Weight | 0.250 kg |
Dimensions | 23 × 15 × 0.25 cm |
Binding | Paperback |
Pages | 37 |
Publisher | Authentic Statements |
Translator | Raha Batts |
ISBN | 9781532387913 |
Author |
The Story Of A Priest Who Embraced Islam
$6.82 $6.14
The Story of a Priest Who Embraced Islam and the Means of Goodness and Happiness in the Dunya and the Hereafter
“Imam Ibn Baz said: ‘If Islam and its beautiful characteristics were to be explained to the disbelievers they would enter into it in large crowds. One of the Indian callers mentioned to me that 1000 people had embraced Islam at his hands and he said: ‘My method is that I would sit and speak with them and I would not go beyond 15 minutes speaking about the beautiful characteristics of the religion; or a half an hour at the most and these (1000 people) had each embraced Islam.’” Ref. Explanation of the Fundamentals of Tafsir which no Exegete of the Qur’an Can Do Without
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In this book, is an explicit CLARIFICATION of the MAJOR DOUBTS raised by the proponents of Mawlid an-Nabi, including;
- Mawlid an-Nabi is honoring the Prophet.
- Mawlid an-Nabi is celebrated by a large number of people in many towns and cities
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