Weight | 0.75 kg |
Dimensions | 23 × 15 × 2.3 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9780955331312 |
Pages | 324 |
Publisher | The Institute of Islamic History |
The Crusades P/B
RM105.00 RM94.50
In the new narrative of history, the story of the crusades (1095-1291) has been altogether transformed. we thus hear that the Christian crusades were only a response to Muslim aggression, that the stories of crusader atrocities were exaggerated, that the Muslims acted in an equally brutal manner. We hear that legendary Muslim figures such as Salah Eddin, Zangi, Baybars,Etc, were murderous , cunning, scheming leaders and that the Mongol leaders such as Genghis Khan and Hulagu, who between them slaughtered millions of Muslims during the crusades, were great men with great vision. We are told that the Muslims always obtained their victories by fighting small forces of crusader armies and that the crusades brought great military and civilian skills to the Muslim world, and so it goes on. It is these fallacies and countless others, which are found in the new teaching and writing of crusades, that this book unravels and counters. This book also tells the full story of the crusades by relying on both Islamic and Christian sources, old and new. Whilst retaining the academic and scientific approach, it also adopts a style accessible to all.
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We and The Other
This book is a highly relevant piece of research for our turbulently chaotic world today. The heavy baggage of mutual distrust and detestation from the days of ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Spain through to the Crusades and Colonialism has left behind a fuzzy and muddled image of Islam and Muslims in the eyes of others; Muslims too, have been seeing the West as the primary cause of all their woes and vilification.
Salah Ad-Deen Al Ayubi – 3 Volumes (H/B)
The renowned contemporary Arab historian of Islam, Dr. Ali M. Sallabi has written a fascinating biography of a man who looms larger than life throughout history, yet who remains largely unknown to people outside the Arab world. Dr. Sallabi’s meticulous research has effectively filled that gap in our knowledge. His work is more than just biography, as the reader will see.
Volume One of Salah ad-Deer al-Ayubi sets the stage for the advent of the Ayubids as Dr. Sallabi describes vividly (and with his characteristic candour) the geopolitical scene upon which the first Crusades were acted out and their effects on the Muslim world in the twelfth century CE. The author discusses the events and introduces the many interesting personalities that played important parts in this real-life drama.
Volume Two of Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi discusses the establishment of the Ayubid state, mentioning the origins of Salah ad-Deen’s family, his birth and childhood; Dr. Sallabi describes the character and ethics of Salah ad-Deen: how he put an end to the Fatimid opposition and reorganised administrative affairs in Egypt; his efforts to revive the Sunnah in Egypt; his jihad against the Crusaders; his use of his literary skills in the service of Islam; and his keenness to unite the Muslim world. Theauthor discusses the events and introduces the many other interesting personalities that played important parts in this crucial period in world history.
Volume Three of Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi discusses the influencing factors and the ramifications of three crucial events in which Salah ad-Deen played the leading role. Dr. Sallabi also describes the many other interesting personalities that played important parts in this turbulent period in world history. In the words of Dr. Sallabi, “The beauty of Islam became apparent to westerners from the conduct of Salk ad-Deen in peace and in war, his respect for freedom of opinion and belief, and his adherence to lofty, humane values and the sublime teachings of Islam.”
This three-volume work has been made more useful to the reader in this English edition through the addition of a map, a timeline, a list of the dynasties of the period, and a comprehensive Glossary.
Pages: Vol 1: 467, Vol 2: 360, Vol 3: 304
Salah Ad-Din and The Crusades
You’ll find the answers to all these questions as well as lots of fascinating facts in this story of kings and peasants, conquests and losses, compassionate leaders and dishonest scoundrels…
Illustrated in colours and recommended for ages 9 and over.
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Saladin and The Fall of Jerusalem (P/B)
THIS OUTSTANDING BIOGRAPHY explores the life and deeds of the legendary warrior-monarch- Saladin. Based on a lifetime of study by Stanley Lane-Poole, who was able to access the rich and colourful chronicles of Arab historians, this should be required reading for anyone interested in the history of the Middle East and the Crusades.
STANLEY LANE-POOLE was an eminent historian who specialised in studies of the Middle East. His works included The Moors in Spain, The Art of the Saracens in Egypt and Cairo. Dr David Nicolle is an acknowledged expert on medieval military history, specialising in the Middle East.
