Mukhtasar Minhaj Al Qasidin (Towards the hereafter) – Al Maqdisi

RM45.00 RM40.50

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Islamic Jurisprudence According to the Four Sunni Schools is a translation of Volume I of Al-Fiqh ‘Ala al-Madhahib al-Arba’ah by the Azhari scholar Sheikh Abd al-Rahman al-Jaziri (1882-1941). Dealing with the forms of worship (Ibadat), this work offers an in-depth discussion of ritual purity (Taharah), ritual prayers (salat), including funeral prayers and the practice of visiting the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad,fasting (siyam), spiritual retreats (i’tikaf), charity (zakat), the pilgrimage to Mecca (both al-hajj and al umrah), and the offering of animal sacrifices

SKU: AC140 Category:

The life of this world is filled with many trials and tribulations. Many times, a man is faced with situations which seem to overwhelm him and he feels trapped by. Besides these big trials, he must also deal with the day to day tests that come to him throughout his daily life.

The Mumin, regardless of the problems he faces or their size, is always turning to Allah. He knows that his strength and power comes from his hope in Allah. His ability to turn directly to his Lord without any intermediary and in any situation strengthens his soul and his very being.

The believer is well pleased with his Lord for this blessed gift and always wants to put his trust in Allah. He tried his best to emulate the example of our blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) who used the most elegant language when calling on Allah. These beautiful Dua’s are the same words uttered from the lips of our beloved Prophet and our righteous predecessors, who taught us a comprehensive way to call upon our Lord.

Additional information
Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 22.5 × 15.5 × 4 cm






Maktaba Islamia

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