[AR] Kayfa Tutkinun Balagha (كيف تتقن البلاغة )


لمن يرغب بإتقان فن البلاغة ومهارات الخطابة باللغة العربية، يعتبر كتاب ‘كيف تتقن البلاغة’ مصدرًا مثاليًا. يقدم الكتاب، من تأليف أحمد إسكندري ونشر دار اللؤلؤة، شرحًا وافيًا لدقائق علم البلاغة وتطبيقاته. طُبع الكتاب بغلاف صلب وورق ممتاز بقياس 17*24، ويُعد مرجعًا قيّمًا يسهم في تعزيز مهارات اللغة العربية والتذوق الأدبي للقراء على كافة المستويات.

[AR] Kayfa Tutkinun Nahwa (كيف تتقن النحو)


يبدأ الكتاب بعلامات النحو والأساليب النحوية ويستمر حتى يصل إلى أهم وأعمق فروع القواعد في هذا المقال سيوضح موقع “مطبات” كل التفاصيل التي ترغبون في معرفتها.

[AR] Kayfa Tutkinun Sorfa (كيف تتقن الصرف التَّطبِيقُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ الْكَرِيمِ وَالسُّنَّةِ النَّبَوِيَّةِ)


كيف تتقن الصرف
التَّطبِيقُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ الْكَرِيمِ وَالسُّنَّةِ النَّبَوِيَّةِ
اسم المؤلف : احمد اسكندر


[SJ] Al Mahzab Min Ahya’ Ulum Aldin 2 Vol (SMALL DEFECT) / المهذب من احياء علوم الدين 2 مجلد


قال العلماء : من لم يقرأ الإحياء فليس من الأحياء. يشتمل إحياء علوم الدين على فوائد كثيرة فهو
كتاب لا يستغني عنه العلماء والعامة . تكلم فيه الغزالي عن مجمل الآداب والأخلاق الإسلامية
وأسرار العبادات وبيان المهلكات من الأثام والمنجيات من صالح الأعمال

2IN1 Combo P01


1. CivilIzation of faith (266 pages)
2. The Art Of Islamic Living : The Sixth Fitness (185 pages)

2IN1 Combo P02


1. Man Made Laws Vs. Shari‘ah (384 pages)
2. Traversing the Highs and Lows of Muslim Marriage (195 pages)

2IN1 Combo P03


1. Mohammad’s Prophethood Reality or Myth (225 pages)
2. An Inspired Life: A Biography of Prophet Muhammad (310 pages)

2IN1 Combo P04


1. Bent Rib: A Journey Through Women’s Issues In Islam (176 pages)
2. Which Way to Paradise? (256 pages)

2IN1 Combo P05


1. Muharramat Forbidden Matters Some People Take Lightly (127 pages)
2. Women around the Messenger (364 pages)

A Garden of Jannah

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“Dunia ini adalah perhiasan, dan sebaik-baik perhiasan adalah wanita shalihah”

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A Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam (Old Edition)


This publication is a summary of different facets of Islam which are briefly and beautifully introduced. Every aspect and every perspective of it gives guidance and wisdom something for all times and all places, a master key that fits every lock-that is what Islam is.

Abraham – The Friend Of God


Abraham, as a prophet and patriarch, is called “the friend of God” in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scriptures, and has a place of eminence in the shared scriptures and histories of each of these three monotheistic, prophetic, and Middle Eastern religions.

In Abraham: The Friend of God, Dr. Dirks provides Jewish, Christian, and Muslim readers with a unique and original presentation of the life of Abraham. In constructing a chronological biography of Abraham, the author integrated and synthesized information from a wide range of Judaeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, including the Bible, the Pseudeigrapha (I.e. Jubilees and the Genesis Apocryphon), the Qur’an, the authenticated sayings (Sahih Ahadith) of Prophet Muhammad, and the classic books of ancient history authored by Josephus and Al-Tabari. This integrated biographical sketch is embedded in a framework drawn from the various historical and geographical contexts dealing with different aspects of Abraham’s life.

