Prophet Muhammad SAW Where The Story Begins
Meet a handful of the men and women that helped shape the early life of Prophet Muhammad. In these pages, you will find his mother, Amina bint Wahb; the women that loved and protected him like their very own, Halimah Sa’diyyah and Barakah (Umm Ayman); and his beloved grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, alongside his uncle Abu Talib. This beautifully illustrated book introduces readers to Prophet Muhammad’s childhood and to those who helped raise the man that would, by the Will of Allah, lead an entire ummah and be an example for all time.
Prophet Muhammad The Messenger of Allah Board Book (Delightful Series)
This enchantingly illustrated board book, delightfully introduces to the children the inspiring life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Prophet Muhammad: A Blessing for Mankind
Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and the lessons he taught us from the continued hardships he underwent in every stage of his life are a real blessing for humankind. Being an orphan child made him compassionate to widows and orphans as well as to the poor. His multiple marriages strengthened the ties of kinship amongst the different tribes, dissolving long-standing enmity. His message and prophethood were challenged by the polytheistic society in Makkah, forcing him and his few followers to emigrate to Madinah. Despite his illiteracy and the struggles he faced, he conveyed Allah’s Book, the Noble Qur’an, to all humanity, teaching them the values and principles that are presently adopted by billions of Muslims throughout the world. In the Qur’an, Allah, the Almighty addresses the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), saying: {We have sent you only as a mercy to the worlds.} (Qur’an 21: 107)
Prophet Muhammad: The Teacher (Claritas)
This book offers the sacred impetus and methods of teaching and learning derived from the statements and model of the Prophet Muhammad, God’s peace be upon him. It behooves Muslim educators and teachers to study these essential principles and explore how they may be translated into methodologies that apply in today’s world.
Collectively, the precepts and recommendations of the gracious Prophet SAW show how vital he viewed learning and teaching.
Prophet Muhammad’s Early Life Board Book (Delightful Series)
This enchantingly illustrated board book, delightfully introduces to the children the inspiring life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad
Provisions of the Afterlife Which Lie Within Prophetic Guidance (H/B – DKI
Written originally by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah is one of the important resources of knowledge for those who seek to know the Seerah of their Prophet (P.B.U.H) as well as the Fiqh learned from it. This is a book that is unique in that it explains the Sunnah through the Seerah and the Seerah through the Sunnah. It is a profound classic work containing thousands of pages written by Imam ibn al-Qayyam while on the Hajj journey, Pilgrimage, from Damascus to Makkah. Despite its being written from memory, the several thousand incidents, Hadiths, Ayat (verses of the Quran), Fiqh benefits, as well as names of the companions associated with them, were remarkably close to the truth with marginal errors.
However, those who know the status, level of knowledge ad Ta’hqiq that Imam ibn al-Qayyim had will not be surprised to know this fact. Still, it is amazing how Ibn Al-Qayyim was able to write this vast volume while traveling to Hajj (Pilgrimage), especially since he was away from the resources of knowledge and was enduring the hardships of travel. It is a blessing from Allah (S.A.T) that it was possible for him to do so. Note: As with Many English Translations this work appears to be slightly abridged but it seems to cover most of the subjects Note : With the Lack of English works covering Hanbali Fiqh , This Books would be the nearest alternative. Although not a Specifically Fiqh Book, Ibn Qayyim’s views which are based on Hanbali Fiqh are quoted throughout.
Psychology From The Islamic Perspective
Islam offers a precise, uncomplicated, and comprehensive theory of our spiritual nature, our purpose and priorities in life, and how we can attain serenity and happiness in this life and the next. In Psychology from the Islamic Perspective, Dr. Aisha Utz Hamdan includes specific references to scientific research that corresponds to, or builds upon, what is already known from revelation.