The Precious Pearls (H/B)
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Companions Around The Prophet (H/B)
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My objective in writing, such books on the Prophet’s companions his revered wives, compilers of hadiths and great martyrs is to provide the leader and insight into their way of living to enlighten his or her heart and allow a reform to enter their lives. These companions were blessed with the Prophet’s association and occupy the highest ranks amongst human beings – after the Prophets – as a result of their righteousness.
This book is targeted for the young generation studying in schoolas, colleges and universities. I earnestly desire that the readers benefit from this book by idealizing these heroes of Islam.
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Atlas Of The Islamic Conquests (H/B)
History is a mirror of the past days and nights of nations and communities. Hence the History of Islam is not only a mirror of the fourteen centuries of the Muslim Ummah but it also signifies the best Human Civilization on the face of the earth. So a stark necessity arises to acquaint new generation of Muslim Ummah with great intellectual and political leaders and renowned personalities along with such men of achievements and valiant heroes who defeated false forces in the battle fields in order to propagate the true religion in those lands where darkness and ignorance prevailed.
“Atlas of the Islamic Conquests” has been prepared in view of the same lofty aim. In it are events of consecutive days, months & years of major Islamic Conquests, starting from the period of first Caliph Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) to the reign of Ottoman Caliph Murad 3, have been described, with full color maps and unique snaps, in such a manner that the reader goes along with them and comes across wonderful historical happenings and new secrets of History are disclosed.
Make thorough study of “Atlas of Islamic Conquests” yourself and motivate your children, kith and kins and friends to study it. This unique Atlas, having intrinsic and apparent beauty, is masterpiece of history and research and rich presentation for English readers.
Saladin Hero of Islam (P/B)
The extraordinary character and career of Saladin are the keys to understanding the Battle of Hattin, the fall of Jerusalem and the failure of the Third Crusade. He united warring Muslim lands, reconquered the bulk of Crusader states and faced Richard the Lion Heart, king of England, in one of the most famous confrontations in medieval. Geoffrey Hindley’s sympathetic and highly readable study of the life and times of this remarkable, many-sided man, who dominated the Middle East in his day, gives a fascinating insight into his achievements and into the Muslim world of his contemporaries.
The story of how Saladin rose swiftly to the heights of power in Egypt, Syria and Palestine through conquest, intrigue and opportunism makes compelling reading. As Geoffrey Hindley shows, Saladin’s exceptional gifts as a battlefields commander and a military organizer were allied to an intense singleness of purpose and a rare political skill. United under his leadership, the Muslims formed a force that the Crusaders couldn’t hope to resist. But the quality that makes Saladin stand out from the other leaders of his time is his reputation for chivalry and honourable dealing.
Greoffrey Hindley is a distinguished medieval historian who has written widely on many aspects of the period. He has made a special study of medieval warfare and of England in the Age of Caxton, Under Siege, Tourists, Travellers nd Pilgrims, The Book of Magna Carta and The Crusades. His most recent publication is A Brief History of the Anglo-Saxons.
Women In Jahiliya and Islam (P/B)
A short study dealing with the special status the woman holds in Islam as opposed to her mistreatment in Jahiliya.
A brief survey of the status of women in previous civilizations and religions,
In the pre-Islamic era (Jahiliya).
It then provides a fair evaluation of what Islam contributed towards the restoration of woman’s dignity and rights which is just as relevant in today’s modern Jahiliya as it was in the past.
1.Women in Other Civilizations.
2. Women in Pre-Islamic Jahiliya.
3.Women in Modern Jahiliya.
4. Subservience & Blind Following.
5.Integration and Comprehensiveness of Islam.
6.Women’s Position in Islam on the Idea of Creation.
7.Women’s Spiritual Status in Islam.
8.Respect for the Chastity of Women.
9.Women’s Rights in Islam Regarding Education.
Life and the Times of the Messengers (H/B)
The exact number of prophets and messengers sent by Allah is not known, but the Qur’an makes clear that all of the prophets were sent to various nations to preach Islamic monotheism. Muslims believe that all the Divine Messengers ? including those in common with Judaism and Christianity ? conveyed the same message of true monotheism and submission to the one God, Allah. Belief in these prophets and messengers is an essential part of the Islamic faith and Muslims do not differentiate between them, according them all the same respect and reverence.