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Ancient Civilizations of islam: Muslim History For Kids


Did you know that once upon a time, Islam was a powerful religion that has spread to many countries? Not only that, it has also influenced civilizations, cultures, science and technology, too. This educational picture book will discuss the early dynasties in Muslim history. Get your child exposed to diverse knowledge. Secure a copy of this ancient history book today.

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Animal Welfare in Islam


This pioneering modern classic examines the Islamic principles of kindness and compassion toward animals. It compares animal sacrifice as practiced by the world’s major religions and highlights the ethical issues that the mass production of meat raises, advocating alternative ways to produce halal meat in an appropriate manner.

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Barakah Journal: Plan your day and week with Barakah


Set Weekly and Daily Intentions. Make Barakah a priority. Live the Prophetic Routine. The Productive Muslim Company Barakah Journal is a productivity journal that helps live a God-centered, intentions-driven lifestyle. An ideal journal for anyone who wants to escape the stressful Hustle Culture approach to planning and enjoy more a Barakah in their lives!

Full Specs

  • One full-page spread for every daily planning/review, weekly planning, weekly review, and weekly routine planning.
  • Covers a 6-month period.
  • Printed and bound in the Republic of Turkey.
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Buy 1 : At-Taqweem Calendar + Get Free 1 : Note Book

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A Gift for You and Yours: Grab One Today!



Civilization of Faith (IIPH)


We are living at a time when western civilization is at its peak and the Muslim nations are at their weakest point. They are dazzled by the power of the west with its wealth, scientific discoveries and technological advantages. Those who are unfamiliar with history might be unaware that this has not always been the case. A few hundred years ago, it was just the opposite. The Muslim Ummah was the superpower of the age, and Muslims were leaders in culture, science and technology. The cities of the Muslim world were the centres of learning to which people came from far and wide. The Muslims, at one time, were the most technologically-advanced civilization on the earth. The uniqueness of their civilization lay in the fact that, although they achieved a great deal in materialistic terms, they remained a compassionate society where the poor and disadvantaged were cared for. This book is a reminder to Muslims that they have a glorious past; for many centuries, they had the upper hand over their enemies. They became masters of the world when they adhered to Islam; however, when they became preoccupied with worldly gain and the pursuit of luxury, decline set in. Today, if Muslims take their religion seriously, they will once again be supported by Allah, the Exalted, and lead the world in all spheres of life. Nasiruddin al-Khattab has translated this thought provoking book into English. The hardcover version of this book that we have for sale is the revised 3rd edition, published in 2011.

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Dutifulness To Parents

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After dutifulness to Allah, dutifulness to our parents comes next for Muslims, but what does our duty to our parents entail? In this little book, Nidhâm Sakkijha gives examples and evidence from the Qur’an and the Hadith of Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) to explain, point by point, what these duties are, and how the fulfillment of these duties may lead us to Paradise, while their neglect may mean that we end up in Hell. This concise and very useful volume has been translated into English by Iman Zakaria Abu Ghazi.

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Forty Hadiths On Good Moral Values


The statements and actions of our Prophet Muhammad (s) contain much that we need: rules and advice, reminders, examples, warnings and encouragement. The collection of hadiths in Forty Hadiths on Good Moral

Values by Yahya Ondigo contains some of the Prophet?s statements on positive ethics and attributes that all people-Muslims and non-Muslims-should strive to adopt in the way we deal with others; we need to work to incorporate these morals and principles into our daily habits.

Islam the Perfect Religion (P/B)


Islam, the Perfect Religion is the translated text of a lecture by the eminent scholar Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shinqeeti delivered in the Prophet’s Mosque at Madinah. Those who heard the lecture were inspired by it, and asked the Shaykh to publish it for the benefit of many around the world. The Shaykh addresses the key foundations of Islam. He begins with the belief in the Oneness of Allah and goes on to discuss the divine gift of Islam to humanity, in the form of the guidance of the Qur’an and the wisdom of the Shari’ah. Islam’s solutions to broad social, political and economic issues are also touched on.

