This slim volume presents a practical introduction to the essential beliefs, practices, and moral rectifications mentioned in the Sacred Law. The primary text is Ahmed ibn Zayn al-Habashi’s Al-Risalah al-Jami`ah which has been a popular introductory text during the last four centuries. The text is read by students in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and, recently, North America and Europe. This edition includes the Arabic text, its translation, and notes drawn from the translator’s other works. Readers of this text will learn the essential creed, acts of worship, and moral behavior that are considered personal obligations for all Muslims. They will also learn why these particular things are important. The notes are designed to equip students for personal practice and to prepare them for more advanced studies.
The Encompassing Epistle: Al Risalah Al Jami’ah Wa Al Tadhkirah Al Nafi’ah
RM55.00 RM49.50
Frequently Bought Together
Weight | 0.45 kg |
Dimensions | 22.5 × 15 × 1 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9780985884079 |
Pages | 134 |
Publisher | Islamosaic |
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Al-Jumu’ah: The Day of Congregation
In our busy lives, Friday comes around once a week. It often comes and goes without our being really aware of it. For many Muslim men, it may be punctuated by the congregational prayer that they make special efforts to attend. For many Muslim women, it may go by just like any other day. This ought not to be the case. In this unique book, Dr. Gowher Yusuf gives us reason to stop and think about how special Friday (al-Jumu‘ah) really is, and what we should be doing to achieve the many bounteous blessings it holds for those who observe it. Drawing constantly from the Qur`an and the Sunnah and the great works of the scholars of Islam, Dr. Gowher Yusuf explores this topic in depth and presents it to the reader in simple language for them to understand and ponder over. This book travels through the various issues pertaining to the Friday prayer and its Khutbah, or sermon. These issues are explained within the Islamic framework, thus abolishing any myths and misunderstandings and clarifying the topic for the reader. Dr. Yusuf writes: The day of the week known as al-Jumu‘ah, or simply Jumu‘ah, is Friday, and it is special. Compared to the other days of the week, Friday has been accorded the largest amount of merit, so much so that the father of all humankind, Prophet Âdam (peace be upon him), was created on this day and a particular prayer was ordered for this day. It was from the guidance given to Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) to magnify this day, honour it, and designate it for acts of worship. …On a Friday, we all will be gathered and will stand congregated in front of Allah, the Exalted, on the Day of Resurrection, also called the Day of Accountability or the Day of Judgement.
Fast According to the Quran & Sunnah
Saum (Fast) is a third Pillar of Islam. Allah’s Messenger said, Allah says: “Every deed of the son of Adam is for him, except Saum (fasting). It is for Me and I shall reward for it.”
As the status of this act of worship is so high it is essential to learn the pilings pertaining to this month of fasting so that Muslims will know what is obligatory in order to do it, what is forbidden to avoid it, and what is permissible so that they do not unnecessarily subject themselves to any hardship by depriving themselves from it.
This book consists of all the main issues of Fast. The main objective of this work is to serve an easy and authentic reference to the reader.
Reverence for The Salah (Maktabatulirshad Publication)
The Salah is the most crucial affair in a Muslim’s life. To preserve one’s religion, one has to observe it consistently; otherwise, one would be negligent of the Salah, let alone other acts of worship. It is the pillar of Islam, as it is soundly reported from the Prophet (May Allah elevate his rank & grant him peace). At the same time, the remaining deeds serve as the axis of support. Similarly, a tent without a pillar is useless. The Salah is the criterion for accepting all other deeds; if it is rejected [by Allah], all other deeds will be rejected. It is the first obligation ever in Islam and the last act of worship to wither. So, if one is negligent to the first and the last thing in Islam, then one will lose everything in-between.
Inadequate observance of the Salah that lacks adherence to its prescribed form in the manner performed by the Messenger of Allah (May Allah elevate his rank & grant him peace) will derail one’s religion. It will invalidate all deeds, cause misconduct in one’s religious and worldly affairs.
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (2nd Revised Edition)
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Common Mistakes Regarding Prayer – IIPH
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Zakah According to the Quran & Sunnah (Darussalam)
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Fatawa-fatawa Tentang Wanita (H/B)
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This is the Indonesian translation of Fatawa: Rulings for Muslim Woman. Acquiring knowledge of Islam is incumbent upon every Muslim – male and female – in order to live one’s life according to the commands and recommendations of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Naturally, women have some specific issues that concern them and that are different than those that concern all Muslims or only men. In this book, these rulings, or fatâwa, have been compiled from the religious verdicts of well-known and respected Islamic scholars, both past and present — Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz ibn Baz, Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Shaykh Ibn Jibreen, and the Standing Committee for Scholarly Research and Issuing Fatwas (Saudi Arabia). The rulings are derived from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The rulings were compiled in this book by Muhammad al-Musnid and translated into Indonesian/Malay by Uril Bahruddin. This book is a compendium of such rulings in a question-and-answer format, catering to the special needs of the Muslim woman. It is a concise and readily accessible reference, and an invaluable addition to the Muslim woman’s personal library.
