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Perisai Muslim – Hisnul Muslim (Premium – Leather)


PERISAI MUSLIM merupakan terjemahan bagi buku masyhur, Hisnul Muslim, adikarya Syeikh Dr. SA’ID ‘ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI . Terjemahan Bahasa Melayu ini merupakan hasil usaha Dato’ Dr. Abdul Basit Abdul Rahman. Dakwah Corner Bookstore turut mempersembahkan naskhah istimewa ini dalam bentuk sederhana kecil yang baharu.

Naskhah ini menghimpunkan zikir dan doa sahih yang perlu diamalkan oleh sekalian umat Islam setiap hari. Para ulama di seluruh dunia memperakui isi kandungannya. Perisai Muslim juga telah diterjemahkan kepada lebih daripada 75 bahasa.

Edisi istimewa terbitan Dakwah Corner Bookstore ini sesuai bagi mereka yang inginkan sebuah karya yang berkualiti dan berketerampilan, di samping meraih setiap manfaat yang bakal menanti anda, insya-Allah.

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Personality Development (P/B)


From an Islamic vision, the human being is the center of universe. A quick review of the verses of the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah, statements, actions and traditions of Allah’s Messenger (SAW), reveals more than 90% of both revolve around the human being. There are very few verses in the Glorious Quran that address the improvement of the environment and the inhabitants and construction of the earth. But the majority of the verses of the Glorious Quran and the majority of the efforts done by the Prophet of Islam; Mohammad (SAW) throughout his blessed life revolve around the reformation of the human being. If the human being is reformed, then, the entire life would be reformed and fine.

Philanthropy and Social Justice in Islam (P/B)


This book analyses the principles and practices of philanthropy and distributive justice in Islam. It argues, with analyses and examples, that the accomplishment of purposive philanthropy, as commanded by the fundamental tenets of Islam, through the professionalization and rationalization of zakat management, modernization of awaqaf, etc. has the potential of optimizing justice in Muslim societies. The work draws on the Quran, Hadithe, other authentic literature, and also on official documents and publications of management agencies dealing with philanthropy in different Muslim countries/societies. The analyses are documented enough to be used as a text for the study of philanthropy in Islam in tertiary institutions nonetheless are simple enough to draw general readership and to be used by non-profit and international organizations worldwide in order to order to understand the principles and issues of philanthropy and distributive justice in Muslim societies.

Pioneers of Islamic Scholarship


Over the fourteen centuries of its existence, Islamic scholarship has produced numerous individuals who have distinguished themselves by acquiring broad knowledge and deep insight.

  •  However, true distinction is only achieved through a lasting influence, particularly when the area of scholarship is a religion that presents itself as being suited to all communities at all times.
  • The selection has to start with the founders of the eight schools of jurisprudence who have had a continuous following over the centuries up to the present day.
  • This book introduces nine scholars from these schools and adds two more from a much later era whose influence extended far beyond the area of pure scholarship.
  • In simple language, this book gives a clear picture of how the Islamic schools of jurisprudence differ in their methodologies, showing at the same time how much interaction they project.
  • It serves as a primary source for those who wish to follow a course in Islamic studies, this book is indispensable for others who wish to have a fair but concise idea about the most important personalities who have shaped Islamic scholarship for centuries.

Polygamy in Islam (P/B)


Polygamy is the Muslim practice most frequently and severely maligned by Westerners and modernist Muslims. This book can be read with profit by all unprejudiced readers who wish to know its justification and rationale.

One of the greatest contrasts between Islam and the West is their conflicting concepts of relations between the sexes. Indeed, the very first question a Muslim convert is confronted with by an American or European is ‘Why does Islam allow four wives?’ This book…replies straightforwardly to that question and much more.

The authors describe all the most important characteristics of marriage in Islam, pointing out that the Western notions of sex equality and romantic premarital ‘love’ are not necessary in Islamic marriage based on piety and the commitment on the part of both parents to win the pleasure of Almighty Allah.’

This book contains basic guides for anyone interested in understanding the rights and obligations of males and females in Islamic plural marriage. The guidelines have been drawn from the Quran, Hadith and opinions of Islamic scholars.

Prayer According to The Sunnah


A complete, comprehensive book covering almost every aspect related to prayer (Salah) according to the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S). It is a must for every Muslim to learn and educate themselves about this basic and most important pillar of Islam that everyone is required to do 5 times every day.

Main chapters of this book:
  • Obligation, eminence & Importance of Salah
  • Purification
  • Ghusl (Complete Bath) & its legislation
  • Wudu (ablution)
  • Tayammum (dry ablution)
  • Dress of the Worshipper
  • Injunctions related to visiting Masajid (Mosques)
  • Timings of Prayers
  • Adhan and Iqamah
  • Congregational Salat
  • The Qiblah (direction of facing in prayer)
  • The Sutrah
  • Khushu in Salah
  • Regarding the Prophet’s Guidance in Prayer
  • Adhkar after Taslim
  • Sujud As-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness)
  • Qunut
  • Voluntary Prayers
  • The Witr Prayer
  • The Night Prayer
  • Duha Prayer
  • The Abridged Prayer
  • Jumuah (Friday) prayer
  • ‘Eid Festivals
  • Istisqa’ Prayers
  • Prayer during a Solar Eclipse
  • The Prayer of Fear
  • Salat-ul-Istikharah
  • The Funeral Prayer


Salah (or prayer, plural: Salawaat) has an exalted status in Islam that is unrivaled by any other act of worship. Salah is the Pillar of Islam, on which the religion is firmly established. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “The head of the matter (religion) is Islam, its pillar is the prayer and its highest peak is Jihad for Allah’s cause” Tirmidhi, Hadith 2616.

Salah constitutes the physical, mental and spiritual submission to Allah which starts by pronouncing “Allah is Great” and ends with the Salam (salutation of peace). It is the concrete proof of our submission to Allah. It fulfils our very purpose of creation. Allah makes it very clear in the Glorious Qur’an that the very purpose for which He has created us is to worship Him throughout our lives. He tells us: “And I have created not the jinn and men except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask that they should feed Me.” Adh-Dhariyat Surah 51, V.56-57

“So glorify the praises of your Rabb (Lord) and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him). And worship your Rabb (Lord) until there comes unto you the Hour that is certain.” Al-Hijr Surah 15, V98-99

Salah is an obligation to be fulfilled throughout one’s life and must be established even in times of fear. Allah said: “Guard strictly (the five obligatory) Salawaat, especially the middle Salah (‘Asr). And stand before Allah with submission and do not speak to others during the Salah. And if you fear (an enemy), perform Salah on foot or riding. And when you are safe, perform Salah in the manner He has taught you, which you knew not (before).” Al-Baqarah Surah 2, V.238-239

The Prophet said: “Order your children to be punctual in Salah when they attain the age of seven years and when they attain the age of ten years hit them for abandoning Salah and provide them with separate beds.” Abu Dau’d, Hadith 495

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