I am not an expert on Islam, nor am I an expert on marriage. I am not a psychologist nor a marriage couselor. I am simply a Muslim woman who has learned a few things along this long and bumpy road of life. Consider me an older sister, who cares about you and only wishes to give you the best advise that she knows. It is my hope and prayer, firstly, that this book pleases Allah, the Almighty. Secondly, that it may help someone going through what can be a truly tremoulchious time in their life, or even open a dialogue about a subject that can be very difficult to talk about. Thirdly, I pray that this book is Adjar for me when I am gone. I want to thank Allah, the Almighty, for guiding me to Islam; for bringing me from the darkness into the Light! Alhumdulillah!
The Cherished Queens The Beauty of Polygamy in Islam and the Wisdom Behind It
RM50.00 RM45.00
I am not an expert on Islam, nor am I an expert on marriage. I am not a psychologist nor a marriage couselor. I am simply a Muslim woman who has learned a few things along this long and bumpy road of life. Consider me an older sister, who cares about you and only wishes to give you the best advise that she knows. It is my hope and prayer, firstly, that this book pleases Allah, the Almighty. Secondly, that it may help someone going through what can be a truly tremoulchious time in their life, or even open a dialogue about a subject that can be very difficult to talk about. Thirdly, I pray that this book is Adjar for me when I am gone. I want to thank Allah, the Almighty, for guiding me to Islam; for bringing me from the darkness into the Light! Alhumdulillah!
Frequently Bought Together
Weight | 0.50 kg |
Dimensions | 21 × 14 × 1.5 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9786039177289 |
Pages | 248 |
Publisher | Darussalam |
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In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
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