Water is the substance of life the magic elixir without which life on this planet would be impossible. The Quran not only mentions that the creation of all living things began from water, it also talks about various phenomena related to water like the sending of rainfall the layers of darkness and internal waves in the oceans the different colours of the seas , could and the barrier between fresh water and salt-water. Professor Schroeder one of the greatest oceanographers in west Germany used to say, “When science progresses, Religion must inevitably retreat”.
Scientific Miracles In The Oceans And Animals
RM77.00 RM69.30
Weight | .800 kg |
Dimensions | 24.5 × 17 × 1.4 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Hardbound |
ISBN | 9786035000413 |
Pages | 256 |
Publisher | Darussalam |
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