Why did Sufis call sama as the slippery stone? These are some of the questions explored in-depth in Slippery Stone: An Inquiry into Islam’s Stance on Music.
Of late, increasing attempts are being made to promote €œIslamic music,€ and the distinction between what is allowed and what is not has become hazy and unclear for many. This book demystifies the issue of music in Islam by going to original source books in Arabic, many of them brought to light for the first time in the English language. It traces the attitudes of the Muslim society about music and the musician throughout its history and quotes extensively from the deliberations of the Qur’an and Hadith scholars and jurists from all schools of Islamic Law, both Sunni and Shi’ah. Separate chapters are devoted to a discussion of the views of Sufi masters as well as the arguments of Ibn Hazm.
It examines in considerable depth the impact of colonialism and the media revolution (beginning with the gramophone) on the attitudes of Muslim societies regarding music. It also subjects the works of Orientalists to a scrutiny that was overdue.
By referring to it as a slippery stone, Sufis vividly pointed out the dangers associated with this enterprise and emphasized the need for caution. History is filled with the corpses of those who fell off the slippery stone by ignoring this advice. Combining historic, cultural, and jurisprudential perspectives this book brings the truth of that metaphor into sharp relief.
More than six hundred references and more than a hundred twenty biographical notes on the authorities quoted add to the value of a discussion that is comprehensive without being boring, and detailed without being confusing. This book has left no stone unturned in its examination of the slippery stone.
Smaller Signs of the Day
The Day of Judgment in sure to come, but when it will be, it is a matter known only to Allah the Great.
But the Prophet Muhammad (S) has told us about some signs that indicate that the Day is coming nearer and nearer. Such signs are of three types: The first type of signs have already come to pass. The second type of signs are those that appear gradually with the passage of time. The third type is of the signs that appear just very near to the Day- these are called the Greater Signs of the Day. In this book we have dealt with the first two types of the signs that are known to be the Smaller Signs of the Day.