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Kehidupan Mulia Nabi Muhammad SAW (Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum)

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Buku ini telah dikarang oleh Shaikh Safiur-Rahman Mubarakpuri dari Banaras (India). Pada tahun 1976, konferens pertama tentang Sirah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. telah berlangsung di Pakistan yang ditaja oleh Liga Muslim Dunia. Liga ini telah menganjurkan pertandingan menulis Buku Biografi junjungan besar Muhammad s.a.w. Sebanyak 171 naskhah manuskrip telah diterima dari seluruh dunia dan “Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum” telah mendapat tempat pertama atas sebab himpunan kisah-kisah dan hadisnya yang sahih dan benar.

Kejahatan Lidah

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Enlightening facts about how a merely harmful words spoken that could turn into harmful friction in our daily lives due to our ignorant whereby in Islam there are guidance on how to interact in a society.

Keutuhan Rumahtangga Bahagia (Jibaly Rumah Tangga Siri)

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Melalui ketiga-tiga buku dalam siri ini, kami berusaha membincangkan perkahwinan menurut Sunnah yang sahih.

Learning Arabic Alphabet


Fun activities for kids to learn the Arabic alphabet!

Making Sense of the Portents of the Hour (H/B) – IIPH


Are things inevitably getting worse and worse, year after year, century after century, with no way to alter the course of events? Is the Muslim Ummah doomed to experience failure and humiliation until the Mahdi arrives? Will he restore its former glory and bring victory over all its enemies? Are all our efforts to support Islam destined to end in failure? Instead of taking action, should we simply wait for the return of Jesus (peace be upon him) towards the end of time? Is the Dajjâl (Antichrist) alive today? Does he have secret connections with some prominent world figures? Is the hour very close? Could it come upon us at any moment, on any day? If so, what is the point of striving to improve our situation?

Using evidence from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the author explains the true Islamic teachings on the portents of the hour, clearing up some of the misconceptions about them and giving advice on how Muslims should respond to them. The book is an interesting and informative read that will leave the reader empowered with knowledge.

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Meadows of the Righteous For the Muslim Child (7 Books Set)


A fully coloured illustrative educational book for children

  • This is a set of 7 books beginning with kindergarten/nursery (KG) level and extending to Year 6
  • Each book contains 50 Prophetic hadith, illustrated with fully coloured pictures, which helps the educator to deliver the message adequately to the child.
  • Text is in Arabic and English, with a contents page
  • Collated and prepared by Dr Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Al-Ani
  • Illustrated and Design by Huda Saadelddin Aljebawi
  • Translated by Dr Omer El-Hamdoon
  • Published by Kingston Oak Tree Institute

Meraih Cinta & Kasih Sayang (Jibaly Rumah Tangga Siri)

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Melalui ketiga-tiga buku dalam siri ini, kami berusaha membincangkan perkahwinan menurut Sunnah yang sahih.

Mosques of The World Activity Book


Travel around the world’s most famous mosques with this fun sticker, activity book.

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Muhammad S.A.W. Anda Bagaikan Dapat Melihat Baginda

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My Special Angels The Two Noble Scribes


Beside every person’s shoulder, there are two angels. Muslims know them as the Kiraman Katibin (the noble scribes). They write down every deed, good and bad, from a person’s first day to their last. Inside this book you will find out all about them, and how to turn those bad deeds into good ones, with a lovable and cheeky young boy. Did you know that two special angels write down your every action, from the day you were born?

Pakaian yang Paling Indah (Jibaly Rumah Tangga Siri)

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Melalui ketiga-tiga buku dalam siri ini, kami berusaha membincangkan perkahwinan menurut Sunnah yang sahih.

Paradise Its Blessings and How To Get There (P/B)


Paradise and its inhabitants as portrayed in the Qur’an and the Hadith, then discusses the various rewards and blessings that are promised to those who make it there. Finally, the author lists the many and myriad deeds that a Muslim can do that will help him or her to achieve the Garden of Eden.

