Weight | 0.65 kg |
Dimensions | 20 × 14 × 2.5 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Hardcover |
Pages | 228 |
Publisher | Dar Al Hadharah |
[MM] Ajmal Ma Fi Al Hayat Al Asas Bi Allah (اجمل ما في الحياة الانس بالله)
RM60.00 RM54.00
(أجمل ما في الحياة الأنس بالله) الذي ينبت النور في القلوب، ليثمر أنوارا وأقمارا ربانية تهدي صاحبها إلى باب المليك، وإلى جنة القرب من الرب الرحيم، وتظله بظلال الفكرة والعبرة، فتكون سياجا بينه وبين الشيطان ، ودربا مستقيتها ممتدا بالطاعة إلى قرب الرحمن. لقد جاءت مادة هذا الكتاب حكما من زاد الصالحين، ومن درر القول، وهي باب عظيم للتفكر، ودعوة للأوبة والتوبة، فهي نعم الزاد، يرتفع به بناء الطاعة والهدى، وتضيء القلوب بأنور الحكمة والتقى . ولقد تنوعت هذه الحكم ، فمنها ما يأخذ بيد المسلم إلى التوبة فالتوبة استشعار الوجل إلى الأجل، ولا خير في الحياة إلا لتائب أو رجل يعمل في الدرجات، فسبحان من يذنب العبد فيستحي هو منه. ومنها ما يدعو العبد إلى العمل: لا تقعدوا فراغا فإن الموت يطلبكم.
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Rekindle Your Life centres upon encouragement towards good deeds and noble characters, abstinence from sins by giving reminders in a very beautiful way about Paradise and its delight, the reality of death, turning to Allah in repentance and enlightening faith through inspired, true and wonderful stories from various aspects of life past and present.
Enjoy Your Life (B/W) – IIPH
Enjoy Your Life! Enjoy Your Life: The Art of Interpersonal Relations as Exemplified in The Prophet’s Biography is a comprehensive guide towards improving interpersonal skills and hence, enjoying life. The author, Dr. Muhammad ‘Abdur-Rahmân al-‘Areefy, writes: An enjoyable life entails learning and practicing multiple skills; the few who truly apply them savour the success that comes with it. Of course, atop the list of the successful is the chief of humanity, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). His entire life was an ocean of pearls that I have scattered throughout the pages of this book.
Enjoy Your Life! is not the product of an effort of a month or a year. Rather, it has resulted from the research that I devoted myself to for twenty years. I inscribed it with my tears, pouring my soul and squeezing my memories into it. I penned down various incidents involving the joy of our eyes – our first teacher, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). I highlighted his exceptional talents; his skills in dealing with people and enjoying his life. Enjoy Your Life! contains personal memories, real-life experiences, and incidents that I have publicised for the first time – praying that Allah, the Exalted, makes them a source of benefit for you.
Enjoy Your Life! contains words that are straight from my heart, hoping to find a place in yours. It is the dearest and most beloved of my books. I ask Allah, the Exalted, to benefit others with it, make this effort solely for His sake, and amply reward all those who have contributed to spread it.
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Rekindle Your Life (Revised) by Dr. Arifi
Rekindle Your Life centres upon encouragement towards good deeds and noble characters, abstinence from sins by giving reminders in a very beautiful way about Paradise and its delight, the reality of death, turning to Allah in repentance and enlightening faith through inspired, true and wonderful stories from various aspects of life past and present.
Enjoy Your Life (B/W) – IIPH
Enjoy Your Life! Enjoy Your Life: The Art of Interpersonal Relations as Exemplified in The Prophet’s Biography is a comprehensive guide towards improving interpersonal skills and hence, enjoying life. The author, Dr. Muhammad ‘Abdur-Rahmân al-‘Areefy, writes: An enjoyable life entails learning and practicing multiple skills; the few who truly apply them savour the success that comes with it. Of course, atop the list of the successful is the chief of humanity, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). His entire life was an ocean of pearls that I have scattered throughout the pages of this book.
Enjoy Your Life! is not the product of an effort of a month or a year. Rather, it has resulted from the research that I devoted myself to for twenty years. I inscribed it with my tears, pouring my soul and squeezing my memories into it. I penned down various incidents involving the joy of our eyes – our first teacher, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). I highlighted his exceptional talents; his skills in dealing with people and enjoying his life. Enjoy Your Life! contains personal memories, real-life experiences, and incidents that I have publicised for the first time – praying that Allah, the Exalted, makes them a source of benefit for you.
Enjoy Your Life! contains words that are straight from my heart, hoping to find a place in yours. It is the dearest and most beloved of my books. I ask Allah, the Exalted, to benefit others with it, make this effort solely for His sake, and amply reward all those who have contributed to spread it.
[MM] Madaarij As-Saalikeen – Al-Imaam Ibn Qayyeem Al-Jawziyyah (مدارج السالكين ـ الإمام ابن قيم الجوزية)
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[MM] Sharh Mandhumah Al-Ajrumiyyah – Shaykh Dawud At-Tikriti (شرح منظومة الآجرومية – داود بن سلمان التكريتي)
شرح منظومة الآجرومية لداود بن سلمان التكريتي (1360 هـ) عالم عراقيتحقيق هذا الكتاب هو في الأصل رسالة ماجستير قدمت في جامعة تكريت
Rekindle Your Life (Revised) by Dr. Arifi
Rekindle Your Life centres upon encouragement towards good deeds and noble characters, abstinence from sins by giving reminders in a very beautiful way about Paradise and its delight, the reality of death, turning to Allah in repentance and enlightening faith through inspired, true and wonderful stories from various aspects of life past and present.
Enjoy Your Life (B/W) – IIPH
Enjoy Your Life! Enjoy Your Life: The Art of Interpersonal Relations as Exemplified in The Prophet’s Biography is a comprehensive guide towards improving interpersonal skills and hence, enjoying life. The author, Dr. Muhammad ‘Abdur-Rahmân al-‘Areefy, writes: An enjoyable life entails learning and practicing multiple skills; the few who truly apply them savour the success that comes with it. Of course, atop the list of the successful is the chief of humanity, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). His entire life was an ocean of pearls that I have scattered throughout the pages of this book.
Enjoy Your Life! is not the product of an effort of a month or a year. Rather, it has resulted from the research that I devoted myself to for twenty years. I inscribed it with my tears, pouring my soul and squeezing my memories into it. I penned down various incidents involving the joy of our eyes – our first teacher, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). I highlighted his exceptional talents; his skills in dealing with people and enjoying his life. Enjoy Your Life! contains personal memories, real-life experiences, and incidents that I have publicised for the first time – praying that Allah, the Exalted, makes them a source of benefit for you.
Enjoy Your Life! contains words that are straight from my heart, hoping to find a place in yours. It is the dearest and most beloved of my books. I ask Allah, the Exalted, to benefit others with it, make this effort solely for His sake, and amply reward all those who have contributed to spread it.
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وقد جاءت هذه الطبعة لتكميل النقص الذي اعترى الطبعات الأخرى، ولمساعدة الباحثين والمتخصصين عند العودة لهذا الكتاب.
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