My Ramadhan Sticker Book
- Encourage your children to fast, pray and do good deeds during this holy month.
- By sticking the stickers, it will facilitate your children to see what they have done throughout the day and see their improvement day by day.
- Playing with stickers requires careful handling and helps to increase focus!
My Special Angels The Two Noble Scribes
Beside every person’s shoulder, there are two angels. Muslims know them as the Kiraman Katibin (the noble scribes). They write down every deed, good and bad, from a person’s first day to their last. Inside this book you will find out all about them, and how to turn those bad deeds into good ones, with a lovable and cheeky young boy. Did you know that two special angels write down your every action, from the day you were born?
My Tawheed Book
A colourful and easy to understand book which teaches children the basic understanding of Tawheed.
My Turkish Travels Sketchbook of a Sincere Seeker (IIPH)
Written by Luqman Nagy, My Turkish Travels comprises of the diary entries of a young Hungarian artist named László who traveled to Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1882. The time he spent in Turkey changed his life forever. In this book, the readers can admire László’s wonderful watercolour paintings and read the personal diary entries he writes at the end of each day.
My Wudu Book
A step by step guide to perfecting your child’s Wudu according to the Quran and the Sunnah.
Mysteries of The Soul Expounded (P/B)
The subject of this treatise – the nature, essence and circumstances of the human soul – is fascinating to people of all ages, faiths and walks of life. It covers in particular the issue of death and what happens after it. Due to the nature of this exciting topic, one who researches this subject is faced with an enormous amount of conflicting information. Therefore in order to arrive at sound dependable conclusions regarding the soul, one must carefully read and analyse the available material and evaluate it according to stringent criteria. This is of utmost importance since it bears directly on one’s belief.
Nabi ﷺ Juga Seorang Manusia
Meneroka Sisi Yang Hilang Dalam Meneladani Sirah
Sisi manusiawi Nabi SAW yang selalunya tersembunyi; bagaimana jika kita berkenalan semula dengan Baginda SAW—sebagai seorang manusia?
Baginda SAW insan maksum, namun turut memiliki fitrah semula jadi seperti kita.
New Directions in Islamic Education : Pedagogy and Identity Formation (P/B)
New Directions in Islamic Education explores the relationship between pedagogy and the formation of religious identities within Islamic education settings that are based in minority and majority Muslim contexts. Based on empirical research, the book engages critically with the philosophical, theological and cultural dynamics that inform Muslim educational thought and practice. The book offers an integrated model of Islamic education that identifies the heart of the Islamic educational imagination as tarbiyah, a transformative process of becoming. Overall, this book seeks to ground the theory and practice of Islamic education within the experience of the educator and the learner, and it synthesises the spiritual foundations of Islam with the tradition of critical reflection within the classical Muslim educational heritage. This ground breaking and wide-ranging work should be of interest not only to Muslim educators and education specialists, but also to social scientists, theologians and policy makers.
Nikmati Kehidupanmu (Revised Edition)
Produk hasil penyelidikan selama lebih dari dua puluh tahun, ‘Nikmatilah Kehidupanmu’ adalah terjemahan daripada buku terlaris berkaitan keagamaan dan motivasi dialam Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggeris. Kini boleh didapati dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Buku yang menerangkan seni berinteraksi, hasil kajian terhadap kehidupan Rasulullah S.A.W .