Prophet Muhammad: A Blessing for Mankind


Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and the lessons he taught us from the continued hardships he underwent in every stage of his life are a real blessing for humankind. Being an orphan child made him compassionate to widows and orphans as well as to the poor. His multiple marriages strengthened the ties of kinship amongst the different tribes, dissolving long-standing enmity. His message and prophethood were challenged by the polytheistic society in Makkah, forcing him and his few followers to emigrate to Madinah. Despite his illiteracy and the struggles he faced, he conveyed Allah’s Book, the Noble Qur’an, to all humanity, teaching them the values and principles that are presently adopted by billions of Muslims throughout the world. In the Qur’an, Allah, the Almighty addresses the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), saying: {We have sent you only as a mercy to the worlds.} (Qur’an 21: 107)

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Riba: Usury or Interest


The Noble Qur’an states: {… Fear Allah, and give up what remains of your demand for usury/interest, if you are indeed believers. If you do not do so, then take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger.} (Qur’an 2: 278-279) Despite this obvious prohibition, the practice of ribâ (usury and interest) has polluted the global economy completely. This booklet explains the awful consequences of dealing in usury and interest in a summarized but convincing manner.

Rohingya Of The Arakan: Conflict, Crisis And Solutions

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This book offers a comprehensive account of the Rohingya crisis from geopolitical and historical contexts. It unveils the conspiracies of the Burmese state authorities, military and state sponsored non-state actors against the innocent Rohingya population subjecting them to systematic ethnic, religious and political persecution, culminating into one of the gravest genocides of modern era, while denying their existence and historicity.
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Scientific Facts Revealed In The Glorious Quran


Scientific Facts Revealed in the Glorious Qur’an : Selected examples from the area of Earth Sciences, by geologist Prof. Dr. Z. R. El-Naggar. This small book includes has 16 pages with color illustrations to help the reader visualize what the author explains. He discusses verses in the Qur’an with the supporting scientific facts.

She is the Queen (DCB)


This book consists of real inspiring stories that encourage every Muslim woman to guard her religion against all odds. It began with a recent event of a lady who discovered Islam and how she firmly held on to her deen. The Author then continues with anecdotes from the great women of the pasts whom took pride in Islam as her religion amidst the strong barriers during their time, The inner strength of these amazing women just proves that none can steal the crown of any woman by the will of Allah.

The book is indeed indispensable to every Muslimah for You Are the Queen.

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2021 (1st Edition)2022 (2nd Edition)

Stop Worrying & Start Living – New Cover (P/B)

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This book seeks to guide and make ease to the grieving and despondent souls who are in a quagmire of vexation in a manner that varies from other typical motivational books that discusses on worry, sadness and grief; and from those which discuss fortune (or success). It addresses to the endogenous core of the heart and soul, correlating it with Faith, showing and making distinct of what the aspects of Faith has to do with a person’s well-being. It removes the obscurities and perplexities that binds the heart and soul of many of the children of Islam. Those whom Shaytan invites to wretchedness, sin, despair, grief and hopelessness in the Mercy of Allah.

Abdullah bin Sa’eed Safar Al-Husnee Az-Zahranee captures 40 ways to dispel and eradicate sorrow and grief and to gain a happy and pleasant living. It explains how you adjust in difficult situations so that you hand out to us from it flower, rose and jasmine!

Tafseer Soorah Al-Hujurat (H/B)


Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurât: A Commentary on the 49th Chapter of the Qur’an is a treasury of divine advice, commandments, and prohibitions regarding common problems in social relations, including gossip, spying, arguing, and bigotry. To make the best use of this chapter, the believer needs a detailed explanation of the meanings of the verses.

Dr. Bilal Philips has based his tafseer (exegesis) on the methodology used in the classical works of tafseer. He has relied first of all on the explanations found within the Qur’an itself, then on explanations found in the Sunnah and related incidents which occurred at the time of the revelation of the verses in question. Beyond these primary sources, Dr. Philips has relied on the interpretations made by the Prophet’s Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) who were noted for their ability to interpret and comment on the Qur’an. ‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Abbâs, for example, was called ‘The interpreter of the Qur’an’ by Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Finally, the author has made use of the grammatical explanations given in the classical tafseer works. Wherever possible, Dr. Philips has tried to apply the derived meanings of the verses to the problems of contemporary society.

TAKING ACTION : The Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mastering Time Management and Setting Smart Goals


TAKING ACTION : The Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mastering Time Management and Setting Smart Goals Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an established one, this guide will help you with setting smart, strategic goals; as well as taking consistent action in order to bring your ideas into fruition. By enabling you to establish your vision, and helping you break down your big ideas and goals into manageable daily tasks, this guide will help you to manage your time and remain focused and organised as you set about working on your business ideas. Created to give you clarity, direction and sustained motivation, Taking Action is a must-have if you are ready to see your ideas move from dream to reality.

