Weight | 0.160 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 × 0.5 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9781904336747 |
Pages | 96 |
Publisher | Dar us-Sunnah Publishers |
Patience and Perseverance (P/B)
RM50.00 RM45.00
Sulayman ibn Qasim said, “The reward of every deed is known except for patience, for Allah Almighty Said: ‘Indeed, those who endure patiently will be given their reward in full without limit.’ [Al-Zumar, 10]
The attribute of patience is less about the ability to sit tight and wait out any adversity or misfortune, and more about holding good etiquette and Islamic propriety while waiting. This includes persevering throughout the ordeal, not complaining about one’s condition (except to Allah) and recognising that Allah’s wisdom and decree necessitate holding good positive thoughts about Him.
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Excellence of Patience & Gratefulness
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