Weight | 0.006 kg |
Product Type | Book |
Publisher | IIPH |
ISBN | 9960-850-57-9 |
Prophet Muhammad: A Blessing for Mankind
RM9.00 RM8.10
Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and the lessons he taught us from the continued hardships he underwent in every stage of his life are a real blessing for humankind. Being an orphan child made him compassionate to widows and orphans as well as to the poor. His multiple marriages strengthened the ties of kinship amongst the different tribes, dissolving long-standing enmity. His message and prophethood were challenged by the polytheistic society in Makkah, forcing him and his few followers to emigrate to Madinah. Despite his illiteracy and the struggles he faced, he conveyed Allah’s Book, the Noble Qur’an, to all humanity, teaching them the values and principles that are presently adopted by billions of Muslims throughout the world. In the Qur’an, Allah, the Almighty addresses the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), saying: {We have sent you only as a mercy to the worlds.} (Qur’an 21: 107)
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