The Benevolence of Islam in the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah


Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) said: «Allah loves the one who is lenient and kind in all matters.» Islam’s benevolence is seen best in the fact that it is, as a religion, a mercy of Allah to humankind. It was revealed to show people how to worship the Only True God, Allah, and to guide them in all their affairs by following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). Islamic teachings are meant to ensure the happiness of all who follow them. The Benevolence of Islam explains that Islam is a way of life based on divine teachings such as kindness, equity, justice, and charity. Injunctions, permissions and even prohibitions aim to improve the quality of life for people by forbidding vice and commanding what is good. Saleem al-Hilâli tells us that committed, benevolent and kind-hearted Muslims are as one firm construction: all of them help one another to achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter. This delightful booklet was translated into English by Iman Zakaria Abu Ghazi.

The Islamic Awakening (H/B)


The Muslim Nation today is experiencing a blessed awakening in all aspects of its affairs, one that has been aroused by the efforts of Muslims throughout the globe. This is despite the onslaught of the disbelievers against Islam whether that be military or through their powerful media apparatus. In these often difficult times, we find many Muslims returning to their Din and embracing it with vigour and enthusiasm. However the astute observer will find that there are many problems that hinder its progress, problems that have caused some of the scholars to lay down some guidelines that the youth of this blessed awakening should adhere to and follow. It should also be noted that if the Islamic guidelines are not strictly adhered to, and the youth are left to be driven by their emotions alone, then surely this awakening will result in destroying more than it will build!

The Key To Paradise (P/B)


It was said to al-Hasan, ‘People say that whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped,’ shall enter Paradise.’ He said, ‘Whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped save Allah,’ and fulfils its obligations and meets its requirements, shall enter Paradise.’

Wahb ibn Munabbih was asked, ‘Is not the testification that ‘none has the right to be worshipped save Allah’ the key to Paradise?’ He replied, ‘Of course, but every key has its teeth; if you bring a key that has teeth, the door shall open; but if not, it will not.’

The Key to Paradise is the testification of Tawhid. This book highlights the importance of correct belief, a true love for Allah and the state of the heart.

Chapters Include:

The Manner of Entering Paradise

The Meaning of the Testification

Loving Allah

The Sound Heart

Also included is an extremely beneficial appendix – The Types of Hearts by al-Hafiz ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah.

The Ruling concerning the Celebration of Mawlid an-Nabi


In this book, is an explicit CLARIFICATION of the MAJOR DOUBTS raised by the proponents of Mawlid an-Nabi, including;

  • Mawlid an-Nabi is honoring the Prophet.
  • Mawlid an-Nabi is celebrated by a large number of people in many towns and cities
  • Commemorating Mawlid an-Nabi renews the memories of the Prophet
  • Celebration of Mawlid an-Nabi is out of love for the Prophet and and an expression of one’s love, which is permissible.
  • awlid an-Nabi is a Bidah Husna (good innovation) because it is a means of showing gratitude towards Allah for sending the Prophet.
  • The saying of Umar, ‘What a good Bidah is this?’

Additional quotes by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ibraheem Aal-Shaikh have been added to further clarify these issues.

The booklet also has 2 valuable appendixes:

Appendix 1:  Explanation of the Hadeeth, “He, who establishes/initiates a Sunnah Husna in Islam, ” in the words of Shaikh Sales al-Fawzan and Shaikh Muhammad ibn al-Uthaimeen (rahimahullah)

Appendix 2: A Dialogue between Shaikh al-Albaani (rahimahullah) and a proponent of Mawlid.