Stories Of The Prophets (IIPH)
In this book, the stories of the prophets have been compiled from ‘Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah’ (The Beginning and the End) which is a great work of the famous Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir and has a prominent place in the Islamic literature. The stories of the prophets and all the events in their lives have been supported by the Qur’anic Verses and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet (S). Wherever it was necessary, other sources have also been reported for the sake of historical accounts, but on such places a comparative study has been made to prove the authenticity of the sources. Ibn Kathir has reproduced the views and interpretations of all the great exegetes of the Qur’an of his time. The systemic narratives of the Stories of the Prophets have been written in chronological order which renders a historical style to the book.
The History of Islam 3 Vol (H/B)
History stands as the most effective and valuable source of putting nation on the course of progress and prosperity and saving them from the path of disgrace and degradation.
At a time, when there is tough competition among the nations of the world to excel one another, the Muslim, despite having the most glorious history, appear to be detached and careless as regards their history.
This book presents the true Islamic events and their actual causes before the English readers because the other books in the English language found on the Islamic history have been written by such authors and compilers who did no justice in presenting the true picture of Islamic Era but their prejudice prevented them from doing so.
The Travels of Ibn Battuta (P/B)
Of the multitude of histories and and biographies of Medieval Islam there is no book more instinct with life than that of Ibn Battuta. This book provides a descriptive account of Muslim society in the second quarter of the 14th century.
The Sahabiyat (P/B)
The lives of the female companions of the Prophets SAW give us an insight inti depth and breadth of the role of women in Islam. This book contains the stories of just eight of these remarkable ladies which will uplift and inspire young Muslimahs of today.
Recommended for ages 11 and over.
The Road To Mecca (P/B)
This book is an account of the author’s adventurous journey in the Arab world, and about his ‘home-coming’ to Islam. This book is more than an autobiography, which the Times Literary Supplement calls a “narrative of great power and beauty”.
Development of Science & Technology In Islamic History (P/B)
The objectives of this book are:
1- To examine the argument that there is a contradiction between science and Islam.
2- To highlight some of the great contributionsmade by Muslims to science and technology over a period of 1000 years.
Science has never been separate from Islam. Objective study of this subject will reveal that Islamic texts – Qur’an and the Sunnah, provided a tremendous boost for study of the physical world and the laws that govern it. As a result, discoveries and inventions became the hallmarks of the Islamic civilization. Recently there has been a surge in the number of publications dealing with science and its relationship with Islam.
These books have focused on the various verses on the Qur’an that point to the physical world to prove that science is compatible with Islam. However, areas that are not covered enough for the English reader are the historical development of science and technology in the Muslim world, and the factors that led to its rise and decline. The decline has been so severe, that today’s Muslims are not even aware that their ancestors were the founding fathers of modern sciences. Just consider the common Arabic words used in the English language today like cotton, algebra, aorta, alcohol, chemistry, earth and alkaline. They are a living testimony to the pioneering work of the Muslims.
I am proud to introduce this inspiring book to our readers. It focuses on the strides made by the Muslims in various disciplines of science and technology from the early period of the Islamic State to its last days in the 20t’ century CE. The unique aspect of this book is that it sheds light on the key factors that led to the rapid advances in science and technology. Furthermore, it also analyses the reasons why Muslim World declined in this field, and last but not least, how the Muslim World can achieve the same kind of success as we already have in the past. Abdul Malik Mujahid About the Author Shabeer Ahmad, born in 1966, is a respected technologist by profession. He studied Avionics Engineering at University of London and he is currently an IT Consultant, having worked in Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America. The author has written widely on various subjects in Islam, including science, economics, politics and history.
The author is also a well respected speaker. The current book started as a lecture for a radio station in London. Given the massive interest it generated, and the little information available, the author began to research more into historical developments of science in the Muslim world. The author felt that the contributions of Muslims in this area have not been widely acknowledged, and that there is a need to counter the view that Islam is incompatible with science. The current book is a culmination of his research over the years.
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