Worship In Islam: An In-depth Study of Ibadah, Salah and Sawm (P/B)
Worship in Islam is in-depth study of the nature and significance of Islamic spirituality by Abul A‘la Mawdudi (1903–79), one of the leading Muslim intellectuals of the twentieth century, with special reference to the concepts of God’s Oneness (tawhid), the finality of Prophethood (risalah) and the Islamic system of worship (‘ibadah) with a focus upon prayer (salah) and fasting (sawm) and their role in the development of the Islamic personality and Islam’s social order. The distinguishing feature of Mawdudi’s approach is his elaboration of the social dimension of worship, which extends the traditional approach found in Islamic jurisprudence, with its focus upon ritual and self-purification, to consider worship’s transformative role in social life. Presenting a holistic view of the Islamic system, Mawdudi highlights Islam’s social, economic and political dimensions, which he argues has the capacity to resolve emergent issues and problems that humankind faces.
This historic text should be of wider interest to both students and specialists in contemporary Islamic thought, and includes an introduction by Professor Anis Ahmad.
Edited and translated into accessible English by Ahmad Imam Shafaq Hashemi, this book is an authoritative compilation by a leading Islamic twentieth-century revivalist on the central matter of worship’s role in Islam.
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“A dynamic myth-busting clarification of the real position of mainstream orthodox Islam on the whole question of violence and jihad.” —T. J. Winter, University of Cambridge
“This is the best book on the subject in English. It will be of inestimable value.” —Shaykh Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia
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Muharramat: Forbidden Matters Some People Take Lightly
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A Guide to Male-Female Interaction
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The Salah – The Prophet’s Prayer Described (H/B)
It is not possible to us to perform the Salah (Prayer) as it should be performed unless we know the detailed description of the Prayer shown by Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, such as essentials, manners, forms, supplications and remembrances. However, detailed familiarity with these aspects of the Prayer is difficult to be achieved by most people nowadays because of their limiting themselves to a particular madhhab (school of thought). In every mudhhab, there are traditions and sunnahs (Prophetic examples) which are not found in other madhhabs, and in every mudhhab there are sayings and actions which cannot be authentically traced back to the Prophet.
Many any books have been published on the Prayer of the Prophet but most are by later scholars that cater for a particular muddhab. This famous work, translated from the original Arabic Sifah Salah al-Nabi, brings together as many features of the Prophet’s Prayer from the takbir to the taslim, so that Muslims can fullfil the Prophet’s command to “pray as you see me pray”. This work is the result of an intensive research by the author on various traditions (Hadiths) and their relevance, judjed according to the strict rules of the science of Hadith.
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Remembrance & Prayer: The way of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
Remembrance and Prayer: The Way of Prophet Muhammad, was one of the first works of Shaykh al Ghazali’s to be translated into English. The book describes in vivid prose how the Prophet, upon him be peace, used to remember Allah and pray to Him. Not only are the exquisitely beautiful, deeply moving and penetrating words of the Prophet given in the English translation, but in the original Arabic as well, thus allowing those desirous of memorizing Arabic access to the original texts. The intimate relationship with Allah, which was the hallmark of the Prophet’s life, becomes clear and vivid. The book’s contents are immensely relevant. to the life and concerns of modern man, whose life has been made barren by the present secularist machinery.
Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women (H/B)
Women face a lot of special problems regarding their menses, postpartum bleeding, istihada, hijab, mixing with men, rights & duties with respect to their husband, husband’s household, children, inheritance, marriage, divorce, etc
More than 350 of such problems & issues have been answered in this book by Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Ibn Baz, and the eminent scholars like Sheikh Ibn Uthaimin, Sheikh Ibn Jibreen and others.
Islamic Rulings on Menstruation and Postpartum Condition
The birth of human being is a most amazing phenomenon. The physical cycles that the body of woman must endure in order to maintain this act of creation should be respected to the highest degree. Allah mentions that our mothers have born us with difficulty and struggle and because of this are due the highest respect. one among many of the difficulties that women must brave, are the doubts that these conditions present to the correct obervance of her religion. How is her fassting affected, how are her prayers affected, how is her ability to pursue her studies, and how are her conjugal relations affected by her ever changing physical condition in relation to her as the sole vessel of the birth of man. A really valuable publication by Darussalam for all Muslim woman to study
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