The Ruling Concerning the Celebration of Mawlid an-Nabi (2nd edition)


In this book, is an explicit CLARIFICATION of the MAJOR DOUBTS raised by the proponents of Mawlid an-Nabi, including:

  • Mawlid an-Nabi is honoring the Prophet.
  • Mawlid an-Nabi is celebrated by a large number of the people in many towns and cities.
  • Commemorating Mawlid an-Nabi renews the memories of the Prophet.
  • Celebration of Mawlid an-Nabi is cut of love for the Prophet and an expression of ones love, which is permissible.
  • Mawlid an-Nabi is a Bidah Husna (good innovation) because it is a means of showing gratitude towards Allah for sending the Prophet.
  • The sayings of Umar, ‘What a good Bidah is this?’

Additional quotes by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ibraheem Aal-Shaikh have been added to further clarify these issues. The booklet also as 2 valuable appendixes:

Appendix 1: Explanation of the Hadeeth,”He, who established/initiates a Sunnah Husna in Islam.” in the word o Shaikh Saleh al-Fawzan and Shaikh Muhammad ibn al-Uthaimeen (rahimahullah)

Appendix 2: A Dialogue between Shaikh al-Albani (rahimahullah) and a proponent of Mawlid.

The Story of Khadijah (Arabic)


قال النبي : في فَضْلِ خديجَةَ: “خير نسائها مريم ابنة عمران وخير نسائها خديجة. تُمَثْلُ سِيْرَةُ السَّيدَةِ خديجَة مَصدَرَ إِلْهَامٍ كَبِيرٍ وَتَذْكِيرٍ لِلْمُؤْمِنينَ بِأَنْ تَكونَ لِحَياتِهمْ أهدافُ سامِيَة، وَفِي كُلِّ صلاةٍ عَلَينا أَنْ نَتَذَكَّرَ خديجة وآل النبي جَميعاً، وذَلكَ لِعُلُو مَكانتهم، وَلِما قَدَّمُوهُ مِن تضحياتٍ كانت سَبَبَاً لِحِفْظِ القُرآن الكريم، وَوُصُول الإسلام إلى أرجاء العالم كُلُّها. رضي الله عنهم أجمعين.

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Tolerance In Islam


This short book examines the concept of tolerance in Islam. The Arabic word that is translated in English as ‘tolerance’ encompasses a much richer meaning than the idea of putting up with something grudgingly. It conveys a reciprocal sense of generosity, forgiveness, ease and smoothness.

Unholy War: Terror In The Name Of Islam


One of the world’s leading authorities on the Islamic world answers the many troubling questions raised in the wake of the September 11 attack.

Wahhabi Islam From Revival And Reform To Global Jihad


Until September 11, 2001 few Westerners had ever heard of “Wahhabism.” Now most of us recognize the word as describing an austere and puritanical type of Islam, mentioned frequently in connection with Osama bin Laden and Saudi Arabia and often named as the inspiration behind the 9/11 terror attacks. The word “Wahhabi” stems from the name of the founder of this system of thought, Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1702-1791), companion and religious adviser to Muhammad Ibn Saud, founder of the House of Saud. In this book Natana DeLong-Bas offers an in-depth study of the written works of al-Wahhab. She focuses on four areas: theology, legal theory, proselytizing through education and jihad, and law on women. Through a close reading of al-Wahhab’s texts she demonstrates that many aspects of 20th- and 21st-century Wahhabi extremism do not have their origins in his writings. Examples of this extremism include the emphasis on jihad, martyrdom and militancy, and misogyny. The strict division of the world into dar al-Islam and dar al-kufr, according to which only Wahhabi adherents are considered to be true Muslims and all others are non-Muslims who must be fought, is entirely absent from al-Wahhab’s work. Instead, argues DeLong-Bas, all of these themes were only added to Wahhabi teachings in the 19th century following armed engagement with the Ottoman Empire. DeLong-Bas’s study fills an enormous gap in the literature about Wahhabism by returning to the original writings of the founder of the movement. She debunks the common journalistic portrayal of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab as an illiterate, rural bumpkin with no scholarly formation. Her revisionist reading of al-Wahhab’s thought will be controversial but impossible to ignore. The book will be essential reading for students and scholars of Islam as well as for those interested in the background of this dangerous modern ideology.

Witnesses Unto Mankind – The Purpose And Duty Of The Muslim Ummah (OLD COVER)


Witnesses Unto Mankind : The Purpose and Dutiy of the Muslim Ummah (Sayyid Abul A’la Mawdudi)

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