Prayer Practice by Learning Roots
Is Your Child Not Praying Regularly?
Do you wish there was an easy way to get your child to pray the five daily Salah regularly without making them feel as though it’s a chore?
One of the key reasons why, even with the best intentions, the habit of praying is not formed in young children is because progress is not actively measured or encouraged.
What gets measured, improves. And that’s what Prayer Practice offers you. With this tracking system you can ensure that your child will enjoy praying their Salah and do so regularly. Here’s how:
Prayers for Muslim Children (P/B)
Full colour booklet of prayers for Muslim children. Includes English, Arabic, plus English transliteration for pronunciation. All the glorifications and praises are for ALLAH alone, and His countless Blessings be upon the last Prophet, Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآلهِ وسلم. To bring up a child under the blessings of ALLAH, it is necessary that from an early age we should introduce them to the ways of invoking our Lord, the Magnificent, the Beneficent.
All of the invocations, praises and mentioning of ALLAH presented in this book are related from the Sahih Ahadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآلهِ وسلم. May ALLAH fulfil our wishes and make our efforts successful in this regard. Amin.
Preservation of Health in Islamic Law (P/B)
Preservation of health (hifz al-sihhah) is the most important branch of Islamic medicine since it is primarily concerned with the prevention of illness rather than cure. This book represents one of the few attempts to introduce the role of Islamic medicine, although Chapter One provides information about a historical background of the preservation of helath in Islam, its aim is to provide fresh ant timely overview of the major aspects of legal, ritual and spiritual structures of teh Islamic law (shariah). These include the laws related to Ibadah, Islamic family laws, foods and drinks as well as environmental laws, for maintaning and preserving human health. Findings indicated that prevention of any diseases from Islamic medical law presentive cannot attain any real success unless it emanates from an Islamic fundamental teaching, namely: the pillars of Islam. Iman and observance of the Islamic rituals such as Salah, zakah, Sawm and Hajj, have played an important role in shaping the attitude, behavior and model personality of the Muslim, in boosting the spiritual motivation or attitude change, and in disseminating the message of prevention. This indicates that bodily and spiritual health goes hand in hand and that pyscho-spritual balance and health is a primary consideration whereas physical health is a secondary one.
Prime Invocations Ad-Dua’a Al-Mustaja’ab from The Qur’aan & As Sunnah
This is a new presentation of the most useful dua’a booklet, with a very unique selection of supplications from the Quran and the Sunnah for various everyday use – including during the hajj and umrah. It also presents a simple yet very comprehensive guidelines, on HOW, WHEN and WHERE we can attain our dua’a to be accepted by the almighty Allah whom is The Giver and The Answerer.
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (2nd Revised Edition)
This book offers a detailed presentation of the theory of Muslim law (usul al-figh). Often regarded as the most sophisticated of the traditional Islamic disciplines, Muslim jurisprudence is concerned with the way in which the rituals and laws of religion are derived from the Qur’an and the Sunna – the precedent of the Prophet. Revelation, which is given to man to restore unity and help him achieve a just and devout order in society as well as in the soul, must be interpreted so as to render it practicable in every culture, while not betraying its spirit and immutable provisions. To achieve this, additional sources of legal authority are recognized, including consensus (ijma), analogical deduction (qiyas), public interest (maslaha) and local customary precedent (urf). In employing these, the jurist guards the five principles which it is the purpose of Islamic law to uphold, namely, the right to life, sound mind, property, lineage and religion.
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Problems and Solutions (IIPH)
What should I do if I miss the fajr prayer? What are the consequences of excessive laughter? How should I deal with insinuating thoughts from Satan? How can I control my bad temper? What is so bad about staying up late night after night? Drawing on the great guidance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, Shaykh Muhammad Sâlih al-Munajjid answers these questions and more, giving informative explanations and practical solutions to help you improve in your worship and in your performance of everyday activities.
Problems Muslim Face in Today’s World
Problems Muslims Face in Todays World ( Their Causes and solution based on the authentic sunnah and the way of our Predecessors ) By : Abu Isa Micheal Tofte Muslim todays,especialy _ but not exclusively – those living in the west,are faced with a variety of problems.there are the internal struggles of living an islamic lifestyle in a world dominated by western culture,the conflicts between parents and children,the challenge of being single in a society where one is surrounded by temptations caused by parents who refused to allow their children to get married,the strains on marriages,the repercussion among the various ideologies of Muslims today,and various other trials confronting our communities. We need a book for english reders that tackles these issues,explaining the reasons for these problems and providing specific recommendations for handling them,based on the Quran and the authentic sunnah of the prophet Muhammad. Problems Muslims Face in Today’s World is such a book.
Prophet Ibrahim’s Search for Allah Board Book (Delightful Series)
This enchantingly illustrated board book, delightfully introduces to the children the inspiring story of the Prophet Ibrahim.