Remembrance & Prayer: The way of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
Remembrance and Prayer: The Way of Prophet Muhammad, was one of the first works of Shaykh al Ghazali’s to be translated into English. The book describes in vivid prose how the Prophet, upon him be peace, used to remember Allah and pray to Him. Not only are the exquisitely beautiful, deeply moving and penetrating words of the Prophet given in the English translation, but in the original Arabic as well, thus allowing those desirous of memorizing Arabic access to the original texts. The intimate relationship with Allah, which was the hallmark of the Prophet’s life, becomes clear and vivid. The book’s contents are immensely relevant. to the life and concerns of modern man, whose life has been made barren by the present secularist machinery.
Remind Me of My Dua (Learning Roots)
Keep the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) alive around the house with these colourfully illustrated reminders. There are 6 different themes covering morning and evening times, getting dressed, leaving and returning home, eating, visiting the toilet, and bedtime. Each reminder contains related words of remembrance of Allah and actions from the Sunnah. The reminders are cut out in different shapes and would make a great addition around any home. Each reminder measures 38cm tall and is produced on thick laminated card.
Repentance: Breaking the Habit of Sin
Imagine having to stand in front of Allah SAW and watch the sin being committed in front of you then having to explain it.
Allah SAW mentions in surah Ali Imran, verse 135,
“And those who, when they commit immorality or wrong themselves [by transgression], remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins…”
Keep the door or repentance open between you and Allah because He always ready to forgive you.
Respecting Your Mother (Akhlaaq Building Series)
“Respecting Your Mother” is an essential part of Islam, (as is respecting your father too). Yet your mother has a very special status in our lives.
Saaliha and her younger brother Ali know that if they are good to their mother and father, Allah will give them the best of rewards. They both like to help their mother with little things around the house. It may not seem like much, but it all part of building a child’s character.
Our aim with the “Akhlaaq Building Series” is to build a child’s good character (Akhlaaq) through seeing examples of children similar to themselves acting nicely and doing good things.
It is essential to instill good morals and values from a young age, reading good books, with good messages and good role models is part of developing good character in our children.
There are 8 books in this highly successful series.
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Reverence for The Salah (Maktabatulirshad Publication)
The Salah is the most crucial affair in a Muslim’s life. To preserve one’s religion, one has to observe it consistently; otherwise, one would be negligent of the Salah, let alone other acts of worship. It is the pillar of Islam, as it is soundly reported from the Prophet (May Allah elevate his rank & grant him peace). At the same time, the remaining deeds serve as the axis of support. Similarly, a tent without a pillar is useless. The Salah is the criterion for accepting all other deeds; if it is rejected [by Allah], all other deeds will be rejected. It is the first obligation ever in Islam and the last act of worship to wither. So, if one is negligent to the first and the last thing in Islam, then one will lose everything in-between.
Inadequate observance of the Salah that lacks adherence to its prescribed form in the manner performed by the Messenger of Allah (May Allah elevate his rank & grant him peace) will derail one’s religion. It will invalidate all deeds, cause misconduct in one’s religious and worldly affairs.
Reviving 354 Prophetic Sunnahs: A Practical Guide by Dr. Ragheb Elsergany
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) predicted that a time would come when people would deliberately leave the Sunnah, and rely only on the Noble Quran. Both this authentic hadith and many verses of the Quran make it clear that to do so is delusional and misguided.
Reviving The Balance
This work studies the position of the Sunnah in Islam and its fundamental relationship to the Qur’an. The author carefully examines the sensitive issue of the development of the oral and written traditions, the problems scholars faced despite painstaking work verifying the authenticity of reports, the character of narrators, etc. and the ever growing complexity of a body of narratives that were making the simplicity and clarity of the Prophet’s life, words, and actions, a burgeoning maze of information. Taking the praiseworthy intention and effort to emulate the Prophet into account, the author nevertheless makes the case that once the Sunnah had been collected, the Muslim community began to neglect the Qur’an in favor of narrations of what the Prophet had done and said on the pretext that such narratives “contained” the Qur’an. Eventually they then abandoned the Sunnah narratives in favor of Islamic jurisprudence on the pretext that Islamic juristic texts tacitly included both the Qur’an and the Sunnah. It is with the aim of restoring the relationship between the two that this work has been written, that is, the Prophetic Sunnah must be tied inextricably to the Qur’an in a way that allows for no contradiction or conflict between the two, to avoid misapplication and abuse of hadith, and to meet the requirements and challenges of a new age.
Reviving The Spirit Of Ramadan: Beyond Do’s And Don’ts
Reviving the Spirit of Ramadan: Ramadan Beyond Do’s and Don’ts invites readers to reflect upon their understanding of and practices in the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is not just about do’s and don’ts, but rather a holistic package to transform us into better human beings working towards perfection. It is a noble journey to attain TAQWA, to establish values of PROACTIVENESS and SELF-CONTROL in order to live a meaningful life for the next eleven months. The content of this book is organized in a way that is easy to digest throughout your 30 days of Ramadan, simple to explain to and share with your family members and peers. It is our best hope that this special edition will be beneficial for you to revive the spirit of Ramadan – as if it is your last one!
Riba: Usury or Interest
The Noble Qur’an states: {… Fear Allah, and give up what remains of your demand for usury/interest, if you are indeed believers. If you do not do so, then take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger.} (Qur’an 2: 278-279) Despite this obvious prohibition, the practice of ribâ (usury and interest) has polluted the global economy completely. This booklet explains the awful consequences of dealing in usury and interest in a summarized but convincing manner.