Mushaf Waqaf in Makkah Project
Mushaf Waqaf in Makkah Project
There is no doubt that rewards are multiplied at certain times and places as the Prophet (PBUH) have mentioned in many authentic Hadith. For example, the rewards of good deeds are doubled in Ramadhan and on the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, and prayers in the two Holy Mosque of Makkah are multiplied thousand folds.
We have noticed the interest of Muslim pilgrims and visitors since the ancient times in taking this opportunity of doubling their rewards throughout their stay in the Holy land of Makkah based on this principle. They have engaged in recitations of the Qur’an and pondering upon it, performing voluntary tawaf, offering voluntary prayers, doing extra charity works and other acts of worship prescribed by God Almighty.
Among the noble deeds by Pilgrims is the endowment of mushaf in Arabic as well as its translations in the Holy Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque, taking advantage of the Muslims’ preoccupation with the Book of Allah during the period while seeking the satisfaction of their Creator in the purest spot on the globe.
Dawah Corner Bookstore Makkah branch is now introducing its new service of the endowment of the Mushaf in the Holy Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque via an e-gateway in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the affairs of the Two Holy Mosques:
1- The Qur’an should be printed from King Fahd Complex in Madinah
2 – and to be placed in the places reserved for the Qur’an.
3 – with a clear seal (Waqf Lillah).
Now with this new e-service, everyone can perform the endowment of Mushaf in the Holy Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque whenever they want and from wherever they are. Dawah Corner Bookstore will handle all the process onsite on your behalf and provide you with photographs and documents according to your needs for your record and for accountability purposes.
Simply log into our website, www.dakwahbookstore.com to choose your preferred Mushaf type and its quantity. After checking out, you will receive the details of the transaction in your mailbox. Please note that the price of the Qur’an Mushaf will be adopted at the market value at the time of the transaction.
Muslim Civilization The Causes of Decline and the Need for Reform (P/B)
Muslim civilisation has experienced an overall decline during the last five centuries after having witnessed a long period of prosperity and comprehensive development. This raises a number of questions such as what factors enabled Muslims to become successful during the earlier centuries of Islam and what led them to their present weak position. Is it Islam which is responsible for this decline or are other factors which come into play
In this penetrating study has tried answer these questions thoroughly and has then discussed a reform programme that could help reverse the cycle of decline.
Muslim Contributions To World Civilization
The brilliant contributions of Islam to science, art, and culture, are a timeless and precious heritage, which should be historically preserved for future generations. The great achievements of Muslim scholars are rarely if at all acknowledged in formal education, and today their identity, origins and impact remain largely obscure. This collection of papers aims to give readers a brief introduction to the intellectual history of Muslims and the contributions that eminent Muslim scholars have made in certain specific fields of knowledge including basic and applied physical and biological sciences, medicine, legal and political theories and practices, economic and financial concepts, models, and institutions, etc.
Muslim Teenagers Coping (P/B)
Being a teenager is not an easy business.You’re told you are “too young” to do half the things you want to do; your mother is always asking you to tidy your room: your father is always reminding you to pray; your younger sister is annoying you when all you want is some PEACE AND QUIET … You are not sure if it’s everyone else that is going mad or you.
Luckily, Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood in on hand. Having a wealth of experience as a teacher and an ‘agony aunt’, she understands the minefields that are the teenage years. This book is a light-hearted, humorous, but above all, sympathetic pointer to coping with teenage life as a Muslim.
Muslim Teens (English Edition) (P/B)
The book offers a practical guide for parents who wish to protect their teens from the dazzle of a superfluous western culture and help them lead a virtuous life as taught by Islam.
Muslim Unification at Time of Crisis
This book authored by one of the great scholars of our time is an advice to the people of Ahulul ?Sunnah wal-Jamaah to unify and be merciful to each other, and cooperate upon righteousness and taqwa.
Muslim Woman’s Participation In Social Life: Women’s Emancipation During The Prophet’s Lifetime (Volume 2) – KUBE
Abd al-Haleem Abu Shuqgah (d.1995) was a great teacher and scholar. He had a real passion to revive the true Islamic spirit in the ummah and dedicated his life to learning and teaching He taught in Egypt, Syria, Qatar and Kuwait. His particular focus was on Hadith studies.
Muslim Women’s Attire and Adornment (Volume 4) – Kube
In Volume 4, the author shows that Islam honours women in all that it makes permissible for a Muslim woman to wear and with what she may adorn herself. This Eight volume series is the author’s abridged version of his longer work with the same Arabic title, Tahrir al-Mar’ah fi ‘Asr al-Risalah spanning a twenty-five year study comprising fourteen great anthologies of ahadith, but in this book he only rarely includes hadiths from any anthology other than the two most authentic ones of al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Muslim Women’s Participation in Professional, Social and Political Life (Volume 3)
Many of us imagine that in the early periods of Islam, women were largely confined to the home. They are surprised when they learn that some of the Prophet’s women companions were professional women, and that women took part in the political life of the early Muslim state, implementing the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This Eight volume series is the author’s abridged version of his longer work with the same Arabic title, Tahrir al-Mar’ah fi ‘Asr al-Risalah spanning a twenty-five year study comprising fourteen great anthologies of ahadith, but in this book he only rarely includes hadith from any anthology other than the two most authentic ones of al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present & Future (H/B)
In light of the past, with hope for the future,Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present, and Future addresses a subject that is vital to the 21st century. It provides an in-depth study of Islam and Christianity, taking an analytical approach to their respective edicts while comparing and contrasting them. It offers an investigation of religious concepts with respect to logic and scientific knowledge, and considers the true role and mission of religious figures of both faiths. With a past full of oppression from leaders of both faiths, against their respective doctrines and principles, Muslim-Christian Interactions sorts out the truth of what these religions really stand for. It looks at the manner in which Muslims and Christians have interacted in the past and present, in order to draw lessons for the future.
Now more than ever, it is crucial for Muslims and Christians to seek a path of mutual understanding, allowing compassion for fellow human beings to prevail over divisive politics and views. In the wake of false propaganda against Islam, the author seeks to correct the misconceptions that abound regarding Islam and Muslims.