Weight | 0.5 kg |
Author | |
ISBN | 9781905837038 |
Pages | 338 |
Product Type | Book |
Binding | Paperback |
Universal Laws The Sunnah of Allah (Awakening)
RM65.00 RM58.50
This world and everything in it, including plants, inanimate things, animals, human beings, heavenly stars and all that which ensues from these existents – what relates and occurs to them – and all cosmic events, such as rainfall, wind, eruptions of volcano, the alternation of day and night, and all that which happens to man in terms of happiness and wretchedness, pre-eminence and fall, ascension and decadence, strength and weakness, continuity and collapse and the like – the existence and occurrence in the universe of all the aforementioned do not happen by chance nor at random.
Rather, all this takes place and happens according to a precise, immutable and unfaltering universal law from whose rulings nothing escapes.
This book details such universal laws and divine norms.
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